Optimum Upper-Completion System - Weatherford International

Optimum Upper-Completion System - Weatherford International

Optimum Upper-Completion System - Weatherford International


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Value-added expertiseBacked by <strong>Weatherford</strong>’s strong commitment to internal trainingand research and development, we align our service performanceto your business drivers. Whether the objective is safety,economics, operational efficiency or all of the above, our globalteam of completion specialists is well equipped to support yourcompletion operations.Highly trained personnel. Our efforts to provide you with valueaddedcompletion expertise begin with hiring talented engineersand support personnel, but they do not end there. We provideour completion specialists with ongoing classroom training tosupplement their field experience.Commitment to excellence. To ensure the safety of our personneland clients, we encourage a culture of excellence through ourEnterprise Excellence Process (EEP). Our EEP addresseseverything from total technical integrity assurancefor product/service delivery to continuous processimprovement in our day-to-day activities with our clients.Collaborative approach. Recognizing the important role thatcollaboration plays in the success of a project, we work closelywith your completion teams to develop a thorough understandingof your wells and objectives. We have completions engineeringteams in the Eastern and Western Hemispheres to provide morelocalized support. Also our dedicated Premium <strong>Completion</strong> Centerin Houston, Texas, serves as a global resource for our completionspecialists in the field.Project execution and management. Quality, reliability andefficiency are built in through a global network of <strong>Weatherford</strong>manufacturing and services facilities. While at the wellsite,installation success comes from the knowledge and theexperience that only an industry leader can provide. Ouroperational project management system provides the structurefor applying this experience with safety and efficiency.Research and development. With one of the strongest patentportfolios in the oilfield services industry, <strong>Weatherford</strong> is committedto enhancing existing products and to developing new ones.Our global network of R&D facilities brings you state-of-the-artcompletion technology and custom-engineered equipment. OurR&D efforts related to the <strong>Optimum</strong> upper-completion system areongoing, and we look forward to unveiling new design features asthey materialize.6 © 2011-2012 <strong>Weatherford</strong>. All rights reserved.

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