The 3in1 Card Gives You - West Sussex County Council

The 3in1 Card Gives You - West Sussex County Council The 3in1 Card Gives You - West Sussex County Council
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WELCOMEJust because it’s winter doesn’tmean you have to stay indoors!Get your <strong>3in1</strong> card out, catcha bus and visit some of thebusinesses, shops and venuesthat offer a fab discount.Check out www.your<strong>3in1</strong>.co.ukfor new discounts that are beingadded all the time. This timearound we tackle some issuesthat you have told us you wantto know more about - how tostay safe on the internet and onthe streets, where to get help ifyou have a gambling problem,and how to save money as thecredit crunch bites.<strong>The</strong>re are also loads of funfeatures - including what to wearin <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> this season andhow to get musical. Don’t forgetto enter all the competitions!contentsPg 2Pg 3Pg 4-5Pg 6Pg 7Pg 8Pg 9• ALL ABOUT <strong>3in1</strong>• WELCOME and CONTENTS• BEAT THE CREDIT CRUNCH• BORED? THIS WILL BE MUSICTO YOUR EARS• WRITERS WANTED• GIRLS GET BARBARIC• INTO THE DRAGON’S DENPg 10-11 • APPLY NOW AND MAKEA DIFFERENCE -YOUTH CABINETPg 12Pg 13• DON’T GAMBLE YOURLIFE AWAY• COMPETITIONSPg 14-15 • CALL OF THE WILDPg 16-22 • DISCOUNTSPg 23Pg 24Pg 25Pg 26• WEST SUSSEX LIBRARIES• WHAT’S HAPPENING• SURF’S UP SO BE SAFE• BECOME A ‘GREENAGER’Pg 28-29 • THE 1980s ROCKPg 31Pg 32• HELP CUT KNIFE CRIME• WIN! FABULOUSBOYZONE TICKETSPg 6Pg 26Pg 4-5Pg 14-15This publication was produced by <strong>The</strong> Communications Team and designedby <strong>The</strong> Central Graphic Design Team at <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong>. (WS033 11.08)Printed by: Bay Print, Bridge Road, Littlehampton, <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong>, BN17 5DF.3

eatTHE CREDITCRUNCHMoney’s tight at themoment so you may befeeling the pinch too.Are you wondering whatyou can do to save cash?Well look no further.Here are some tips toget you started: -1Budget - Make a list of all the moneyyou spend in a week and then seewhat you can do without, or cutdown on how much you spend!23Use the Bus - <strong>You</strong> can getdiscounts on bus fares withyour <strong>3in1</strong> card. It will helpyour mum and dad’s pocketstoo by saving on their fuelcosts!<strong>3in1</strong> Discounts - Don’tforget to use your <strong>3in1</strong> cardto get discounts in loads ofyour favourite shops, leisurecentres and even the cinema.Check this mag and visitwww.your<strong>3in1</strong> for alist of all companies offeringdiscounts.4Earn Some PocketMoney - <strong>You</strong>r parent’sfriend has a young childand needs someone tobabysit. Why don’t youoffer your services if youare old enough? It’s agreat way to earn someextra cash. Get a paperroundif you don’t fancylooking after littletearaways, or even a parttimejob in a shop. Ormaybe you can convinceyour parents to give yousome extra money if youdo chores around thehouse for them?4

Bored?This will be music to your earsOne of the biggest moans fromyoung people today is that there isnot enough to do where they live.So why not try your hand at music?<strong>The</strong>re are more than 11,000 courses,lessons, clubs, and bands, as well asfour music centres in Chichester,Crawley, Worthing and Horshamavailable through the <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong>Music Service.If the only instruments you haveever picked up are Guitar Hero onthe Xbox or the recorder in primaryschool, then fear not! <strong>The</strong> Serviceputs on free sessions, such as brassor drum lessons, so you can havea ‘taster’, and if you don’t likeit you haven’t lost any dosh. If youwant to carry on learning it willonly cost you from £17 a term to bea member of a music centre, whereyou can then have weekly instrumentor vocal lessons, or simply just hangout and watch others.<strong>You</strong> can learnalmost every instrumentinvented - from theguitar, to steel pans,to Indian bongos.This can be done at school at a reallywicked price so your parents onlyshell out peanuts. <strong>The</strong>re are alsoFREE places for some of you whoare a bit strapped. Go 4 it!<strong>The</strong> Service will also give youthe chance to join groups - whosometimes get the chance totravel, do street events andeven go abroad.If you don’t fancy playing aninstrument, you can go andwatch gigs, join in clubs andany music-related activities orjust hang out.So, no more boring evenings stuckin front of the TV. Learn somethingnew or simply make friends - theMusic Service has something for you.6 For more info call 01243 642361 or email

WRITERSWRITERSWRITERSWANTED!WANTED!WANTED!We asked you to write about food, and the entries poured in! <strong>The</strong> winner isKaty Hindson, 14, of Upper Beeding, and she wins a cool iPod Shuffle.<strong>The</strong>re were so many good entries that we chose two runners-up. <strong>The</strong>y areJonathon Deedman, 10, from Steyning, and Ellie Tait, 14, of Crawley.Some of the entries will be featured on,but here’s an extract from the winning article:Food for ThoughtWhether it’s a hearty home-cooked supper, cakes at a fancy patisserie, or a hot,oozing pizza from down the road, food is a massive part of our lives.After a missionary childhood in rural Kenya, I’ve really come to appreciate thequality of basic, good food, prepared from scratch. In an area where the peoplearound you have little or nothing to eat, the food that you have seems so precious...Now that we’re back in England, my experiences of Africa make me appreciatesimple food much more. My memories of the impoverished, hunger-stricken people,remind me to be thankful for the food I have. Seeing farmers struggling to make aliving from their businesses has spurred my family into buying Fairtrade producewhenever possible.We’re so lucky just to have three square meals a day, let alone shelves stacked withdelicacies from around the world. Basically, I think that we should all take a leaf outof the Africans’ book, and be more thankful for the wonderful food that’s on offer.WIN! an iPhone worth over £200!...Our next topic is sex education.It’s been in the news recently as the debate rages about how, when and atwhat age you should be taught about it.<strong>The</strong> details: Articles should be no more than 250 words and be your ownwork. Include your name, address, phone number and age. Closing date:23 February 2009. Send your articles to:<strong>You</strong>r Mag Writing Competition, Comms Unit, <strong>County</strong> Hall, Chichester,PO19 1RQ or email it to

Girls GetBarbaric!Love team activities andgetting muddy?Don’t mind gettingbruises or falling over?<strong>The</strong>n why not try rugby? It’s not just a boy’s game!South <strong>Sussex</strong> Barbarians have under-15s and under-18s girls’ rugby teamswho train every week.Each age group has <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> girlson the teams and they play fullcontact rugby, just like the men’sand women’s England rugby teams.<strong>The</strong> Barbarians are also trying to setup an U12 team.Yasmin Eager, 15, from Lancingplayed for the under-15s girls’rugby club. Recently, she impressedselectors with her skills at anacademy held in London. She wasone of only seven <strong>Sussex</strong> playersselected to go to the academy.She was also invited by theRugby Football Union for Women(RFUW), to train with the TalentDevelopment Group, which is anEngland under-18s training squad.She was one of the top 55 playersin the country and the youngestin her age group to attend!One of their training gameswas watched by Martin Johnson,former England captain andnow England’s manager!Although Yasmin was not selectedto join the TDG for this season, shehas been invited to train with them.So if you fancy trying out for alocal team, why not go more details of teams for girlsof all ages!8Boys, check out for a list of clubs that youcan join too!

Into theDragon’s Den<strong>You</strong>’re hired! Do you want to be a success inbusiness when you leave school?With this in mind <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong><strong>You</strong>th Cabinet is campaigning tobring in a new subject at secondaryschools that teaches you how tostart up your own business.A recent survey revealed manypeople believe schools don’t alwaysprepare you for the big wide world,and they can sometimes try andpush that the only option is to gointo further education.Although having qualifications cangive you more job opportunities,there are other options, such asapprenticeships, working abroad,and working for yourself.<strong>The</strong> <strong>You</strong>th Cabinet wants to workwith schools to set up the subject,that could be part of Personal,Social and Health Education (PSHE)classes, where top tips will be givenon how to start up your ownbusiness. Students would also haveto complete a survey to see if theywould make a good business owner.<strong>You</strong>r school may already offerenterprise workshops or thechance to run your own realcompany. <strong>The</strong>re are alsonational projects you can getinvolved in such as the <strong>You</strong>ngApprenticeship scheme, <strong>You</strong>ngEnterprise, <strong>You</strong>ngBiz, and ShellLiveWIRE (websites below.)<strong>The</strong>re may be some Alan Sugarsamong you yet!Some good websites<strong>You</strong>th Ambassador LaurenceChacksfield, said: “<strong>The</strong> projectwants to open people’s minds andpoint out that although runningyour own business is hard work,it is possible.”9

APPLY NOWAND MAKE ADIFFERENCEHave you got what it takes to make a stand and representyour peers? Are you between 11 and 19 years old?If so, you need to apply now to become a member of <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong><strong>You</strong>th Cabinet and get your opinions heard.<strong>The</strong> race is on to find newcandidates for the <strong>You</strong>th Cabinetelections, which take place from 1to 15 February. <strong>The</strong> <strong>You</strong>th Cabinetgives young people in the county avoice. With monthly meetings, thecabinet discusses a number of issuesthat affect everyday life in thecounty, including transport, sexand relationships education andimproving school councils.<strong>The</strong> Cabinet were behind getting<strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> tointroduce your <strong>3in1</strong> card, which asyou know gives discounts on buses,at dozens of retail outlets andvenues, and is also a proof of agecard. <strong>The</strong> Cabinet’s next aim is toget you better prices on trains.Last year members made threefilms, including one which wasnominated for a First Light FilmAward. <strong>The</strong>y interviewed actors,chose locations and directed andproduced the films. <strong>The</strong>y attendedan awards ceremony in LeicesterSquare, London, where they metRalph Little, Sir Ian McKellan,Kevin Spacey and the new BondGirl, Gemma Arterton. <strong>The</strong> filmscovered a range of issues andwere also a lot of fun to make.10

Don’tgambleyour lifeawayFor many young people gambling isjust a bit of harmless fun. It may meanputting spare change in a fruit machineor playing poker for pennies.But what starts out as fun canquickly turn bad. It is easy tobecome addicted to gamblingand once you are hooked it ishard to stop.A surprising number of youngpeople get addicted at anearly age.If you can answer yes to any ofthese questions you may havea problem:μ Do you stay away fromschool to gamble?μ When you run out ofmoney gambling do youfeel despair and need tostart to gamble again assoon as you can?μ Have you ever lied, stolen,or borrowed just to getmoney to gamble?μ Have you lost interest in yourfamily and just want togamble all the time?<strong>The</strong>re are some things youcan do for yourself if youthink you have a problem:μ Stay away from anywherethat you will be temptedto gamble. If your localcafé, for example, hasa fruit machine don’tgo in there - the brightflashing lights willmake you want to startspending your money.μ Ask an adult you trust tolook after your moneyso you can’t spend iton gambling.μ At times when you arelikely to be gamblingtry to arrange to dosomething else so yourmind is distracted.μ Don’t be afraid to admityou have a problem andask for help.12Need Help? Gamblers Anonymous: 02073843040

IN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN!IN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! WINWIN!WIN!WIN!In each competition there is a question to answer - and youcan find the answers somewhere in the magazine - so getreading! <strong>The</strong>re are LOADS more competitions to enter atwww.your<strong>3in1</strong>.co.ukANIMAL LOVERSLove animals? Win a year’s familymembership to Drusillas Park inAlfriston, worth £172! <strong>The</strong> passwill give up to four people freeentry to the park.More info: Name one way youcan beat the credit crunch andsave money.GREETINGS!Esparto Ltd is offering the chance towin up to 15 individual greetingcards up to the value of £25.More info: Call 0870 7662812 or goon Name two ‘green’campaigns that schoolchildren canget involved in.GREAT CDsWin one of five ‘Are we there yet?’CDs by TV’s Dave Benson PhillipsMore How old do you have tobe to get a <strong>3in1</strong> card?GET ACTIVE!Are you a fan of the outdoors?Win a lightweight walking backpackworth £35.More info: 01403 242630 or go onwww.walkandtravel.comQuestion: What is the <strong>3in1</strong>website address?BELT IT OUTWant to sing like Miley Cyrus?Win five free singing lessons inChichester, normally worth £110!More oremail When are the <strong>You</strong>thCabinet elections to be held?GIRLY PAMPERINGThose fingernails looking a bituncared for? Win a free LittlePrincess manicure at Stanford SpaLagoon in Hassocks.More What number do you ringfor info about the <strong>3in1</strong> scheme?HOW TO ENTER COMPETITIONS.1. Email SEPARATELY to for each competitionyou want to enter. Put the name of the comp in the title bar. Or send your entry to:<strong>You</strong>r Mag Comps, Comms Unit, Room 133, Chichester, <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong>, PO19 1RQ -you’ll need a stamp. Put each entry on a separate piece of paper but put themall in one envelope.2. Include your name, address, phone number, age, the answer to the question AND thename of the competition you are entering.CLOSING DATE: Monday 23 February 2009.13

CALLof theAre you wild about wildlife?WILD<strong>The</strong>n there’s no better place than<strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> if you love animals!17 JANUARY >>Bird lovers are invited to helpmake new homes for our featheredfriends in your garden. Woods Millin Henfield is holding a workshopfrom 11am to 1pm where six to11-year-olds can learn aboutdifferent species of woodlandbirds. <strong>You</strong> must have an adultwith you. Tickets for non-memberscost £4 for adults, £5 for childrenand £15 for families. For membersit is £1 less for adults and childrenand £5 less for families. Bookingessential on 01273 497561.7 FEBRUARY >>Enjoy a two-hour morning walkwith Pagham Harbour’sConservation Warden, along theReserve’s west side to ChurchNorton, and discover birds andwater animals along the way!Booking essential on 01243 641508.Children must be supervised by anadult. Be at the Visitor Centre,Selsey Road, Sidlesham at 10.15amfor 10.30am start.17 FEBRUARY >>Go to Pagham Harbour to makebird cakes and fat balls, and buildnest boxes for the Reserve and foryou to take home! This willencourage lots of different birds tocome to your garden! Childrenhave to be with an adult. Bookingessential on 01243 641508. £5 perchild for materials. Runs from10.30am to 12.30pm, meeting atthe Visitor Centre, Selsey Road,Sidlesham.17-18 FEBRUARY >>Buchan Bushcraft calls all eightto 14-year-olds to learn survivalskills at Buchan Country Park inCrawley. <strong>You</strong> will learn to buildshelters, light fires, make tools,find water, search for animals andcook food over a fire. It costs £12per person, which includes lunchand drinks. <strong>You</strong> must get parentsto sign permission slips and book tojoin the day’s activities from 10amto 3.30pm on both days. Bookingessential on 01293 542088.14

<strong>The</strong>y are‘Otterly’Gorgeous!Photo: Stephen BrayCheck out the <strong>Sussex</strong> Otters and Rivers Project’s (SORP) new website, for loads of advice about different types ofwildlife. <strong>You</strong> can also get a card to help find out which footprintsbelong to each animal.Otters almost became extinct in the 1960s. <strong>The</strong>y are now making acomeback. Interestingly, they can drink while their whole head isunderwater! <strong>The</strong> otter is one of the UK’s largest mammals and can beas long as 120cm, which is the average height of a six or seven-year-old!Otters make their homes known to other otters and animals, by leavingdroppings nearby on rocks and tree roots.15

discountsHere's a full list of discounts as we went to print at the end of December.We've done our very best to get all the details right, but we can't accept theblame if any of them are wrong. It might be a good idea to ring up to checkeverything is OK before you set out for the day!AA Driving School, Haywards Heath -07738 79764110% off ALL Music, Chichester -01243 7818445% discount off sheet music andaccessories (not including reeds), East Grinstead -01342 300162Get a fantastic 12% discount off onlinesales from Activeaqua,use code ‘3 in 1’at checkout.sales@activeaqua.comwww.activeaqua.comAlbourne Equestrian Centre -01273 83298910% off first 10 lessons(time restrictions apply) Museum, Amberley -01798 831370Half price off entry. Valid from14 Feb - 1 Nov Bowling, Worthing -0870 118 30412 games for £5 on Mondays andThursdays all day on production of the<strong>3in1</strong> card (10am until close Tue/ Wed/ Fri10am -5pm). Excluding school Jungle, Crawley -01293 61499910% off full child Ghost Experience, Arundel -01903 88982150p off all tickets for two and more.Limited to groups of six maximum.arundeldramazone@aol.comwww.arundelghostexperience.comBlue IncBrighton - 01273 772672Crawley - 01293 53554510% off all stock excluding sale Krazy, Bognor Regis -01243 86831310% discount on standard day Heath Leisure Centre,Horsham - 01403 211311Five to 16 year olds can enjoy Judo atonly £2.05 (normal price £3.65) andRockets trampolining for 10-16 yearolds at only £2.05 (normal price £3.65).Booking is, Bognor Regis - 01243 81000510% off normal day visit price. Terms &conditions apply. Contact 01243 822445for opening out www.your<strong>3in1</strong> for an up-to-date listing.

Buzby and Blue Hairdressing,Chichester - 01243 531284/01243 77880415% off all services (Monday-Thursday)with selected stylists - excluding productsales.christopher.j.friend@btinternet.combuzbyandblue.comCampaign Paintball- 01932 86599910% discount 13-16 years onlywww.campaign-paintball.comCartridge World, Haywards Heath -01444 45190010% on all refilled or compatiblecartridges. Empty cartridges mustbe provided for & Cider, Chichester -01243 77882510% off all hair & beauty treatmentsin the the upstairs Cinema at New Park -01243 79023514-19 pay child rate of £3 and5-14 pay £ Snippets, Billingshurst -01403 78467410% off (excluding dolls houseitems, ribbons, jewellery findingsand tapestry stamps) Price Driving School01903 74140810% discount for first 20hrs 17+www.drivewithcraig.comCycle Station, Worthing -01903 765353Get 10% off most cash purchases and5% off bikes and accessories purchasedwith credit or debit card.cyclestation@btinternet.comDavid O Jones & Sons, Littlehampton -01903 7131465% off non sale items on sportside only,excluding re-strings and repairs.doj@tmhcs.comDPD Coaching - 01903 7400205% off all swim lessons at all sites(group lessons only).Sites are Esporta Rustington, FourSeasons Hotel Farnham (members andprivate lessons only), CannonsChichester (members only), St AnthonysSchool Chichester, Cottesmore SchoolCrawley, Cannons Leatherhead(members only).5% off home tuition (pool must be atprivate house) Butterflies and Gardens,Chichester - 01243 512637Buy one get one free ticket Maker, Chichester -01243 78817410% off non sale items.eternalmaker@googlemail.comFancy Dress Shop, Littlehampton -07894 06916410% off throughout the and Frames, Bognor Regis -01243 829371£1 off ID photos. Only £2.49 forset of 4 passport size photosfotosandframes@onetel.comG C Paintball, Lancing -0845 338 6225£5 out www.your<strong>3in1</strong> for new discounts.17

Go Ape,0845 643 9215Alice Holt Go Ape! - SurreyBedgebury Go Ape! - Kent20% off* at Go Ape at Alice Holt(Surrey) & Bedgebury (Kent). Bookonline at using promocode AHG001 or call 0845 643 9215*Terms & conditions apply: offeravailable anytime excluding Sat &bank holidays until Oct 30 2009.Offer cannot be used in conjunctionwith any other offer. Please showyour <strong>3in1</strong> card on arrival at Go Barber Shop, 2 ManorParade, Church Street,Littlehampton - 01903 739600Get 10% off prices.giantsmarties@btinternet.comHaredown, Chichester - 01243 811976<strong>Card</strong>holder only 10% off Excl: food,equipment & group bookings.www.haredown.cominfo@haredown.comHawth <strong>The</strong>atre, Crawley - 01293 552941Various discounts available. See eventssection on the website for full details(2 tickets per cardholder) with Hypnotherapy,East Preston - 01903 77345750% discount.Herbert Sports,East Grinstead - 01342 322011Chichester - 01243 8397795-15% Nature, Chichester -01243 78488410% discount on all purchases over£, Crawley - 01293 51585810% Paintball Ltd, Faygate, NrHorsham - 01293 852131£2.50 discount off an event with anextra 100 free paintballs on top of the100 free paintballs you will alreadyreceive. Valid until March Creative Workshop,Chichester - 01243 78666916-19 yrs get 20% off wash, cut,blow dry. Exc Saturdays.simonwebster101@ntlworld.comIdentity Hair Salon, Haywards Heath -01273 84577710% discount on all services(Monday - Friday) 4 Fun0800 8600912Receive 20% off your inflatableexperience every time you presentyour <strong>3in1</strong> Leisure, Arun LeisureCentre - 01243 614999Littlehampton Swimming &Sport Centre - 01903 725451Members rate swim saving £ Hills Sports, Billingshurst -01403 78335210% off all non-sale Sports, 55 High Street, Bognor Regis- 01243 860266Make any purchase in store and receivea 10% off voucher in post.jwsports@hotmail.com18Check out www.your<strong>3in1</strong> for an up-to-date listing.

Lady2b10% off any fashion and hairaccessories. Enter code ‘you23’.info@lady2b.comwww.lady2b.comLAR Watersports, Pagham -01243 2664465% discount April - Sept, 10% discountOct - Auto Design, Crawley -01293 42740710% off selected items.mslethal@fsmail.netLick Music, Worthing - 01903 20245810% off stock with exception to printedmusic and already discounted & Sea, Littlehampton -01903 7189841/2 price exhibition offer and 10%off Café Photos - 07832 295145£70 saving on portraits in your home.Expires 28/02/09.www.magicalphotos.bizMulberry Divers Ltd, Selsey -01243 60100020% off scuba diving experience (DSD -Discover Scuba Diving) - get the cost ofthe DSD deducted from the cost ofOpen Water course if signing up within7 days of DSD. 10% off a range ofclothing, masks, Chichester - 01243 539768Free bottomless drink with anycombo, Chichester - 01243 77911110% off all non sale items.Olympos Centres (Mid <strong>Sussex</strong>)East Grinstead - 01342 328616Haywards Heath - 01444 457337Burgess Hill - 01444 876000Get twelve months for the price ofeleven. Holders of the '3-in-1' card areentitled to one months freemembership when they take out anannual Kidz or YP membership atOlympos, Worthing - 01903 23111750p off entrance fee per family ondisplay of a <strong>3in1</strong> card. Offers do notinclude 4 o’clock In <strong>The</strong> Park, Horsham -01403 219200Four to 12-year-olds can enjoyreduced swimming whenaccompanied by a full paying adult.Off peak 95p (normal price £1.85) orpeak times £1.25 (normal price £2.40) Showroom, Worthing FootballClub - 0845 094 197810% Express,Crawley - 01293 531678Haywards Heath - 01444 45662710% off total bill (Sun - Thur),one discount per party.www.pizzaexpress.comCheck out www.your<strong>3in1</strong> for new discounts.19

Pony Parties, Lower Beeding -07867 78494510% off package parties.www.pony-parties.comPooh Corner Ltd, East <strong>Sussex</strong> -01892 7704565% off retail Fun Factory, Worthing -01903 211322Buy one studio fee and get one free,saving £ View photography07595 044252£20 off a photo shoot + 9 freepassport sized photos.Expires 31/03/2009.www.pureviewphoto.comRCC Southern Ltd (,Shoreham - 07976 28374515% off bikes and accessories from ouronline store, FREE 4 day home deliveryon all bikes. Great range to choose fromat competitive prices. Discount code:THREEINONE.richard@mailorderbikes.comwww.mailorderbikes.comRebecca Cooke Singing, Chichester -01243 771974£2 off hourly rate plus 1 free lessonin Green Centre of Arts & Crafts,Bognor Regis - 01243 262059Free tea/coffee when you spend £5or more.Same Day Books, Worthing -01903 20669610% off throughout the, Chichester - 01243 83970010% off all clothing.rebecca@rebeccavalentine.comwww.urbanangelclothing.comSix Villages Sports Centre, Chichester -01243 564477Get 50% off court bookings (nonmembership admission fee may apply) Downs Bikes Ltd,Storrington - 01903 745534Angmering - 01903 770649Get 10% off all purchases includingbikes and accessories (excludes cycle hireand bike servicing). Free collection anddelivery for bike Watersports, Horsham -01403 73442410% off full Spa Lagoon, Hassocks -01273 841948Book your Princess Pamper Partybirthday event in the Luxury LagoonLounge and receive free nail polish,nibbles and non-alcoholic punch for upto six girls. Plus the birthday girl willreceive up to £20 to Turner Saxophone Lessons,Ferring - 01903 24875850% discount on first two lessons.www.steveturner.infoSteyning Bookshop, Steyning -01903 81206215% discount on items not alreadydiscounted, excluding academic books.20Check out www.your<strong>3in1</strong> for an up-to-date listing.

Subway, Worthing -01903 233654Free medium soft drink with Raze, Crawley - 01293 56180520% off for girls only,<strong>Sussex</strong> Craft Ltd, Haywards Heath -01444 45561110% off (excluding wool, sale items,gallery items and classes)<strong>The</strong> Atrium Cinema, East Grinstead -01342 32166660p off 1 small drink & 1 smallpopcorn - £3.50 (usual price £4.10)<strong>The</strong> Capitol (Cinema), Horsham -01403 750220Pay just £3.40 for a cinema ticket withproduction of your '<strong>3in1</strong>' card. Offeronly available before 6pm Monday toFriday. Offer cannot be used<strong>The</strong> Flying Fortress, Ford - 01903 733550Enjoy 10% off full priced child entry.Not to be used in conjunction withany other offer. Play times may berestricted if<strong>The</strong> Party Point, Littlehampton -01903 72188810% off throughout Teapot & Octopussy Fancy Dress01243 602999Octopussy: 10% off costumes, 15%off for parties of more than fivehired, 20% off for parties of morethan 10 hired.Tipsy Teapot: 10% off, 15% off forgroups of 5 or more, 20% off forgroups of 10 or morewww.octopussygroup.comToni & Guy Hair Salon, Chichester -01243 78748820% discount on Monday-Wednesdayaimipaulboe@btinternet.comwww.toniandguy.comTreasure Crafts, Burgess Hill -01444 2502525% off throughout the store.treasurecrafts@googlemail.comTumble Tots/Gymbobs - 01273 723511Tumble Tots offers physical activitysessions which will enhance self esteem,confidence, balance and coordination.Gymbobs - 5-7 years - energetic gymclasses using specially designedequipment. Free trail class with '<strong>3in1</strong>'card. Please ring to<strong>The</strong> Officers Club,Chichester - 01243 782463Crawley - 01293 534673Haywards Heath - 01444 441367Horsham - 01403 750186Worthing - 01903 21232810% discount on all full-price out www.your<strong>3in1</strong> for new discounts.21

UK Kayaking, Horsham - 01403 73238910% off full and Travel Ltd, Horsham -01403 242630Walk and Travel are offering a fantastic10% off all full price items on theirwebsite to young people or thosebuying for them, including head gear.This discount also applies to anyonemaking a visit to the shop byappointment in person. <strong>The</strong>re is nominimum spend. All full expert adviceon walking and travelling, gear,equipment including expert rucksackfitting for Scouts, Guides, Duke ofEdinburgh, and those going travelling -working abroad or gap year. All adviceand support is free - saving you bothtime and money to enjoy your walkingand travelling more.gareth@walkandtravel.comwww.walkandtravel.comWhizz Kids Holiday club01903 7400205% to start on all Whizz Kidsindividual's World, Hastings -01424 8939382 for 1 on entry, Worthing - 01903 82353810% off all non sale Jewellery, Worthing -01903 82352310% off all non-sale items.sales@zoojewellery.comwww.zoojewellery.comDISCLAIMER:<strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> does not support or recommend the products or services advertised nor theorganisations advertising them. Readers should satisfy themselves on the suitability of any of theseproducts or services and on the nature and standing of these organisations.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Council</strong> will not be liable for any damages or losses howsoever caused suffered byany person who relies on the information contained in this guide.22Check out www.your<strong>3in1</strong> for where to get the best deals

WEST SUSSEXLIBRARIESWant some good cheapentertainment? <strong>The</strong>n getdown to your nearest Libraryfor some cheap DVDs!One week’s star title loan will onlycost you £3, much cheaper thanbuying it in the shops. All otherDVDs are just £2 each for a week.TOP 10 DVDS27 DressesHorton Hears a WhoIncredible HulkIron ManPersepolisPricelessProm Night<strong>The</strong> MistSex and the City MovieScorpion King 2:Rise of a Warrior<strong>The</strong>re are lots of films to choosefrom - music videos, children’s,documentaries, foreign films andhistory features to name a few.<strong>You</strong> can also ask for films to bereserved for you, by poppinginto the Library or andclicking on Libraries & Archives,where you can also find outwhere your nearest Library is.LYM01/09£1 OFFANY DVDRENTALNormal price £3 for star titles £2 for allother DVDs.Did you join the library as aresult of this promotion? (please tick)YESNO<strong>You</strong>r Name:Please cut carefully along the dotted linesand visit your nearest <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> Libraryto redeem your voucher!✁Expires 28 February 2009. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. No Photo copies.23

WHAT’SHAPPENING?JANUARY 30-31: Check outRichard Harris’ play ‘SteppingOut’ at East Grinstead’sChequer Mead CommunityArts Centre. It’s about someunlucky dancers who arehoping to become brillianttappers. Starts at 7.30pm.Tickets cost £12 for adults,£11 for children. Go more details.FEBRUARY 16-20: Wonderingwhat to do for your half-termholidays? <strong>The</strong>n why not godown to Amberley WorkingMuseum where lots of funactivities will be going onthroughout the week! Foraccompanied children aged 5to 12. For more info, go,or phone 01793 831370.MARCH 8: Love clowningaround? <strong>The</strong>n watch theclown parade along BognorRegis’ seafront from 2pm.<strong>The</strong>re will be 100 clowns anda marching band startingfrom the Butlins Day Visitorentrance, then going alongthe seafront and through thetown centre, before returningto Butlins at 4pm.MARCH 13: If you like slimycreatures, then go to BuchanCountry Park in Crawley, onan evening walk searchingfor newts, frogs and toadsemerging from hibernation.£3 per person, family ticket£10 (2 adults, 2 children).<strong>The</strong> evening is from 7pm to8.30pm. Booking essential.Call 01293 542088/544120.24New sections full of events, activities, discounts and jobs

surf’s upso be safe!Surfing the web is a great way tohave fun and meet new friends.But just like surfing in the realocean you need to look out forhidden dangers. <strong>You</strong> should followa few simple rules to make sureyou stay safe.μ Keep all your passwordsprivate and never givethem to anyone.μ Some adults may claim tobe a lot younger than theyreally are. So when goinginto a chatroom don’t giveyour real name, address,age, phone number, mobilephone, or school. Never letanyone you don’t knowhave a photograph or videoof you.μ If something worries orscares you when in achatroom tell an adultimmediately. Don’t put upwith any bullying online.Save a copy of any upsettingmessages and show themto an adult.μ Never arrange to meetanyone who contacts youonline. <strong>The</strong>y might not bewho they say they are.μ Don’t enter chatrooms foradults or for anyone over18. It is very dangerous.<strong>You</strong> could also end upwith a huge phone billwithout realising whatyou are doing.μ Don’t be a cyber bully. If youstart using bad languageor insults in messages yousend others you could endup in serious trouble. <strong>You</strong>might have the internetconnection to your housetaken away by the companyproviding the service.Advice on cyber

BECOME A“Greenager”!<strong>The</strong> environment is an issue that has been closeto everyone’s hearts over the last few years.But how can you do your bit in thefight against global warming?She proposes that CO 2 emissionsfrom each journey made by carshould be calculated which can bean eye-opener to the people whodrive these vehicles, or you couldhelp reduce car journeys by usingyour <strong>3in1</strong> card and taking the bus.Chloe Simmonds, a Year 9 pupilat <strong>The</strong> Angmering School andalso a member of our <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong><strong>You</strong>th Cabinet, has some ideasabout what people her age can doto help look after the environment.Chloe, 13, likes to call peopleher age a “greenager”, whichis a shorter version for “greenteenager”.Campaigns such as anti-litteringand recycling are another of herideas. She thinks poster campaigns inschools will help to encourage peopleto recycle and be energy efficient.For more information, email the<strong>You</strong>th Cabinet believes young people shouldlearn more about the environmentat school and at home and feels allschools can and should becomeeco-schools, which means they areenvironmentally-friendly in termsof how the schools are poweredand run and in teaching greenhabits to the students.26

ADVERTISING FEATUREDo you feel you can’t keep upwith the rest of your class?Or do you feel your class isn’tkeeping up with you?Many children have additional tuition, but thebig question is always where do you go to findthe right person to help you? Kip McGrath hastrained teaching staff, and keeps groups to anaverage of four so there is individual tuitionand time for the child to proceed with the task,yet ask for help if needed.When starting with Kip McGrath you havean assessment, which helps the tutors ascertainyour level and areas they can help with. Manychildren really enjoy these classes and growso much in confidence as well as exceedingtheir academic targets. <strong>The</strong> study courses aremotivating, fun and engaging, come and seefor yourself.<strong>The</strong> centres are individually owned andrun and really have a family feel. <strong>The</strong>re arecentres all over the world and several in the<strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> region working with childrenfrom six to 16 years old.Contact:CHICHESTERCatherine McNaughton13a South PallantChichester PO19 1SUT: 01243 780776E: ShepherdAlexander House11 Queen StreetHorsham RH13 5AAT: 01403 257755E: kipmcgrathhorsham@btinternet.comRUSTINGTONEmily Holden Bsc. (Hons) P.G.C.E.Dip. Education coaching22, Churchill Parade, <strong>The</strong> Street,Rustington BN16 3DET: 01903 775300E: Taylor BSc (Hons)1 & 2 Cricketers ParadeBroadwater Street <strong>West</strong>Worthing BN14 9DBT: 01903 823

0s0ssthe19ROCK!80sGet into the 1980sspirit in <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong>.<strong>You</strong>r parents are sure to be having flashbacks (or flashdances!) as the 80sare back with a vengeance.Long before My Chemical Romance existed, Adam Ant and Boy Georgemade it cool for boys to wear eyeliner, and the cast of Fame broughtlegwarmers into fashion.<strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> has certainly caught on to 80s fever. As well as the high streetstores full of new versions of 80s clothes, fancy dress shops Party Point inLittlehampton and Octopussy in Sidlesham stock loads of funky costumes -and they both offer a <strong>3in1</strong> discount! With many bands from the erareforming and 80s theme nights, there are loads of reasons to visit the shopand dress up - why not go to your school prom as Madonna or your localkaraoke night as a member of Bros.If you own or have worn any of the following, you trulyare a follower of the 80s fashion:Girls:Leg Warmers, loads of cheap, tackybangles and luminous pixie boots.Boys:Make-up, ruffled shirts, tea-towel tassledscarves and sparkly headbands.28

<strong>The</strong>re are some 80s pastimes thatyou can take part in today aroundthe county:1.Arun Leisure Centre holds rollerdiscos on selected Saturday nightsfrom 7 - 9pm. It costs £1.50 formembers and £2 from nonmembers.Skate hire is Leisure Centre, Southwick,has roller-skating sessions on aSaturday. 5.15 - 6.30pm is forbeginners and families, and 6.30 -7.15pm is an event session. It costs£2.85 per hour or £4.60 for twohours for all non-members. If youare a member it is 60p cheaper foreach you want to learn more aboutfashion or even design a new styleof clothes, there are a number ofcourses in the county including:μ Fashion and Clothing DesignLevel 3 Btec NationalDiploma at ChichesterCollege, call 01243 786321.μ Fashion and Clothing BtecNational Diploma atNorthbrook College inWorthing, call 0845 1556060.μ Textiles - Fine Art BA (Hons)at Chichester University, call01243 816000.WINOctopussy Costumes of Sidleshamare running an exciting competitionfor aspiring fashion students. <strong>The</strong>yare developing a new businesscalled Transformationz whichinvolves recycling old clothesinto funky new fashions.To enter, you have to visit the shop,choose some clothes to transform,sketch the design and then use thesewing facilities at Octopussy tocomplete the garment.<strong>The</strong>re will be cash prizes, and theentrants will be invited to modeltheir creations at a summer ballfashion show.For more details call01243 602999, orvisit: www.octopussygroup.com29

WORRIEDABOUT KNIVES?Knife crime has been in the newsacross the UK in recent monthsand many people are concerned.In <strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong>, however, the fear outweighs the actual danger.<strong>Sussex</strong> Police figures show that from April 2007 to June 2008 there were 256knife-related offences in the whole of the county, and many of these did notinvolve young people. When you consider there are 770,000 people living in<strong>West</strong> <strong>Sussex</strong> that’s less than one offence per 1,000 people.Here’s some compelling reasons why carrying a knife is NEVER a good idea:μ People who carry a knife are more likely to be a victim - many who dieare stabbed by their own knife. <strong>The</strong>re is no safe place to stab someone.A knife in the arm or leg can kill just as easily as in the heart or stomach.μ <strong>You</strong>nger children often copy their older brothers and sisters. <strong>The</strong>ymight be tempted to stab and kill someone without realising theheartbreak it will cause their family.μ <strong>The</strong> courts send people to prison even if they are only with someoneelse who uses a knife but they don’t use one themselves.μ <strong>You</strong>ng people have killed others with knives without really meaningto. <strong>The</strong>y have to live with the tragedy both for themselves and forthe victim for the rest of their lives.Tips to stay safe on the street:μ Think ahead and plan your journey.μ Don’t walk alone at night in an area you don’t know and avoidshortcuts like alleyways and waste ground.μ Don't wear headphones. <strong>The</strong>y make you less aware of possibledangers around you.μ Avoid confrontation, walk away rather than make an argument worseor get violent.Call <strong>Sussex</strong> Police on 0845 60 70 999 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111to report someone who is carrying a knife.More advice: No to knives - and Fashion -

WIN!Boyzonetickets!This edition of <strong>You</strong>r Magis STUFFED with fabulouscompetitions for you to enter.And you can find loads moreat www.your<strong>3in1</strong>.co.ukOur headline comp for this issue is to wintwo tickets for Boyzone at thebrilliant O2 Arena in the centre of London!<strong>The</strong> stadium gig is on 22 June 2009 and the winner will get a family ticketfor four providing prestigious seats in the O2 Box, with complimentary foodand drink plus access to the O2 Lounge before and after the concert.Boyzone were one of the biggest bands of the 1990s - and after nineyears away from the Top 40, Keith, Shane, Ronan, Mikey and Stephenhave returned with a bang, heading straight into the Top Ten with‘Love <strong>You</strong> Anyway’.Now their star is ascending again as a ‘manband’ - and youcan win an unforgettable evening by answering thissimple question:Name two businesses that offer discounts to 3 in1 cardholders?See page 13 for how to

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