Detailed Syllabus- Outline, End Term Exam Guidelines, Structure, etc.

Detailed Syllabus- Outline, End Term Exam Guidelines, Structure, etc.

Detailed Syllabus- Outline, End Term Exam Guidelines, Structure, etc.


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28Lunsbury J.F. and Aldrich, F.T. 1979. Introduction to Geographic Field Methods and Techniques.Charles E. Mercill Publishing Company, Columbus.Singh L.R. and R.N. Singh.1975. Map Work and Practical Geography. Central Book Depot,Allahabad.Suggested Readings:Association of American Geographers. 1965. Field Training in Geography. Technical Paper No.1.COURSE: RESOURCE GEOGRAPHY (0614)Course Code BA/B.SC GEOG 0614Credits-4 L T P44 16 0Course TypeCore: Major & MinorLectures to be Delivered 60Course Objective: This paper aims to introduce the students to various types of resources thatare often used by human beings for betterment of their life.Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) and <strong>End</strong> Semester <strong>Exam</strong>ination System: Sameas Prescribed in Course Paper 0203Course Content and Credit SchemeUnit TopicAllotted Time(Hours)L T PI. INTRODUCTION11 4 0i. Definition, Nature and Content of Resource Geographyii. Classification of Resources with Brief Introduction toEach Typeiii. Significance of Resource GeographyII. POPULATION AND RESOURCE RELATIONSHIPS 11 4 0i. Population and Resource Base: Optimum population,Over Population and Under Populationii. Intensity of Utilisation of Resources and RegionalDisparitiesiii. Human Resource Regions of The World (<strong>Detailed</strong>Study of Two: One Each From High Developed andLess Developed World)III. SELECTED BIOTIC RESOURCES11 4 0i. Forest: Types, Pattern of Utilization, Deforestation-Causes and Effects.ii. Water Resources: Spatial Distribution of Surface Waterand Their Problemsiii. Soils: Definition, Major Soil Groups, Degradation andConservation of SoilIV. SELECTED ABIOTIC RESOURCES11 4 0i. Coal, Petroleum and Iron-ore : Production, Distributionand TradeTotal Hours 44 16 0

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