Recovery From Schizophrenia: Psychiatry And Political Economy

Recovery From Schizophrenia: Psychiatry And Political Economy

Recovery From Schizophrenia: Psychiatry And Political Economy


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SUBJECT INDEX 383disability pensions 92, 95, 250, 258, 259,260, 262, 263, 300Disability Work Allowance 258–259Disabled Persons Tax Credit 258discharge(s), from hospital 80–82;appropriate plans for life after 243;definite vocational plan at 247;deinstitutionalization and 87–88;early 85, 95, 120;to inadequate environment 236;readjustment to family life and workafter 165discrimination 138disruption 190division of labor 44, 133, 193divorce 29, 34–35, 38domestic economy, defined 2dopamine activity, in schizophrenia 20,209, 220, 220-221, 236, 237, 239–240dopamine hypothesis 20dopamine supersensitivity 209, 221–224,227–228doss houses 88, 173double-bind theory 24downward mobility 32, 48drive, lack of 5 (table)drop-in centers 288drug(s):anticonvulsant 238;antidepressant 238, 296;hallucinogenic, abuse of 16, 275;psychoses induced by 2, 148;withdrawal from 223–224, 230, 233–234;see also antipsychotic drugs;medication;substance abuse;tranquilizersdrug abuse 16, 192, 273–274, 275drug-free treatment 227, 228, 229, 230,240drug-induced psychoses 2,148drug withdrawal 223-224, 230, 233–234DSM (American Psychiatric Association’sDiagnostic and Statistical Manual):3rd edition (DSM-III) 12;4th edition (DSM-IV) 2, 12, 148dual revolution 105, 106Dublin 155, 254, 255dysphoria 236early intervention 291–292Early Psychosis Prevention andIntervention Center (EPPIC) 214earnings disregard 259–260, 300Eastern Bloc countries 94eccentricity 10echolalia 4, 5 (table)echopraxia 4, 5 (table)econometric labor-supply models 259economic booms:higher recovery rates during 74;infant mortality during 39, 41, 41–43;work stress and 43economic busts 35, 38economic depressions 34;poor outcome from schizophrenia and74, 126, 129;suicide and 35;see also Great Depression(s)economic development approach 257economic downturn(s) 39, 74, 128;recent, in Britain, deteriorated outcomefrom schizophrenia and 126economic recessions 34;men more adversely influenced by thanwomen 142;mental hospital admissions and 50, 126;suicide rates during 47economic slumps, increasing hospitaladmissions for schizophrenia during 246economic stress 39, 47, 50;and unemployment and 130–134economy, defined 2Edinburgh 173education:for the mentally ill and their relatives285, 286 (table);level of, outcome of schizophrenia and160;of public, about mental illness 292, 293Eire 207elation 3, 4electro-convulsive therapy 54, 57, 83, 149,228, 270

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