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PRESENTATION OF AWARDSDavid L. Maggard, Jr. - Chief of PoliceDavid Freedland - Deputy Chief of PoliceMeritorious Service AwardsTerrie Covarrubias, Civilian Investigator IKarie Davies, Police OfficerJohn Spencer, ArmorerDave Wills, Police OfficerSuzanne Witt, <strong>Public</strong> Safety Dispatcher IICommunity Service/Policing AwardLouis Filippelli, Reserve Police Officer IUnit Commendation AwardRecords UnitVivienne Hedgpeth, Business Services ManagerVycki Brito, Support Services SupervisorBrenda Argabright, Lead Records SpecialistSonya Mobley, Lead Records SpecialistStanley Bambridge, Records SpecialistEe-Shin Chang, Records SpecialistMaritza Ganddini, Records SpecialistKathy Hansler, Records SpecialistKelley Mayercheck, Records SpecialistCarolyn Oakley, Records SpecialistErin Shapero, Records SpecialistPhilip Taylor, Records SpecialistTerri Whitlock, Records SpecialistLaurie Librojo, <strong>Public</strong> Safety AssistantSolira Tiev, <strong>Public</strong> Safety AssistantChris Drees, Office SpecialistKaren Joe, Office SpecialistHelen Mortley, Office SpecialistWendy Soto, Office SpecialistLifesaving Awards Jon Jarrett, Police OfficerJustin Russell, School Resource OfficerRamon Lerma, Police OfficerMichael Hallinan, Police SergeantCathy Sc<strong>here</strong>r, Police SergeantMatthew Campbell, Police OfficerLuis Flores, Police OfficerMedal of Courage AwardHenry Boggs, Police Lieutenant2009 Rookie of the YearNicole Frantz2009 Civilian of the YearJodi Rahn2009 Police Officer of the YearMichael FreiBenedictionFrank Winans - Chaplain

Award Selection Process The Irvine Pol,ice Department prides itself in awarding individuals with distinction for their heroic andprofessional work ethic. After careful review of the ballots cast by their peers, the names selectedby the Awards Committee are given to the Chief of Police for final approval. Below are the criteriafor all of the awards being presented at tonight's banquet.Offi cer, Rook,ie, and Civilian of the Year~These awards consider overall performance as a career police professional andNOT one single distinguishing event of the year. Focus should be onorganizational contributions made during the current year. Specific employeetraits: teamwork, initiative, integrity, dependabBity, judgment, communityinvolvement, leadership, job knowledge, peer respect, appropriate departmentalrole model.(The Rookie of the Year is awarded to a rookie officer with two years or less onthe job.)Medal of ValorThe Medal of Valor should recognize an act of courage, w<strong>here</strong> the employee wasaware of imminent danger to himself/herself and acted above and beyond the callof duty. The situation should be of sufficient importance to justify the risks in themind of a reasonable and prudent person. The employee accomplishes theobjective or is prevented from doing so only by incurring injury or death.Medal of CourageThe Medal of Courage is conferred for acts of bravery above and beyond the callof duty which are of a lesser degree than those required for the Medal of Valor.It is an act of courage performed by an individual assuming great personal riskunder dangerous conditions associated with unusual abilay and personalinitiative while attempting to save the life of another on or off duty.

IINiBe ItI_IilE8J l!Jel!liilft_eq"A _iil,llIs CrilrerjaLifesavingThe Lifesaving Award should recognize acts undertaken resuUing in the life of aperson being sustained, thus permitting that person to be transported to amedical facility for treatment. The act need not involve bravery, however, the actnecessary, such as first aid, must have been accomplished with exceptionalcompetence. A statement from the physician attesting to the fact that the victimwould have lost his/her life but for the actions of the person involved shallaccompany the nomination.Meritorious ServiceAn act or series of acts which occur over a period of time that demonstrateoutstanding performance/service to the community or the Department, or aspecial act that required great tenacity and devotion to duty. The service that is tobe recognized involves displaying a greater call to duty than mere performanceof one's job.Community Service/PolicingThe Community Service/Policing Award should recognize the employee who, ina spirit of service, performs outstanding acts to further the betterment of thecommunity.Unit CommendationA Unit Commendation should recognize the unit with'in the Department that hasconsistently performed in an exemplary manner. The work of the unit may eitherbe directly re lated to field police work or performed in support of the mission ofthe Irvine Police Department.Star AttachmentThe silver star shown on some of the awards designates the recipient hasreceived more than one of the same award.

Terrie CovarrubiasCivilian Investigator I Terrie Covarrubias is a Civilian Investigator inthe Investigations Division assigned to theCrossroads Area.Terrie began her career in law enforcement in1997 when she was hired as a <strong>Public</strong> SafetyAssistant. During her time with the Department,she has also been assigned to the BusinessDesk.Terrie has a Bachelor of Arts degree in InteriorDesign from Cal:ifornia State University, LongBeach.Terrie is a conscientious, tenacious, and highlyskilled investigator who provides the Ihighest levelof service to our community. Terrie has receivednumerous awards for her efforts, including theLaurence Stein Award in 2008 which recognizesan investigator within the Irvine Police Departmentthat displays the highest level of performance anddedication to duty. In 2009, Terrie received theprestigious Law Enforcement I,nvestigator of theYear award, from the Southern California Chapterof the International Association of FinancialCrimes Investigators, for solving an identity theftcase with over 100 victims. The losses wereestimated at over $100,000 and the investigationled to the arrest of three suspects. Terrieconsistently goes above and beyond, ensuringthat her victims are heard and suspects are heldaccountable. It is for these reasons that Terrie wasselected for the Meritorious Service Award .

Karie Davies is currently a Spectrum TeamOfficer assigned to patrol the Irvine SpectrumCenter.Karie began her career at the Oity of Irvine in2004 as a patrol officer. She is a member of theCrisis Negotiation Team and a Terror LiaisonOfficer.Karie holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in SpeechCommunication from California State University,Long Beach.••,'tori.us -ertlire AIWiiJrlflsKarie Davies Police OfficerAs a member of the Irvine Spectrum Centerpolicing team, Karie has made numerousarrests and has organized meetings for the SafeStore Partnership and the Safe ServicePartnership. She has also worked closely withIrvine Spectrum Center security andmanagement staff to address publlic safetyissues. Karie routinely conducts Investigationsand maintains crime trends throughout the Cityand region. Karie attends meetings of theCrime Alert Network and is a memoer of theNational Association of Bunco Investigators.She has expanded her knowledge of "travelertheft groups" and created a training briefing toeducate patrol officers of their activities andtypes of fraud. In 2009, Karie was the primarycrisis negotiator in two incidents. Karie, alongwith Defective Melissa Porter, developed acrisis negotiation presentation that waspresented to the Newport Beach PoliceDepartment. Her achievements, skills, tact andenthusiasm make Karie worthy to receive theMeritorious Service Achievement Award.

.Brlta iuus fiertliiEe Awalrl!lsJohn Spencer ArmorerJohn Spencer is the Armorer for the Departmentof <strong>Public</strong> Safety assigned to the Office ofProfessional Development.John was hired as a Senior <strong>Public</strong> SafetyAssistant in 2004 and was promoted to Armorerin 2007. He has attended Irvine Valley Collegeand served his nation with distinction as amember of the United States Marine Corps from2002 to 2006. While in the Marine Corps, Johnwas a small arms repairer/technician and wastwice awarded the prestigious Marine CorpsAchievement Medal and the Expert Pistol andRifle Medals. John has completed basic andadvanced armorer courses and is certified torepair a wide variety of firearms including Glock,Ruger, Heckler & Koch, Sig Sauer, Colt andTASERJohn has quickly become an invaluable resourcefor the entire Police Department. He hasimplemented a Department-wide inventory andmaintenance system to track ammunition, weaponsystems, simunitions gear and equipment used bymembers of the Special Weapons and Tactics(SWAT) team. On a daily basis, John overseesinventories and maintains police equipment andweapon systems valued at $350,000. DuringSWAT training, John provides valuable on-sitemaintenance and equipment checks. He providesadvice to outside agencies regarding themaintenance and repair of portable air tanksystems used to protect first responders fromchemical, biological or radiological contaminants.John also assists the Office of ProfessionalDevelopment by supporting Block Training andnew officer orientation, ensuring that weaponsystems are available and ready for use. At theconclusion of firearms training John often cleansup to 20 firearms and performs repairs as needed.For these reasons, John was selected by his peersto receive a Meritorious Service Award.

Dave Wills is a Police Officer currently assignedto the Office of Professional Development.Dave was hired as a <strong>Public</strong> Safety Assistant in1989 and was promoted the following year toCustody Officer. He became a Police Officer in1992 and was assigned to work patrol. In 2001,Dave became an investigator working variousassignments including commercial andresidential burglary/fraud, <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> AutoTheft Task Force, and Special EnforcementTeam. He has many collateral assignmentssuch as firearms and baton instructor, reserveinstructor, police academy instructor, and SWATmember for the past nine years. Dave receiveda Lifesaving Award in 2001 and the Unit Award(SWAT) in 2005.While Dave has dedicated many years to qualityservice, his willingness to assume additionalresponsibilities by way of ancillary duties goesbeyond the call of duty.••,jlflflriDI.IS fi-e-6NiEeAawamsDave Wills Police OfficerAs a firearms instructor, he trains every new policeofficer during the pre-academy orientation and trainsthem again upon graduation. Dave is also a firearmsinstructor for the Community Police Academyproviding classroom and live fire instruction at therange. He provides simunitions training to officers onsafety, handgun and rifle tactics, and felony car stops.Equally as important, Dave is the Departmentinstructor in the use of batons, ballistic shields and theKoga Method, a martial arts discipline used by lawenforcement officers. While assigned to the IrvineSpectrum Center, Dave assisted in the development ofthe Safe Store Partnership, a cooperative partnershipbetween the Irvine Spectrum Policing Team and theIrvine Spectrum Center management. He developed apresentation on how to verify identification and howbusinesses can assist officers when responding tocalls for service. Dave also played an integral role inrenewing the Department's lease for use of thefirearms range operated by the Newport Beach PoliceDepartment. Dave has assumed the role as theDepartment's Range Master and has devotedcountless hours to ensure that officers receiveappropriate course instruction and firearms handling.For these reasons, Dave was selected by his peers toreceive the Meritorious Service Award.

ltIerjlfl!J,iDUS ~--'tIiEeASuzanJne Witt <strong>Public</strong> Safety Dispatcher IISuzanne Witt is a Dispatcher II assigned to theCommunications Bureau.Suzanne began her service with the Departmentof <strong>Public</strong> Safety in 1998 when she was hin~d asa Dispatcher I. She was promoted to DispatcherII in 2000. She received Unit CommendationAwards in 2003 and 2005. In September 2009,Suzanne was recognized as the Employee ofthe Quarter.Suzanne consistently handles many criticalemergency 911 calls with expertise andaccuracy. She is sensitive towards callers andcomforting to those in need. In 2009, s<strong>here</strong>ceived a call from a desperate resident whoencountered a home invasion robber at aresidence providing daycare selrvices for severalyoung chi ldren. As the suspect eventually fledthe scene, Suzanne was able to obtaininformation from the victim that was broadcast tofield units leading to the apprehension of thesuspect.In another incident, Suzanne assisted a12-year-old chi'ld who called to report that anintruder broke into his home. The suspectconfronted the child and Suzanne immediatelyinstructed the child to lock himself in a bedroom.She began to ask the child investigativequestions which allowed for a suspectdescription to be broadcast to field unitsresulting in the capture of the suspect. Theseare only two examples of the outstanding workSuzanne has performed which have led to thecapture of dangerous suspects and, moreimportantly, the protection of victims. Suzannealso assumed the lead on a project to determineprivate and public streets, which had beendelayed due to available resources. Sheworked diHgently to create a published streetslist that instantly became an important asset tothe Department. For these reasons, Suzannehas been selected by her peers to receive theMeritorious Service Award.

~1iI__IIDircg fi~-INirei",."rjD. ARarlllThe Irvine Police Department Reserve Programwas founded shortly after the Department ofPubllic Safety was established in 1975. ReservePolice Officers are volunteers who devote theirvaluable time and effort towards creating a safercommunity. They unselfishly volunteer their timeto fulfill many of the roles handled by full-timesworn police officers and receive the sametraining as full-time officers. Reserve PoliceOfficers work alongside patrol officers in the fieldand often assist in special operations andevents.Reserve Police Officer Louis Filippelli joined theIrvine Police Department in 1995 and holds aBachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice fromCalifornia State University, Fullerton. Lou is alsoskilled in the martial arts. Lou has been anautomotive mechanic for the past 40 years andresides in Costa Mesa with his wife Vivian.Louis Filippelli Reserve Po/ice OfficerAs a valued member of the Department, Louconsistently provides outstanding service and is astaple on the Friday night patrol shift. He not onlyassists his fellow officers, but he has served as arole model and positive image for other reserveofficers and police trainees. Lou often staysbeyond his shift in order to complete calls andassignments. In addition to working patrol , Louperforms a great deal of work in the OperationsSupport Division by performing vehicleinspections and collision investigations. He isalso member of the Major Accident InvestigationTeam.In the field, Lou is one of the most reliab1le backupofficers and often uses his outgoing demeanor tocalm agitated suspects and to provide a voice ofreason for troubled youth. Moreover, Lou has aunique ability to establish a positive rapport withresidents and always treats members of thecommunity with dignity and respect. Lou and hispartner work a two-person unit which oftenalleviates the need for two units responding tocalls.

Records Unit The Irvine Police Department Records Unit has been named the recipient of the Unit CommendationAward for 2009.The Records Unit plays a critical role in the Department of <strong>Public</strong> Safety and in 2009 processed over24,000 incident reports, performed 290 hours of matron duty, entered hundreds of private propertyimpounds into the database and processed thousands of report requests and related public inquires.The Records Unit also provides crime reports and citations to the courts and transmits keyinformation to crime-related databases maintaIned by the State of California and the Federalgovernment. Crucial to excellent customer service is the ability to identify and address complexissues. The Records Unit is no exception as they are known for developing creative solutionsregardless of the challenge. In 2009, the Recol"ds Unit successfully completed a comprehensiveaudit to ensure the accuracy and consistency of crime reports accessed through multiple portals by<strong>Public</strong> Safety personnel . The Records Unit also provides records training to patrol officers to givethem a better understanding of procedural changes. The Unit routinely holds orientations for newofficers and dispatchers providing them a better understanding of the Unit's functions. The RecordsUnit has a reputation for excel1lence in meeting the needs of the community, the District Attorney'sOffice, outside agencies and <strong>Public</strong> Safety personnel.For their outstanding service to the Department and the community, the members of the RecordsUnit have been selected to receive the Unit Award.The members of this unit include:Vivienne HedgpethBusiness Services ManagerVycki BritoSupport Services SupervisorBrenda Argabright Kelley Mayercheck Laurie LibrojoLead Records Specialist Records Specialist <strong>Public</strong> Safety AssistantSonya Mobley Carolyn Oakley Solira TievLead Records Specialist Records Specialist <strong>Public</strong> Safety AssistantStanley Bambridge Erin Shapero Chris DreesRecords Specialist Records Specialist Office SpecialistEe-Shin Chang Philip Taylor Karen JoeRecords Specialist Records Specialist Office SpecialistMaritza Ganddini Terri Whitlock Helen MortleyRecords Specialist Records Specialist Office SpecialistKathy HanslerRecords SpecialistWendy SotoOffice Specialist


Ljwsiil/wftlfl AlMiilmsJon Jarrett Police OfficerOn January 10, 2009, at approximately 2:05p.m., Officer Jon Jarrett was patrollingsouthbound on Bake Parkway approachingMuirlands Bo ulevard when he observed acolumn of dark smoke coming from a mobilehome in the City of Lake Forest. Jonimmediately notified Dispatch and requestedthat the <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> Sheriff's Departmentand the <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> Fire Authority respond tothe scene.Upon Jon's arrival to the location, he found thefront of a mobile home fully engulfed in flamesand was informed that t<strong>here</strong> was an elderl'Ydisabled female trapped inside. Without regardfor his personal safety, Jon ran to the rear of thehome and observed two residents attempting toassist a disabled woman whose wheelchair waswedged inside a laundry room. The home wasfilled with smoke and Jon found it extremelydifficult to breathe as the visibility was no morethan three feet. Jon bent down to assist thevictim inside the laundry room and noticed theflames were quickly burning the adjacent walland furniture. Residents attempted to controlthe fire with a fire extinguisher and rescued theowner's dog.When Jon finally reached the doorway to exit thehome, two nearby residents qu ilCkly offeredassistance to carry the victim to safety.Jon acted bravely to save the life of the womanwho would have perished if not for his actionsunder penilous conditions.

On February 5, 2009, at 8:45 a.m., School ResourceOfficer Justin Russell received a phone call from acounselor at Woodbridge High School stating theyneeded him to check on a student whom Justin hadtalked with the prior day. The counselor advisedJustin that the student had not responded wel'l to arecent meeting and was rumored to have lockedhimself in his bedroom at his grandmother's house.The student's mental health had recently declineddue to the death of his parents within the I'ast fewmonths and the school was in the process ofattempting to enroll him in an out-patient treatmentprogram.Justin responded to the home without hesitation andcontacted School Resource Officer Jose Ayala toassist him. Upon their arrival they walked through thegarage and into the residence and were met by thestudent's sister who stated she was calling 911. Shewas extremely upset and pointed to the student'sbedroom. Since the door was closed, Justin knockedand identified himself and asked the subject to openthe door.After approximately five seconds with no response,Justin attempted to open the door; however, he wasonly able to open it halfway as t<strong>here</strong> was a tableblocking the doorway. Officer Russell could see thestudent l'ying on the floor with a plastic bag pulledtightly against his face. He immediately gained entryto the room and removed the plastic bag from thevictim's head. The student's eyes were open and heeventually began to breathe in a gasping manner.Justin continued to talk to the student as Jose calledfor the <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> Fire Authority to respond to thescene. Justin discovered that the student had pulledthe bag over his head three times but each time hadbecome scared and had taken a breath. On his fourthattempt, the student felt that he lost consciousness,only remembering last being on the bed.Emergency personnel from the <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> FireAuthority arrived at the location and the student wastransported to Kaiser Permanente Hospital fortreatment and a mental health evaluation.If Justin had not immediately responded toinformation provided by the school counselor atWoodbridge High School, the student would havesuffocated.Justin Russell Police OfficerLjft!siiltIIlfLg A __rills

LjlfesaWlLg A_alf'lfl& Ramon LermaPo/ice OfficerOn Sunday, July 12, 2009, at 5:22 p.m., OfficerRamon Lerma responded to a call of a possibledrowning of a 4-year-old boy. The chlild wasplaying with friends in a community pool whenhe was found floating underneath an inner-tubewith another child sitting on top of it. A witnessjumped in the pool and pulled the boy out andplaced him on the ground.Ramon arrived on scene and discovered that theboy's pulse was faint and he was unresponsive.He immediately began cardiopulmonaryresuscitati'On and continued to do so unUI thechild was able to breath on his own. Paramedicsfrom the <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> Fire Authority arrived atthe scene and provided medical aid . The childwas then transported to Mission Hospital fortreatment.By performing in a quick and exemplary manner,Ramon's actions resulted in saving the child'slife.

On September 10, 2009, at approximately 1 :20 a.m.,Sergeant Mike Hallinan and Sergeant Cathy Sc<strong>here</strong>rwere in the Watch Commander's Office discussing threesubjects in custody who were scheduled to betransported to the <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> Jail. Cathy wasobserving one of the arrestees from a closed circuitmonitor when the suspect attempted to commit suicideby hanging himself with hlis shirt. Cathy immediatelyinformed Mike and they responded to the custody faci'lityw<strong>here</strong> they found the subject already unconscious andlying on the concrete bench.Without delay, Mike removed the shirt from thearrestee's neck, checked for a pulse and determined thearrestee was not breathing. He immediately opened thesubject's airway and asked Custody Officer Atuatasi toretrieve an Ambu Bag. Cathy began to conduct asternum rub on the subject's chest as the arresteebegan to moan and move his legs and arms. Sheperformed the sternum rub again and the arresteebegan to mumble as he was brought to a seatedposition.The <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> Fire Authority responded to thescene and transported the arrestee to KaiserPermanente Hospital for medical treatment and amental health evaluation. By responding quickly, Cathyand Mike saved the arrestee's life.Michael HallinanPolice SergeantCathy Sc<strong>here</strong>rPolice Sergeant

Lj"siilW"-8A_amsOn November 20, 2009, at approximately 4:52 a.m.,Officer Matt Campbell responded Code 3 to a report ofmedical aid; the reporting party's wife was not breathingand he was attempting cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Matt was first on scene and entered the residence to findthe subject lying face down on the floor. He was unableto locate a pulse and immediately rolled the subject onher back, at which time Officer Luis Flores arrived onscene. Luis provided chest compressions while Mattused the Ambu Bag to provide resuscitation breathing.Matthew CampbellPolice OfficerAfter providing a number of cardiopulmonaryresuscitation cycles, the officers were able to detect afaint pulse and observed the subject breathing on herown. Shortly after, the <strong>Orange</strong> <strong>County</strong> Fire Authorityarrived on scene and assumed treatment andtransported the woman to Western Medical Center forfurther treatment.Due to the quick actions of Matt and Luis, the woman'slife was saved.Luis FloresPolice Officer

Just after 2:15 a.m. on March 16, 1999, fourpatrons exited a bar and were on their wayhome when the driver of the vehicle crashed intoa concrete pillar near the intersection of TurtleRock Drive and Campus. Although the driversustained only minor injuries, two of thepassengers sustained moderate to majorinjuries and were rushed to the hospital formedical treatment. The remaining passengeralso sustained injuries and was unconscious inthe back seat of the van .Lieutenant Henry Boggs, a patrol officer withfifteen years of experience when the incidentoccurred, arrived at the scene as the van'sengine compartment and front cabin were onfire with flames threatening to engulf t<strong>here</strong>mainder of the vehicle. Without hesitation orregard for his own I,ife, Henry came to the aid ofthe unconscious victim by entering through t<strong>here</strong>ar of the van and removing the victim as theflames spread dangerously towards them.Henry Boggs Police LieutenantT<strong>here</strong> is no doubt that the immediate actions byHenry Boggs saved the victim's life, as the vanwas fully engulfed by flames in only threeminutes. If not for Henry's swift and heroicactions the consequences of the collision wouldhave been tragic. The driver, the on ly one notinjured in the col'lision , was arrested and bookedfor felony drunk driving.While going beyond the call of duty, Henrysaved a victim's life in the process and, for thisreason, he is being awarded the Medal ofCourage Award.

Nicole Frantz Police OfficerNicole Frantz is a Police Officer currentlyassigned to Patrol in the Portola Area.Nicole began her career with the Irvine Pol'iceDepartment in June 2008. While attending theRio Hondo Police Academy, Nicole received anaward for Outstanding Recruit in Arrest andControl Techniques and was the academytreasurer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree inPsychology with a Biology emphasis and Minorin Managerial Economics from the University ofCalifornia, Davis. Nicole also has a Mastersdegree in Forensic Psychology from ArgosyUniversity.Nicole continually demonstrates a high level ofinitiative and eagerness to assume newchallenges. An example of this initiative can bedemonstrated i'n a recent incident when Nicoleresponded to a complex fraud case. Instead ofreferring the incident to the Investigations Bureauto conduct necessary follow-up, she wrote herown search warrant and continued theinvestigation to its completion with the assistanceof an investigator. Nicole is deserving of Rookie ofthe Year because of her hard work, dedication andability to take charge of situations from start tofinish . Nicole's initiative, professionalism, andoverall desire to be an outstanding police officermake her a worthy recipient of the Rookie of theYear Award.

,fNI_. IiI.,ilE•• aD. £jlliJli'ifl_ .rfell. Vear Jodi Rahn Senior <strong>Public</strong> Safety AssistantJodi Rahn is a Senior <strong>Public</strong> Safety Assistant inthe Operations Support Division and is aCommunity Service Officer.Jodi began her law enforcement career with theIrvine Police Department 16 years ago as apart-time <strong>Public</strong> Safety Assistant and became aSenior <strong>Public</strong> Safety Assistant in 2004. She waspreviously assigned to the Office of ProfessionalDevelopment and Regulatory Affairs.She is a past recipient of the Community ServiceAward and Employee of the Quarter in 2007 .Jodi received a Bachelor of Arts degree inCriminal Justice from California State University,Long Beach.Jodi was selected for the Civilian of the YearAward for her ability to train and mentor newCommunity Service Officers and her continuedwork in the car seat inspection and educationprogram. Jodi has an outstanding work ethicand is a role model to her peers, consistentlyproviding the highest level of customer service .In 2009, Jodi assisted in a detailed grand theftinvestigation and, through her tenacity andattention to detail, was able to provideinvestigators with information that led to thearrest of two suspects and the discovery ofstolen property and drug paraphernalia. For allthese reasons, Jodi's peers have selected her asCivilian of the Year.

Michael Frei is a Police Officer currently assigned toPatrol in the Portola Area.In 1990, Michael began his career in law enforcementworking for a one-year period in the TechnicalServices area. He was promoted to Custody Officer in1991 and promoted the following year to PoliceOfficer. Michael's previous assignments include trafficmotors and the DARE Unit. He participated in manycollateral assignments including the Explorerprogram, Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) and ispresenUy a firearms and TASER instructor.Michael is a past recipient of the Community ServiceAward and Employee of the Quarter in 2007. Michaelpossesses Intermediate and Advanced Certificatesfrom the Commission on Peace Officer Standards andTraining and has additional training in DARE andtraffic investigat'ions. Michael attended SouthernCalifornia College and Sadldleback Valley College.Michael was chosen for the Police Officer of the YearAward because of his commitment to working withyouth, his leadership abilities and enthusiasm.Michael has established himself as a prominentmember of the DARE and Explorer programs and is arole model for our youth. As a DARE officer, Michaelworked tireless1ly to develop close ties with schooladministrators and teachers throughout the IrvineUnified School District. He has made a positiveimpact on the lives of hundreds of students. As aDARE officer he provided internet safety training forschool-age chi ldren and their parents. Michael is alsoa valued Explorer Advisor and has brought renewedenthusiasm into the program, guiding participantsthrough dozens of community events which would nothave been possible without their support. Michael alsosuccessfully managed several special projects,including planning the Woodbridge Invitational CrossCountry event from start to finish. Michaelcontin uously goes above and beyond the call of dutyand in 2009 completed a complex sexual assaultinvestigation involving extortion. The investigationwas time sensit,ive and Michael and his partnercontinued the investigation on their own time. He issomeone whom others naturally seek out forleadership, advice, problem solving and creativethinking. Simply put, Michael exemplifies the values ofthe Irvine Police Department - integrity, respect,accountabili,ty and quality service.

Michael Frei Police Officer

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