Recovery From Schizophrenia: Psychiatry And Political Economy

Recovery From Schizophrenia: Psychiatry And Political Economy

Recovery From Schizophrenia: Psychiatry And Political Economy


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342 NOTES114 Van Putten, J., Crumpton, E. and Yale, C., “Drug refusal in schizophrenia and thewish to be crazy,” Archives of General <strong>Psychiatry</strong>, 33:1443–6, 1976.115 Lamb, H.R. and Goertzel, V., “Discharged mental patients—Are they really in thecommunity?” Archives of General <strong>Psychiatry</strong>, 24:29–34, 1971; Wing, J.K., “The socialcontext of schizophrenia,” American Journal of <strong>Psychiatry</strong>, 135: 1333–9, 1978.116 Doherty, E.G., “Labeling effects in psychiatric hospitalization: A study of divergingpatterns of inpatient self-labeling processes,” Archives of General <strong>Psychiatry</strong>, 32:562–8,1975.117 Warner, R., Taylor, D., Powers, M. and Hyman, J. “Acceptance of the mental illnesslabel by psychotic patients: Effects on functioning,” American Journal ofOrthopsychiatry, 59:398–409, 1989.118 Pattison, E.M., DeFrancisco, D., Wood, P. et al., “A psychosocial kinship modelfor family therapy,” American Journal of <strong>Psychiatry</strong>, 132:1246–51, 1975; Cohen, C.I.and Sokolovsky, J., “<strong>Schizophrenia</strong> and social networks: Ex-patients in the innercity,” <strong>Schizophrenia</strong> Bulletin, 4:546–60, 1978; Pattison, E.M. and Pattison, M.L.,“Analysis of a schizophrenic psychosocial network,” <strong>Schizophrenia</strong> Bulletin, 7:135–3,1981; Lipton, F.R., Cohen, C.I., Fischer, E. and Katz, S.E., “<strong>Schizophrenia</strong>: Anetwork crisis,” <strong>Schizophrenia</strong> Bulletin, 7:144–51, 1981; Minkoff, “Map of thechronic mental patient,” p. 25.119 Lipton et al., “A network crisis.”120 Westermeyer, J. and Pattison, E.M., “Social networks and mental illness in a peasantsociety,” <strong>Schizophrenia</strong> Bulletin, 7:125–34, 1981.121 Cohen and Sokolovsky, “<strong>Schizophrenia</strong> and social networks.”122 Yarrow, M., Clausen, J. and Robbins, P., “The social meaning of mental illness,”Journal of Social Issues, 11:33–48, 1955.123 Kreisman, D.E. and Joy, V.D., “Family response to the mental illness of a relative: Areview of the literature,” <strong>Schizophrenia</strong> Bulletin, issue 10:34–57, 1974.124 Hatfield, A., “Psychosocial costs of schizophrenia to the family,” Social Work, 23:355–9, 1978, p. 358.125 Creer, C., “Living with schizophrenia,” Social Work Today, 6:2–7, 1975.126 Grinspoon, L., Courtney, P.H. and Bergen, H.M., “The usefulness of a structuredparents’ group in rehabilitation,” in M.Greenblatt, D.J.Levinson and G.L. Klerman(eds), Mental Patients in Transition: Steps in Hospital-Community Rehabilitation,Springfield, Illinois: Charles C.Thomas, 1961, p. 245.127 Maddox, S., “Profiles: Tom Hansen,” Boulder Monthly, January 1979, p. 19.128 Thompson, E.H. and Doll, W., “The burden of families coping with the mentallyill: An invisible crisis,” Family Relations, 31:379–88, 1982.129 Phelan, J.C., Bromet, E.J. and Link, B.G., “Psychiatric illness and family stigma,”<strong>Schizophrenia</strong> Bulletin, 24, 115–26, 1988.130 Brown, G.W., Birley, J.L.T. and Wing, J.K., “Influence of family life on the courseof schizophrenic disorders: A replication,” British Journal of <strong>Psychiatry</strong>, 121:241–58,1972; Vaughn, C.E. and Leff, J.P., “The influence of family and social factors on thecourse of psychiatric illness,” British Journal of <strong>Psychiatry</strong>, 129:125–37, 1976.131 Marx, K., The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, New York: InternationalPublishers, 1964; Novack, G., “The problem of alienation,” in E.Mandel andG.Novack, The Marxist Theory of Alienation, New York: Pathfinder Press, 1973, pp.53–94; Ollman, B., Alienation: Marx’s Conception of Man in Capitalist Society,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.

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