10th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and ...

10th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and ...

10th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and ...


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10 th <str<strong>on</strong>g>Symposium</str<strong>on</strong>g> <strong>on</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Flora</strong> <strong>of</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>astern <strong>Serbia</strong> <strong>and</strong> Neighbouring regi<strong>on</strong>s,Vlasina 17 to 20 June 2010species <strong>of</strong> this genus are found <strong>on</strong> dry st<strong>on</strong>e, clay, limest<strong>on</strong>e <strong>and</strong> grassy slopes, inmountain steppe, in subalpine <strong>and</strong> alpine grassl<strong>and</strong>s. Linum L. – Subgen. 1. Linum.Lectotypus (Small, 1907: 67): L. usitatissimum L. Sect. 1. Adenolinum (Reichenb.)Juz. – Lectotypus (Egorova, 1996: 354): L. perenne L. Subsect. L<strong>on</strong>giunguiculataSvetlova. – Typus: L. perenne L. 1. L. austriacum L., 1753, Sp. Pl.: 278. 1a. L.austriacum subsp. austriacum. 2. L. perenne L., 1753, Sp. Pl.: 277. 3. L. komaroviiJuz., 1949, in Fl. URSS.14: 719, 112. 3а. L. komarovii subsp. boreale (Juz.) T. V.Egorova, 1996, in Fl. Vostochnoi Evropy. 9: 354. 4. L. squamulosum Rudolphi,1809, in Willd., Enum. Pl. Horti Bot. Berol.: 338. 5. L. marschallianum Juz., 1949,in Fl. URSS 14: 721, 120. 6. L. extraaxillare Kit., 1864, Linnaea 32: 573. Sect. 2.Linum. – Typus: generis lectotypus. Subsect. 1. Nervosa Optasyuk, 2006, Ukr. Bot.Zhurn. 63, 6: 813. – Typus: L. nervosum Waldst. et Kit. 7. L. nervosum Waldst. etKit., 1803-1805, Pl. Rar. Hung. 2: 109, tab. 105. 7a. L. nervosum subsp. nervosum.7b. L. nervosum subsp. jailicola (Juz.) Т. V. Еgorova, 2000, Bot. Zhurn. 85, 7: 170.Subsect. 2. Linum. – Typus: generis lectotypus. 8. L. bienne Mill., 1768, Gard. Dict.,ed. 8: № 8. 9. L. crepitans (Boenn.) Dumort., 1827, Fl. Belg.: 111. 10. L.usitatissimum L., 1753, Sp. Pl.: 277. 10a. L. usitatissimum var. usitatissimum. 10b.L. usitatissimum var. humile (Mill.) Pers., 1805, Syn. Pl. 1: 334. Subsect. 3.Gr<strong>and</strong>iflora Svetlova, 2009, Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 41: 137. – Typus: L.gr<strong>and</strong>iflorum Desf. 11. L. gr<strong>and</strong>iflorum Desf., 1800, Fl. Alt. 1: 278, tab. 78. Sect. 3.Syllinum Griseb., 1843, Spicil. Fl. Rumel. 1: 115. – Lectotypus (Еgorova, 1996:351): L. flavum L. Subsect. 1. Flava Svetlova, 2007, Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 39:220. – Тypus: L. flavum L. 12. L. flavum L., 1753, Sp. Pl.: 279. 12a. L. flavumsubsp. flavum. 12b. L. flavum subsp. basarabicum (Sǎvul. et Rayss) Svetlova, 2006,Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 38: 150. Subsect. 2. Taurica Svetlova, 2007, Novosti Sist.Vyssh. Rast. 39: 221. – Тypus: L. tauricum Willd. 13. L. linearifolium (Jávorka)Juz., 1949, in Fl. URSS 14: 133, cum auct. Jávorka. 14. L. tauricum Willd., 1809,Enum. Pl. Horti Bot. Berol.: 339. 15. L. pallasianum Schult., 1820, in Roem. etSchult., Syst. Veg. 6: 758. 16. L. сzernjajevii Klok., 1947, in Journ. Bot. Acad. Sci.Ukraine 3, 1–2: 24. 17. L. ucranicum (Griseb. ex Planch.) Czern., 1859, C<strong>on</strong>sp. Pl.Charcov: 12. 17a. L. ucranicum subsp. ucranicum. 17b. L. ucranicum subsp.uralense (Juz.) T. V. Egorova, 1996, in Fl. Vostochnoi Evropy. 9: 353. Sect. 4.Tubilinum Svetlova, 2006, Bot. Zhurn. 91, 2: 310. – Typus: L. nodiflorum L. 18. L.nodiflorum L., 1753, Sp. Pl.: 280. Sect. 5. Dasylinum (Planch.) Juz., 1949, in Fl.URSS 14: 140. – Lectotypus (Egorova, 1996: 358): L. hirsutum L. 19. L. hirsutumL., 1753, Sp. Pl.: 277. 19a. L. hirsutum subsp. hirsutum. 19b. L. hirsutum subsp.lanuginosum (Juz.) T. V. Egorova, 1996, in Fl. Vostochnoi Evropy. 9: 358. Sect. 6.Linopsis (Reichenb.) Engelm., 1852, in A. Gray, Smiths<strong>on</strong>. C<strong>on</strong>tr. Knowl. 3, 5: 25.– Lectotypus (Rogers, 1982: 230): L. quadrifolium L. 20. L. tenuifolium L., 1753,Sp. Pl.: 278. 21. L. corymbulosum Reichenb., 1832, Fl. Germ. Excurs.: 834. 22. L.trigynum L., 1753, Sp. Pl.: 279. Subgen. 2. Cathartolinum (Reichenb.) Svetlova,24

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