Session K.pdf - Clarkson University

Session K.pdf - Clarkson University

Session K.pdf - Clarkson University


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17th International Symposium on IceSaint Petersburg, Russia, 21-25 June 2004International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and ResearchEXPLOITING SPECIFICS OF THE HYDRAULIC ENGINEERINGSTRUCTURES OF THE WATER POWER PLANTS IN WINTERPERIODA.G.Vasilevsky 1The experience which was received for many years of the hydraulic engineeringstructures exploiting let to provide of their safety exploitation and to create the safetycomplete sets and constructions as the system of the normative base standards.80-years period of the mass building of the water power plants which is beginning fromthe GOELRO-plan we can divide in two steps.On the first step usually were constructed a not high power water power plants withderivative tape of construction which let to use the low height dams for this purpose. Someof them like Kondopojskaya water power plant in Karelia, Niva-2 water power plant on theKola peninsula and the most water power plants which are located in Caucasus region andin Central Asia. The exploitation specifics of the derivative water power plants in winterperiod connected with problems of the struggle with an ice forming inside of water and iceand shuga influence on waterways of the water power plants like: channels, water intakestructures of the water power plants, ice outlets and shuga outlets. In this time worked upthe ways of the struggle with ice and shuga for providing of capacity for work of equipmentof the water power plants which are usually were not unified into power engineeringsystems. This water power plants were enough autonomous units of the electric powersupply for their regions which made them too responsible for this purpose.The struggle with ice and shuga we can divide on active and passive ways. The activeway of the struggle was directed on preventing of the negative influence of ice andshuga on the water power plants like creation of the special complete sets ofconstructions, the heating systems and the passing regimes.The passive way including the struggle with consequences of the anchor ice damforming, the blocking up of the water conduits and the ice covering of the mechanicalequipment.On the first step (from 1920-s to 1940-s) usually was used the passive way likemodernization of the mechanical equipment which was used for liquidation of1 The B.E. Vedeneev All-Russian Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering (VNIIG), Gzhatskaya str., 21,St.Petersburg, Russia.332

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