Foreign Trade Procedures 2008-2009 - Directorate General of ...

Foreign Trade Procedures 2008-2009 - Directorate General of ... Foreign Trade Procedures 2008-2009 - Directorate General of ...
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product(s) and product diversification developmentor evaluation.(ii)(iii)Drawings, blue prints, charts, microfilms andtechnical data.Office equipment, including PABX, Fax machines,projection system, Computers, Laptop, Server.(e)(f)Spares and consumables for above items.Any other items not mentioned above with approval ofBoA.6.6.2 EOUs may import plain / studded gold / platinum or silver jewelleryfor export after repairs / remaking.Conditions of Import 6.7 Import of goods by EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP units shall besubject to following conditions:(a)(b)(c)Goods shall be imported into EOU / EHTP / STP / BTPpremises. However, agriculture and allied sectors andgranite sector units in EOU may supply / transfer capitalgoods and inputs in farm / fields / quarries with priorintimation to jurisdictional Customs / Central Exciseauthorities, provided ownership of goods rests with EOUunits. Granite sector would also be allowed to take sparesupto 5% of value of Capital Goods to quarry site.Procedure as prescribed under Customs / Excise rulesfor EOUs and units in EHTP / STP / BTP will be followedand appropriate bond executed with Customs / ExciseauthoritiesGoods, except capital goods and spares, shall be utilizedby EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP units within a period ofthree years or as may be extended by Customs authorities.However, imported tea shall be utilized within a period of6 months from date of import. Similarly, export obligationagainst import of items {covered by Chapter 9 ofITC(HS)} and coconut oil shall be fulfilled within a periodof 90 days from the date on which first importconsignment is cleared by Customs Authorities.However in case of import of spices for VA purpose likecrushing / grounding / sterlisation or for manufacture ofoils and oleoresins and not for simple cleaning, grading,re-packing etc., EO shall be fulfilled within 120 days.106

(d)(e)Goods already imported / shipped / arrived before issueof LoP / LoI are also eligible for duty free clearance underEOU / EHTP / STP / BTP scheme, provided customsduty has not been paid and goods have not been clearedfrom Customs.Consumption of inputs by the EOU / EHTP / STP / BTPunit shall be based on the Standard Input Output Norms(SION) provided that:(i)(ii)(iii)where no SION have been notified, generation ofwaste, scrap and remnants upto 2% of input quantityshall be allowed;where additional items other than those given inSION are required as inputs or where generationof waste, scrap and remnants is beyond 2% of inputquantity, use of such inputs shall be allowed by thejurisdictional Development Commissioner within aperiod of three months from the date of and basedon self-declared norms, with the unit undertaking toadjust self-declared / ad-hoc norms in accordancewith norms as finally fixed by Norms Committee inDGFT;in case of any difficulty in fixation of SION as above,Board of Approval, in consultation with NormsCommittee in DGFT, will decide on a case to casebasis.Fax machines/ 6.8.1 EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP units may install one fax machine at alaptop computersplace of its choice, outside premises of unit, subject to intimationoutside approved premisesof its location to concerned Customs / Central Excise authorities.6.8.2 EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP units may, temporarily take out ofpremises of unit, duty free laptop computers and video projectionsystems for working upon by authorized employees.6.8.3 EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP units may install personal computersnot exceeding two in number, imported / procured duty free intheir registered / administrative office subject to DoR guidelines.6.8.4 For IT and IT enabled services, persons authorized by softwareunits may access facility installed in EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP unitthrough communication links.Leasing of Capital Goods 6.9 Value of imported capital goods financed through leasingcompanies or obtained free of cost and / or on loan / lease basisshall also be taken into account for purpose of calculation of NFEas defined in FTP.107

product(s) and product diversification developmentor evaluation.(ii)(iii)Drawings, blue prints, charts, micr<strong>of</strong>ilms andtechnical data.Office equipment, including PABX, Fax machines,projection system, Computers, Laptop, Server.(e)(f)Spares and consumables for above items.Any other items not mentioned above with approval <strong>of</strong>BoA.6.6.2 EOUs may import plain / studded gold / platinum or silver jewelleryfor export after repairs / remaking.Conditions <strong>of</strong> Import 6.7 Import <strong>of</strong> goods by EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP units shall besubject to following conditions:(a)(b)(c)Goods shall be imported into EOU / EHTP / STP / BTPpremises. However, agriculture and allied sectors andgranite sector units in EOU may supply / transfer capitalgoods and inputs in farm / fields / quarries with priorintimation to jurisdictional Customs / Central Exciseauthorities, provided ownership <strong>of</strong> goods rests with EOUunits. Granite sector would also be allowed to take sparesupto 5% <strong>of</strong> value <strong>of</strong> Capital Goods to quarry site.Procedure as prescribed under Customs / Excise rulesfor EOUs and units in EHTP / STP / BTP will be followedand appropriate bond executed with Customs / ExciseauthoritiesGoods, except capital goods and spares, shall be utilizedby EOU / EHTP / STP / BTP units within a period <strong>of</strong>three years or as may be extended by Customs authorities.However, imported tea shall be utilized within a period <strong>of</strong>6 months from date <strong>of</strong> import. Similarly, export obligationagainst import <strong>of</strong> items {covered by Chapter 9 <strong>of</strong>ITC(HS)} and coconut oil shall be fulfilled within a period<strong>of</strong> 90 days from the date on which first importconsignment is cleared by Customs Authorities.However in case <strong>of</strong> import <strong>of</strong> spices for VA purpose likecrushing / grounding / sterlisation or for manufacture <strong>of</strong>oils and oleoresins and not for simple cleaning, grading,re-packing etc., EO shall be fulfilled within 120 days.106

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