Foreign Trade Procedures 2008-2009 - Directorate General of ...

Foreign Trade Procedures 2008-2009 - Directorate General of ... Foreign Trade Procedures 2008-2009 - Directorate General of ...
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Description of an 4.11 An Advance Authorisation shall specify:Advance Authorisation(a) names and description of items to be imported andexported/ supplied;(b)(c)(d)quantity of each item to be imported or wherever quantitycannot be indicated, value of item shall be indicated.However, if in SION, quantity and value of individual inputsis a limiting factor, same shall be applicable.aggregate CIF value of imports; andFOB / FOR value and quantity of exports / supplies.Exports in Anticipation 4.12 Exports / supplies made from the date of EDI generated file numberof Authorisationfor an Advance Authorisation, may be accepted towards dischargeof EO. Shipping / Supply document(s) should be endorsed withFile Number or Authorisation Number to establish co-relation ofexports / supplies with Authorisation issued. The requirement ofendorsement of file number or Authorisation number on the shippingbill would be dispensed with once the EDI Data TransmissionSystem for the shipments becomes operational.If application is approved, authorisation shall be issued based oninput / output norms in force on the date of receipt of applicationby RA in proportion to provisional exports / supplies alreadymade till any amendment in norms is notified. For remainingexports, Policy / Procedures in force on authorisation issue dateshall be applicable.4.12.1 Exports / supplies made in anticipation of grant of an AdvanceAuthorisation shall be entirely on risk and responsibility of exporter.4.12.2 Conversion of duty free shipping bills to drawback shipping billsmay also be permitted by customs authorities in case applicationfor an Advance Authorisation is rejected or modified by RA.Advance Authorisation 4.13 Application for grant of Advance Authorisation or DFIA foror DFIA forIntermediate supply may be made on the basis of a tie-upIntermediate Suppliesagreement with exporter (physical / deemed) holding an AdvanceAuthorisation or DFIA. RA concerned shall consider suchrequests.Advance Authorisation or DFIA for Intermediate supply shall beissued after making Authorisation invalid for direct import of items,to be supplied by intermediate manufacturer. In such cases, a copyof the invalidation letter will be given to Authorisation holder andcopy thereof will be sent to intermediate supplier as well as RA ofintermediate supplier. Authorisation holder in such case has an60

option either to supply intermediate product to holder of AdvanceAuthorisation or DFIA or to export (physical / deemed) directly.However, once Electronic message transfer facility among the RAsbecomes fully operational, sending copy of invalidation letter /ARO to jurisdictional RA shall not be required.Facility of Advance Authorisation shall be available even in caseswhere intermediate supplier has supplied or intends to supplymaterial, subsequent to fulfilment of EO by exporter holdingAdvance Authorisation / DFIA from where invalidation letter wasissued.Advance Release Order 4.14 An application may be made to RA concerned for grant of ARO(ARO)to procure inputs from indigenous sources / STEs.4.14.1 Application shall specify:(i)(ii)name, description and quantity of items andindividual value of items to be procured. An ARO may beissued along with Advance Authorisation / DFIA orsubsequently, and its validity shall be co-terminus withvalidity of Advance Authorisation / DFIA.An ARO issued for procurement of an individual item shall beautomatically valid for procurement from one or more indigenoussources.Back to Back Inland 4.15 Exporter may alternatively avail facility of a back to back inlandLetter of Credit (L/C)letter of credit from banks. An Advance Authorisation / DFIAholder may approach a bank for opening an inland letter of credit(L/C) in favour of an indigenous supplier.4.15.1 Before opening the L/C, bank will ensure that necessary BG /LUT has been executed by Advance Authorisation / NonTransferable DFIA holder and an endorsement to that effect hasbeen made on the Authorisation.However, execution of BG / LUT shall not be required againsttransferable DFIA. After opening inland L/C, bank shall makefollowing endorsement on Exchange Control and Customs copyof Advance Authorisation / DFIA:Value of this Advance Authorisation / DFIA stands reduced by asum of Rs. ________ , being value of inland L/C No.________opened today by Authorisation holder in favour of M/s____________________ (name and address of indigenoussupplier).61

option either to supply intermediate product to holder <strong>of</strong> AdvanceAuthorisation or DFIA or to export (physical / deemed) directly.However, once Electronic message transfer facility among the RAsbecomes fully operational, sending copy <strong>of</strong> invalidation letter /ARO to jurisdictional RA shall not be required.Facility <strong>of</strong> Advance Authorisation shall be available even in caseswhere intermediate supplier has supplied or intends to supplymaterial, subsequent to fulfilment <strong>of</strong> EO by exporter holdingAdvance Authorisation / DFIA from where invalidation letter wasissued.Advance Release Order 4.14 An application may be made to RA concerned for grant <strong>of</strong> ARO(ARO)to procure inputs from indigenous sources / STEs.4.14.1 Application shall specify:(i)(ii)name, description and quantity <strong>of</strong> items andindividual value <strong>of</strong> items to be procured. An ARO may beissued along with Advance Authorisation / DFIA orsubsequently, and its validity shall be co-terminus withvalidity <strong>of</strong> Advance Authorisation / DFIA.An ARO issued for procurement <strong>of</strong> an individual item shall beautomatically valid for procurement from one or more indigenoussources.Back to Back Inland 4.15 Exporter may alternatively avail facility <strong>of</strong> a back to back inlandLetter <strong>of</strong> Credit (L/C)letter <strong>of</strong> credit from banks. An Advance Authorisation / DFIAholder may approach a bank for opening an inland letter <strong>of</strong> credit(L/C) in favour <strong>of</strong> an indigenous supplier.4.15.1 Before opening the L/C, bank will ensure that necessary BG /LUT has been executed by Advance Authorisation / NonTransferable DFIA holder and an endorsement to that effect hasbeen made on the Authorisation.However, execution <strong>of</strong> BG / LUT shall not be required againsttransferable DFIA. After opening inland L/C, bank shall makefollowing endorsement on Exchange Control and Customs copy<strong>of</strong> Advance Authorisation / DFIA:Value <strong>of</strong> this Advance Authorisation / DFIA stands reduced by asum <strong>of</strong> Rs. ________ , being value <strong>of</strong> inland L/C No.________opened today by Authorisation holder in favour <strong>of</strong> M/s____________________ (name and address <strong>of</strong> indigenoussupplier).61

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