ZAPP Circular no. 29 - DAKOSY Datenkommunikationssystem AG

ZAPP Circular no. 29 - DAKOSY Datenkommunikationssystem AG

ZAPP Circular no. 29 - DAKOSY Datenkommunikationssystem AG


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<strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong> <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>September 2011Content:• Changes in the interfaces HDS, GM01 and GPO• Update of <strong>ZAPP</strong> input rulesThe <strong>ZAPP</strong> circular <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong> provides information about changes concerning the <strong>ZAPP</strong>application, compiled and agreed by the <strong>ZAPP</strong> working group. They essentially relate tothe declaration type MIT (re-export <strong>no</strong>tification) and the information to be introduced there.The focus at the data collection will be more on the issue how the appendix 30A data,relevant for the risk analysis, has been transmitted. Please also <strong>no</strong>te the revised <strong>ZAPP</strong> inputrules, which provide support during the registration of your <strong>ZAPP</strong> application.The implementation guides for the modifications described in the following can be foundon our homepage www.dakosy.de or at www.zapp-hamburg.de.Changes in the interfaces HDS, GM01 und GPOGeneral changes:- The fields „“Note stamp“ (HDS field <strong>no</strong>. 135), Feld-Nr 135), „Value > 3000 EUR“(field 142), „GVDE (joint veterinary document for import) available“ (field 144), Jointveterinary document for import (GVDE) (field 145) and „Exempt from presenting theAKM (export control <strong>no</strong>tification) (field 149) are omitted.- The declaration is being rejected if the consignment description (field 132) onlyincludes one character.- The email address of the issuer / collector becomes a mandatory field.Changes for declaration type MIT. Please also <strong>no</strong>te the represented information range ofdeclaration type MIT, included in the annex of this circular:- The specification of the ATB <strong>no</strong>. (field 152) is required in case of presentation pointslocated outside of the freezone. The incoming data is being examined accordingly.- The field „Reference of the entry summary declaration“ (field 153) is being renamed in„Reference annex 30A-data“, since it can be used to explain with which proceeding(entry summary declaration, transit procedure or export procedure) the annex 30A-datahas been transmitted. Moreover the export declaration has been added to the list ofpossible proceedings.- The specification of the type and reference of the annex 30A-data (field 153) becomes amandatory field.<strong>DAKOSY</strong> <strong>AG</strong>, <strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong>, <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>, September 2011, Page 1 of 5

<strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong> <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>September 2011- If a reference of a cancellation procedure (masterticket <strong>no</strong>.) is being used, it must clearybe pointed out that it refers to a cancellation procedure. Herefore the correspondingcharacter „S“ must be set in the sub chapter to field 153.- The „Reasons for the exemption of the delivery of an exit summary declaration“ (field154) have been revised. Please <strong>no</strong>te the information provided in the input rules, givenbelow.- The specification of the character of the articel is being omitted for the exemptionreason „2“ (Exemption case according to article 592a character ZK-DVO). Thementioning of the exemption reason is sufficient. Moreover references (MRN from theentry summary declaration, transmission procedure or export procedure) do <strong>no</strong>t have tobe stated in the exemption reason anymore. The specification of a MRN, possibly athand, is already been given in the „Reference annex 30A-data“ (field 153).Changes for declaration type DUX:- The specification of the country of dispatch becomes optional.Update of <strong>ZAPP</strong> input rulesThe <strong>ZAPP</strong> input rules have been revised and updated at www.zapp-hamburg.de. Please<strong>no</strong>te, that they consist of two documents:- the binding input rules:http://www.dakosy.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Loesungen/Zoll/Eingaberegeln/20130104_zapp_eingaberegeln.pdf and- the document (Re-export <strong>no</strong>tifications“:http://www.dakosy.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Loesungen/Zoll/Eingaberegeln/Wiederausfuhrmitteilung_20120102.pdfFollowing items have been changed:- Carnet ATA are <strong>no</strong>w to be collected under MIT (previously SBF)- In case of a re-export of the freezone the submission of a re-export <strong>no</strong>tification(pocedure 3178) is <strong>no</strong>t necessary anymore (cf. comments under DUX, page 35, lastsection). This amendment is based on the last modification of the Foreign TradeRegulations, with which § 16b sentence 2 has been deleted.- The description to MIT has been shortened. Additional information to declaration typeMIT has been excluded into the document „Re-export <strong>no</strong>tification“.DatesFollowing dates apply for the changes, described above:<strong>DAKOSY</strong> <strong>AG</strong>, <strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong>, <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>, September 2011, Page 2 of 5

<strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong> <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>September 2011Availability in the test system: 17.10.2011Implementation in the production system: 01.12.2011<strong>DAKOSY</strong> <strong>AG</strong>, <strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong>, <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>, September 2011, Page 3 of 5

<strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong> <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>September 2011Information range of declaration type MIT (<strong>no</strong>tification)Required specification for the <strong>no</strong>tification according to article 841a section 2 ZK-DVO:Update: 22.09.2011ValueField descriptionM =MANDATORYK =OPTIONALMMMMKMMMMMMMMMMMMMPlace/ location where the goods are situated in the portName of the issuing companyName of the <strong>ZAPP</strong>-issuerPhone <strong>no</strong>. of the <strong>ZAPP</strong>-issuerFax <strong>no</strong>. of the <strong>ZAPP</strong>-issuerEmail address of the <strong>ZAPP</strong>-issuerReference of forwarding agencyPositionsConsig<strong>no</strong>rConsigneeCompany, delivering the <strong>no</strong>tificationCountry of dispatchCountry of destinationConsignment description (container <strong>no</strong>.)Number of packagesCommodity descriptionGross weightName of the vessel<strong>DAKOSY</strong> <strong>AG</strong>, <strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong>, <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>, September 2011, Page 4 of 5

<strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong> <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>September 2011ValueField descriptionM =MANDATORYK =OPTIONALMMMDate of departurePort of dispatchAnnex 30A-data has been transmitted with( ) separate entry summary declaration( ) transit declaration( ) export declaration( ) <strong>no</strong>t at hand ( has <strong>no</strong>t been required)under( ) MRN __ __ ____________ _( ) other (cancellation / fallback procedure) ____________M/KRegistration <strong>no</strong>. of the summary declaration (ATB <strong>no</strong>.) _____________________M Reason for the exemption of submitting an exit summary declaration: 1( ) Goods did <strong>no</strong>t remain in the Port of Hamburg for more than 14 days and the place ofdestination and the consignee were <strong>no</strong>t modified; entry and exit in Hamburg via vessel( ) Exemption case according to article 592a character ZK-DVO( ) Country of destination is Norway( ) Export procedure has already been completed before the arrival in Hamburg (delivery fromlandside (truck/train)), annex 30A-data is included( ) Transit declaration at hand in electronic form, annex 30A-data included in the transitdeclaration1 In dieser Darstellung können nur Stichpunkte genannt werden. Für die richtige Auswahl derBefreiungsgrundes sind weitere Kriterien zu berücksichtigen, die in der aktuellen Version des Dokuments„Ausnahmen von der Verpflichtung zur Abgabe einersummarischen Ausgangsanmeldung für über den Hafen Hamburg verladene Waren“ auf www.zapphamburg.deunter „<strong>ZAPP</strong>-Eingaberegeln“ beschrieben sind.<strong>DAKOSY</strong> <strong>AG</strong>, <strong>ZAPP</strong> <strong>Circular</strong>, <strong>no</strong>. <strong>29</strong>, September 2011, Page 5 of 5

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