Stat-403/Stat-650 : Intermediate Sampling and Experimental Design ...

Stat-403/Stat-650 : Intermediate Sampling and Experimental Design ...

Stat-403/Stat-650 : Intermediate Sampling and Experimental Design ...


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Problems With Using MicrosoftExcel for <strong>Stat</strong>isticsJonathan D. Cryer(Jon-Cryer@uiowa.edu)Department of <strong>Stat</strong>istics <strong>and</strong> Actuarial ScienceUniversity of Iowa, Iowa City, IowaJoint <strong>Stat</strong>istical MeetingsAugust 2001, Atlanta, GAIn this talk I will illustrate Excel’s serious deficienciesin five areas of basic statistics:<strong>and</strong>GraphicsHelp ScreensComputing AlgorithmsTreatment of Missing DataExample: Excel Graphics With False ThirdDimension (taken from JSE!)The vast majority of Chart types offered by Excelshould NEVER be used!Our next example shows the graph-types available aspyramid charts. None of these choices shown belowrepresent good graphs! All but the last one display falsethird dimensions. In addition they all suggest stackeddisplays that are known to be poor ways to makecomparisons.Example: Pyramid ChartsRegressionWe begin with basic graphics.Good Graphs Should:✔✔✔Portray Numerical Information VisuallyWithout DistortionContain No Distracting Elements (e.g., no falsethird dimensions nor “chartjunk”)Label Axes (Scales) <strong>and</strong> Tick MarksAppropriately✔Have a Descriptive Title <strong>and</strong>/or Caption <strong>and</strong>Legend(References: Clevel<strong>and</strong> (1993, 1994) <strong>and</strong> Tufte(1983, 1990, 1997))However, Excel meets virtually none of thesecriteria. As our first example illustrates, Excel offersfalse third dimensions on the vast majority of its graphs.(Unfortunately, this example is taken from the Journalof <strong>Stat</strong>istical Education.)(For the similar reasons, Excel’s column, cone, <strong>and</strong>cylinder charts don’t seem to have any redeemingfeatures either!)Scatterplots represent bread-<strong>and</strong>-butter graphs forvisualizing relationships between variables.Scatterplots Should Have:7✔✔✔Good Choice of AxesMeaningful LegendsNo False Third Dimensions

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