ASSC 2013-2014 Elections Packet - Skyline College

ASSC 2013-2014 Elections Packet - Skyline College

ASSC 2013-2014 Elections Packet - Skyline College


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Associated Students of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong>CANDIDATE PACKETReturn completed packet to:Center for Student Life and Leadership DevelopmentBuilding 6, Room 6212, before4:00pmTHURSDAY April 11, <strong>2013</strong>Call 650.738.4426 if you have any questions.

Associated Students of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong>CANDIDATE PACKETELECTION CALENDARMonday, March 18Monday, March 18-Wednesday, April 10Thursday, April 11Monday, April 16-Friday, April 19Tuesday, April 16Monday, April 22-Friday, April 26Monday, April 29Applications Go Live!Where: http://tinyurl.com/<strong>ASSC</strong>Elect13What: Download your application, & begin to fill it out completely.Work on App&Mandatory <strong>ASSC</strong> MeetingWhat: Come to a mandatory <strong>ASSC</strong> Meeting any Tuesday beforeApril 9th from 4-6pm and meet the current board, get information,and receive a copy of the agenda to put with your packet.Where: In Building 6, Room 6212, at the Center for Student Lifeand Leadership DevelopmentCompleted Application DueWhen: Before 4pmWhere: In Building 6, Room 6212, at the Center for Student Lifeand Leadership DevelopmentCampaigningWhat: Get out there and get your votes!Don’t forget to check out the Campaigning Rules Page athttp://tinyurl.com/<strong>ASSC</strong>Elect13Presidential DebateWhen: 11am-12pmWhere: In Building 4, Room 4271What: For Presidential Candidates to talk about their campaign infront of the student populationVoting HappensWhen: 24 hours long available onlineWhere: Voting Website Publicized onhttp://tinyurl.com/<strong>ASSC</strong>Elect13Election Results PostedWhere: Election Results Publicized onhttp://tinyurl.com/<strong>ASSC</strong>Elect13Interested in the Student Trustee Position?Your dates are as follows: <strong>Packet</strong> due March 29, Voting April8th-9th, Position Announced April 10th( To see the full calendar you can go to www.skylinecollege.edu/studentgovernment/calendar.php )

Associated Students of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong>CANDIDATE PACKETCANDIDATE CHECKLISTIn order for my application to be considered, I understand my candidate packet must contain all of the following:Candidate Information PageNomination PetitionCandidate’s Statement (printed copy with packet)Candidate’s Statement (emailed to maggim@smccd.edu)Appropriate picture of yourself (emailed to maggim@smccd.edu)A photo-copy of your <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> Body CardA copy of the <strong>ASSC</strong> Meeting Agenda You Attended(If a class conflicts during the Tuesday, 4-6pm time, pleaseattach a copy of your class schedule from Websmart instead)A signed copy of the Statement of UnderstandingVerified by the Center for Student Life and LeadershipDevelopment Office Staff:NamePlease Date Stamp Here( For full information about <strong>ASSC</strong>, please go to tinyurl.com/<strong>ASSC</strong>Elect13)

Associated Students of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong>CANDIDATE PACKETStatement of UnderstandingI understand that if I am elected as an <strong>ASSC</strong> Member, I must:Enroll and participate in a Student Government ClassAttend <strong>ASSC</strong> meetings Tuesdays 4-6pmBe available for a leadership retreat within the last weeks of July and/or first weekends ofFall/Spring SemesterMeet the following <strong>ASSC</strong> Constitution RequirementsRequirements of a Candidate running for office1. Must submit a Candidate Eligibility Form, a Nomination Petition containing a minimum of25 signatures of students of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>, a printed Candidate's statement, an electronicCandidate’s statement and picture emailed, a copy of your current <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> StudentBody card, a copy of the agenda from the <strong>ASSC</strong> Student Governing Meeting or statementof academic conflict with a copy of your current schedule printed from WebSMART at least7 days prior to the election date.2. Hold a current <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> student body card.3. Upon filing to run for an office you must have a minimum accumulative GPA of 2.05 tohold a Senator position and 2.25 to hold an Executive Council positions. Candidates must beverified to be in good standing at the college.4. Be enrolled in at least six units at the time of assuming office.5. Must have read and have a working knowledge of the A.S.S.C. Constitution and BylawsCodes.6. Must attend and observe at least one A.S.S.C. Governing Council meeting prior to election.7. A candidate running for the office of President or Vice President must meet the followingrequirements: Successful completion of 8 units of college level courses.g. (Accumulative of GPA 2.25)8. Must also maintain “satisfactory progress” defined as 50% or higher completion rate.Additional Requirements of a Candidate running for <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>’sStudent Trustee Nomination1. Be currently enrolled in a minimum of six units at <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>.2. Maintain a 2.0 G.P.A.3. Be knowledgeable of the Student Trustee election process and procedures, District Rules &Regulations Section 1.05.“I have picked up a complete <strong>ASSC</strong> Election <strong>Packet</strong> from the Center for Student Life & Leadership Development andwill carefully read all of the material and election rules contained in this packet. I agree to follow the guidelines in thepacket, and understand that I am subject to disqualification as a candidate upon failure to comply with any or all of thesecampaign guidelines for falsifying any information in this candidate application. I also agree to abide by any additionalrulings the Election Board and the Coordinator of Student Activities may deem necessary to insure the fairness of thiselection.”Date: ______________________________________________________________Signature of Candidate: ________________________________________________

Associated Students of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong>CANDIDATE PACKETNOMINATION PETITIONFOR THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF SKYLINE COLLEGESTUDENT GOVERNING COUNCIL POSITIONWe, the undersign, are current registered student of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong> and therefore members of theAssociated Students of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>, and hereby nominate ______________________________(Candidate Name)as a candidate for the <strong>ASSC</strong> Governing Council __________________________________.Print Name(Office the Candidate is running for)Top Campus Concern or Issue1. ___________________________________ __________________________________2. __________________________________ __________________________________3. ___________________________________ __________________________________4. __________________________________ __________________________________5. ___________________________________ __________________________________6. ___________________________________ __________________________________7. ___________________________________ __________________________________8. ___________________________________ __________________________________9. ___________________________________ __________________________________10. ___________________________________ __________________________________11. ___________________________________ __________________________________12. __________________________________ __________________________________13. ___________________________________ __________________________________14. ___________________________________ __________________________________15. ___________________________________ __________________________________16. ___________________________________ __________________________________17. ___________________________________ __________________________________18. __________________________________ __________________________________19. __________________________________ _________________________________20. __________________________________ __________________________________21. __________________________________ __________________________________22. ___________________________________ __________________________________23. __________________________________ __________________________________24. __________________________________ __________________________________25. __________________________________ __________________________________

Associated Students of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong>CANDIDATE PACKETCANDIDATE STATEMENTPlease Respond to ONE of the following questions.Please keep responses to 75 words or less.All statements must be TYPED.The following statement and an appropriate picture of you will be posted online.Option 1:What skills do you possess and how can you apply these skills to some of the problemsfacing <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong>?Option 2Explain why you are interested in running for your chosen position and why you feelthat you are the most qualified candidate?Option 3What issue(s) do you feel needs to be addressed here on campus and why?

Associated Students of <strong>Skyline</strong> <strong>College</strong><strong>2013</strong>-<strong>2014</strong>CANDIDATE PACKETCANDIDATE INFORMATION PAGEFull Legal Name:What Name I Preferto Be Called:What Office Iʼll BeRunning For:Student ID #G00Home Address:Home Phone:Work Phone:Cell Phone:Current Major/Academic InterestE-mail Address:Full Birthday:Month: Day: Year:T-Shirt Size:

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