10th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and ...

10th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and ... 10th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and ...


10 th ong>Symposiumong> on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring regions,Vlasina 17 to 20 June 201062

10 th ong>Symposiumong> on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring regions,Vlasina 17 to 20 June 2010Changes in qualitative composition of high vascularmacrophytes from lake OhridTalevska, M.Hydrobiological Institutemtalevska2000@yahoo.comIn this paper the changes in qualitative composition of high vascularmacrophytes from 11 localities of the littoral zone of the Lake Ohrid during a longerperiod of time are presented. The mentioned localities are: Radozda, Kalista, Struga,Grasnica, Caneo, Pristaniste, Mazija, St. Stephan, Pestani1, Pestani2 and St. Naum.In fact, a comparison has been made between our researches from the period 2006-2009, with the researches conducted by Jakovlevic in 1936. The results indicate thatthere are changes in qualitative composition of the macrophytes if compared to thoseobtained in 1936. The largest changes in qualitative composition of high vascularmacrophytes have been evidenced in the locality of Grasnica (according to ourresearches 16 species, while according to Jakovlevic - 3 species). There arerelatively large changes verified in the locality Pristaniste (our investigations yielded12 species while according to Jakovlevic – 4 species), Radozda (according to ourexaminations 12 species and according to Jakovlevic - 5 species), St. Stephan (inaccordance with our researches 6 species, while according to Jakovlevic there arenot evidenced high vascular macrophytes), Caneo (in accordance with ourresearches 10 species while according to Jakovlevic - 6 species), and St. Naum (inaccordance with our researches 12 species while according to Jakovlevic - 8species). In the other researched localities the changes in qualitative composition ofhigh vascular macrophytes are less expressed. The changes in the qualitativecomposition of the high vascular macrophytes are affected, above all, by theincreased anthropogenic influence in the Lake Ohrid during the last seven decades.Krčedinska ada - značajno područje u Podunavlju zaočuvanje diverziteta flore i vegetacijePanjković, B., Perić, R., Stojšić, V.Pokrajinski zavod za zaštitu prirode, Novi Sad, Srbijapanjkovic@zzps.rsKrčedinska ada se nalazi u plavnoj zoni reke Dunav uzvodno od Koviljskogrita (AP Vojvodina, Srbija). Od leve obale Dunava je odvojena Gardinovačkimdunavcem. Zbog povoljnog hidrološkog režima u nebranjenom pojasu obale itradicionalnog oblika korišćenja prostora-pašarenja (krave, konji) na niskim63

10 th <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Flora</strong> <strong>of</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>astern <strong>Serbia</strong> <strong>and</strong> Neighbouring regi<strong>on</strong>s,Vlasina 17 to 20 June 201062

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