D 1.pdf - Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

D 1.pdf - Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal D 1.pdf - Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

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NEPALESE CIVIL AIRWORTHINESS REQUIREMENTSSECTION DAPPROVAL PROCEDURESCHAPTER D.1 ISSUE 2JANUARY 20091. GENERALMAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS1.1 This chapter prescribes the condition forgrant of approval to a maintenance organizationforming as well as not forming (a separate) part of anaircraft operator's organization and also specifies theapplication procedures for grant, extension orrenewal of a Certificate of Approval.1.2 Chapter C.1 of these Requirements prescribes thatany organization performing maintenance on aircraftor aircraft components shall be approved for thepurpose. With effect from 1 October 1983, approvalwill be granted by issue of a Certificate of Approvaland such a certificate will be granted only to anorganization which meets the standards specified inthis Requirement.1.3 A maintenance organization approved by theDirector General may within the scope of theapproval perform maintenance work on aircraft oraircraft components belonging to Nepalese orforeign operators and issue Release Notes to verifythat the work meets the prescribed standard.2. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL2.1 An organization requiring approval to domaintenance work must make a written request tothe Director General.2.2 The application for approval must state the particularfunction for which approval is required. Subject to meetingthe prescribed conditions, approval may be granted for:Minor maintenance of aeroplanesMinor maintenance of helicoptersMajor maintenance of aeroplane airframes and/orspecified componentsMajor maintenance of helicopter airframes and/orspecified componentsMajor maintenance of avionic componentsMajor maintenance of engines and/or specifiedcomponentsMajor maintenance of propellers and/or specifiedcomponents2.3 The application must be accompanied by alist of the aircraft or aircraft components to bemaintained and a statement detailing the facilities,technical data, licensed/approved personnel, toolsand equipment available for the purpose.Note: If the maintenance organization forms partof an aircraft operator's organization, it shallbe detailed in the Operator's MaintenanceProcedure Manual: if it is a separate, it shallbe detailed in an Engineering ProceduresManual.3. CONDITIONS FOR GRANT OF APPROVAL1 2NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009 NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009

NEPALESE CIVIL AIRWORTHINESS REQUIREMENTSSECTION DAPPROVAL PROCEDURESCHAPTER D.1 ISSUE 2JANUARY 20091. GENERALMAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS1.1 This chapter prescribes the condition forgrant <strong>of</strong> approval to a maintenance organizationforming as well as not forming (a separate) part <strong>of</strong> anaircraft operator's organization and also specifies theapplication procedures for grant, extension orrenewal <strong>of</strong> a Certificate <strong>of</strong> Approval.1.2 Chapter C.1 <strong>of</strong> these Requirements prescribes thatany organization performing maintenance on aircraftor aircraft components shall be approved for thepurpose. With effect from 1 October 1983, approvalwill be granted by issue <strong>of</strong> a Certificate <strong>of</strong> Approvaland such a certificate will be granted only to anorganization which meets the standards specified inthis Requirement.1.3 A maintenance organization approved by theDirector General may within the scope <strong>of</strong> theapproval perform maintenance work on aircraft oraircraft components belonging to <strong>Nepal</strong>ese orforeign operators and issue Release Notes to verifythat the work meets the prescribed standard.2. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL2.1 An organization requiring approval to domaintenance work must make a written request tothe Director General.2.2 The application for approval must state the particularfunction for which approval is required. Subject to meetingthe prescribed conditions, approval may be granted for:Minor maintenance <strong>of</strong> aeroplanesMinor maintenance <strong>of</strong> helicoptersMajor maintenance <strong>of</strong> aeroplane airframes and/orspecified componentsMajor maintenance <strong>of</strong> helicopter airframes and/orspecified componentsMajor maintenance <strong>of</strong> avionic componentsMajor maintenance <strong>of</strong> engines and/or specifiedcomponentsMajor maintenance <strong>of</strong> propellers and/or specifiedcomponents2.3 The application must be accompanied by alist <strong>of</strong> the aircraft or aircraft components to bemaintained and a statement detailing the facilities,technical data, licensed/approved personnel, toolsand equipment available for the purpose.Note: If the maintenance organization forms part<strong>of</strong> an aircraft operator's organization, it shallbe detailed in the Operator's MaintenanceProcedure Manual: if it is a separate, it shallbe detailed in an Engineering ProceduresManual.3. CONDITIONS FOR GRANT OF APPROVAL1 2NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009 NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009

3.1 The Director General will grant a Certificate<strong>of</strong> Approval to a maintenance organization only if itmeets the conditions prescribed in this Requirement.3.2 To be eligible for approval to perform maintenance, anorganization shall:a) have facilities and environment appropriate forthe task to be performed; occupy suitablepremises, including hangar and workshopaccommodation, appropriate to the aircraftand/or aircraft components to be maintained,b) possess suitable equipment, tools and materials,with the power supplies to operate them, toprovide the capability <strong>of</strong> maintaining and testingthe designated aircraft and aircraft componentsto the prescribed standards,c) employ the necessary personnel to plan,perform, supervise, inspect, and release the workto be performed; the competence <strong>of</strong> suchpersonnel shall be established with a procedureand to a level acceptable to Director General;the person signing a maintenance release shall bequalified in accordance with NCAR Section-F ;maintenance organization shall ensure that allmaintenance personnel receive initial andcontinuation training appropriate to theirassigned tasks and responsibilities; the trainingprogram established by the maintenanceorganization shall include training in knowledgeand skills related to human performance,including coordination with other maintenancepersonnel and flight crew.d) hold an approved Operator's MaintenanceProcedure Manual or Engineering ProceduresManual, as appropriate, meeting the standardprescribed in Chapter E.2 <strong>of</strong> these Requirements,e) hold a complete set, fully amended up-to-date, <strong>of</strong>the Manufacturers' Manuals and ServiceBulletins for each type <strong>of</strong> aircraft and aircraftcomponent to be maintained,f) operate a system for receiving and actioningAirworthiness Directives relative to the aircraftand aircraft components to be maintained.Airworthiness Directives from the State <strong>of</strong>Manufacture shall be held in respect <strong>of</strong> eachaircraft and engine type,g) retain detailed maintenance records to show thatall requirements for the signing <strong>of</strong> maintenancerelease have been met. Such records shall bekept for minimum period <strong>of</strong> one year aftersigning the maintenance release.h) hold an adequate quantity <strong>of</strong> spare parts toensure the proper performance <strong>of</strong> maintenance,and store these parts in a bonded store understorage conditions appropriate to the particularparts, e.g. a store for complex and sophisticatedavionic components <strong>of</strong> modern aircraft should beair-conditioned. There must also be quarantinestore for in-coming parts.i) show pro<strong>of</strong> that all parts stored were obtainedonly from approved suppliers and are covered byRelease Notes or equivalent documents issuedby the manufacturers or on the authority <strong>of</strong> aContracting State. It must also be proven that,since delivery, the parts have been properlystored and the prescribed shelf life has not beenexceeded,j) operate a system <strong>of</strong> quality control or qualityassurance under the direct supervision <strong>of</strong> a Chief3 4NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009 NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009

Quality Assurance Manager or person <strong>of</strong>equivalent authority holding a recognized degreein engineering and having a minimum <strong>of</strong> fiveyears experience or holding AircraftMaintenance Technician's Licence and having aminimum <strong>of</strong> ten years experience in theairworthiness certification <strong>of</strong> civil aircraft, itscomponents and systems for commensurate withthe Scope <strong>of</strong> Approval for his acceptance in suchcapacity by the Director General. The ChiefQuality Assurance Manager shall have authorityin all matters pertaining to the Airworthiness <strong>of</strong>the aircraft or aircraft components receivingmaintenance, and shall report directly to theChief Executive <strong>of</strong> the corporation or other bodyto which the maintenance organization maybelong. He shall be responsible for ensuring thatmaintenance organization is in compliance withthe requirements <strong>of</strong> this chapter.k) `Whenever a Chief Quality Assurance Manageris to be changed valid justification there<strong>of</strong> shallbe given by the Chief Executive to the DirectorGeneral for the acceptance <strong>of</strong> his replacement byequally qualified and experienced person.l) establish procedures, acceptable to DirectorGeneral, which ensure good maintenancepractices and compliance with all relevantrequirements <strong>of</strong> this chapter.m) ensure compliance with (l) by either establishingan independent quality assurance system tomonitor compliance with and adequacy <strong>of</strong> theprocedures, or by providing a system <strong>of</strong>inspection to ensure that all maintenance isproperly performed.n) Director General shall establish a safety programin order to achieve acceptable level <strong>of</strong> safety inthe maintenance <strong>of</strong> aircraft.o) The acceptable level <strong>of</strong> safety to be achievedshall be established by Director General.p) implement a safety management systemacceptable to the Director General which as aminimum;i) identifies safety hazardsii) ensures that remedial action necessary tomaintain an acceptable level <strong>of</strong> safety isimplementediii) provides for continuous monitoring andregular assessment <strong>of</strong> the safety levelachievediv) aims to make continuous improvement tothe overall level <strong>of</strong> safetyq) A safety management system shall clearly definelines <strong>of</strong> safety accountability throughout amaintenance organization, including a directaccountability for safety on the part <strong>of</strong> seniormanagement.4. CONDITIONS FOR EXTENSION OR RENEWAL OFAPPROVAL4.1 An organization approved to perform specifiedmaintenance may apply for its approval to beextended to cover additional maintenance. Theapplication must be made in writing and must detailthe reasons for the application and the facilitiesavailable to perform the additional maintenance.5 6NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009 NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009

4.2 A Certificate <strong>of</strong> Approval is valid for one year. Onexpiry it may be renewed by the Director General ifthe organization continues to meet the conditionsapplicable to the original grant <strong>of</strong> the certificate.Application for renewal <strong>of</strong> a Certificate <strong>of</strong> Approvalmust be made in writing not later than two weeksbefore expiry <strong>of</strong> the existing certificate.5. INSPECTION OF A MAINTENANCEORGANIZATION5.1 A maintenance organization for which application has beenmade for the issue, extension or renewal <strong>of</strong> a Certificate <strong>of</strong>Approval is subject to inspection by the authorized person fromthe Airworthiness Division.5.2 An applicant for approval shall provide them with anyinformation or access required for verifying the capability <strong>of</strong> theorganization to meet the conditions <strong>of</strong> approval.5.3 A maintenance organization holding a Certificate <strong>of</strong>Approval is subject to random inspections by anauthorized person from Airworthiness Division,although such inspections will only be made atreasonable times.5.4 An approved maintenance organization, or anapplicant for approval, which is not in <strong>Nepal</strong>, is alsosubject to initial or random inspection. The expenses<strong>of</strong> such an inspection shall be borne by the <strong>Nepal</strong>eseoperator utilizing the foreign organization.5.5 An authorized person inspecting a maintenanceorganization for compliance with this Requirementmay inspect:a) premises for condition, cleanliness, fireprotection, etc.b) equipment and tools for adequacy, condition,manufacturer's specification, etc.c) stores for cleanliness, condition <strong>of</strong> components,component identification, correlation <strong>of</strong> itemsand Release Notes, segregation <strong>of</strong> quarantineand bonded items, shelf life control, etc.d) aircraft for standard <strong>of</strong> maintenance andcompliance with the Maintenance Schedule,Airworthiness Directives, etc.e) records, including logbooks and otherdocuments, giving the maintenance history <strong>of</strong>aircraft and aircraft components,f) the Operator's Maintenance Procedure Manual,or Engineering Procedures Manual asappropriate, Manufacturers' Manuals, ServiceBulletins, etc. comprising the data andprocedures required for performance <strong>of</strong> themaintenance specified in the application or theconditions <strong>of</strong> the approval.6. THE CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL6.1 An organization approved to perform maintenance will beissued with a Certificate <strong>of</strong> Approval. A specimen certificate isshown in Form D.1.1 <strong>of</strong> Appendix 1. This certificate shall bedisplayed in, or adjacent to, the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Chief Inspector (orequivalent manager) <strong>of</strong> the approved Maintenance Organization.6.2 With each Certificate <strong>of</strong> Approval will be anassociated Schedule <strong>of</strong> Conditions <strong>of</strong> Approval. Thisschedule will detail the maintenance which theorganization is approved to perform. A specimenschedule is shown in Form D.1.2 <strong>of</strong>Appendix 2.7 8NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009 NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009

6.3 The Director General may suspend or cancel aCertificate <strong>of</strong> Approval, or amend the Schedule <strong>of</strong>Conditions <strong>of</strong> Approval, if the approvedMaintenance Organization is failing to maintain thestandards applicable to approval.7. PRIVILEGES OF APPROVAL7.1 An approved Maintenance Organization may issue ReleaseNotes as specified in paragraph 1.3 <strong>of</strong> this Chapter D.1.7.2 Other privileges may be approved through approval <strong>of</strong> anOperator's Maintenance Procedure Manual or EngineeringProcedures Manual, as appropriate. These privileges mayinclude some delegation <strong>of</strong> authority to the organization's ChiefInspector (or equivalent manager) if the Director General issatisfied that an equivalent level <strong>of</strong> competency will bemaintained.8. VALIDATION OF FOREIGN CERTIFATE OFAPROVAL8.1 Maintenance organizations outside <strong>Nepal</strong> issuedwith a Certificate <strong>of</strong> Approval by a Contracting State or by aperson or organization under the authority <strong>of</strong> a ContractingState may apply for the validation <strong>of</strong> the Certificate <strong>of</strong>Approval and this may be grated by the Director Generalwith or without conditions in compliance with the Rules 49<strong>of</strong> Regulation if the applicant:8.2 Validation remains in force only during the period <strong>of</strong>validity <strong>of</strong> the foreign Certificate <strong>of</strong> Approval.8.3 Maintenance organization holding validation or anapplicant for validation, which is not in <strong>Nepal</strong>, is subject toinitial inspection by an <strong>of</strong>ficial and subsequently after everytwo years. The expenses <strong>of</strong> such inspection shall be borne bythe organization itself or the <strong>Nepal</strong>ese operator utilizing theservice <strong>of</strong> such organization.8.4 The Director General may withdraw the validation if themaintenance organization fails to abide by or acts incontradiction to NCAR.8.5 The certificate <strong>of</strong> validation shall remain valid till thedate <strong>of</strong> validation <strong>of</strong> original approval.8.6 The authority issuing original approval shall also beinformed about the validation <strong>of</strong> certificate.<strong>Civil</strong> <strong>Aviation</strong> <strong>Authority</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong>.(a) satisfies the Director General with the exposition manual,accommodation and facilities, systems and procedures etcand it is verified by inspection that the activities to whichthe Certificate relates are carried out in a satisfactorymanner.(b) pays the prescribed fees.9 10NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009 NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009

Form D.1.1 Appendix-1CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALCERTIFICATE OF APPROVALNumber……………………………….For Director GeneralDate: ………………The approval granted by this certificate is subject to compliance with<strong>Nepal</strong>ese <strong>Civil</strong> Airworthiness Requirements.THIS IS TO CERTIFY THATAT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONIS HEREBY APPROVED AS A MAINTENANCEORGANIZATION UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF CHAPTERD.1 OF NEPALESE CIVIL AIRWORTHINESS REQUIREMENTSTO PERFORMIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT SCHEDULE OFCONDITIONSThis certificate comes into force on ………………………… 200….. This certificate expires on……………………………………200 …..11 12NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009 NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009

Form D.1.2 Appendix-2CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OF NEPALSCHEDULE OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVALThe maintenance organization <strong>of</strong> Kathmandu Airlines <strong>of</strong> <strong>Nepal</strong> isapproved to perform the following maintenance work pursuant toCertificate <strong>of</strong> Approval No.19.1. Minor maintenance <strong>of</strong> aeroplanesAirbus Industries A 3102. Major maintenance <strong>of</strong> avionic components.Marconi dopplerBendix autopilot ABX3. Major maintenance <strong>of</strong> hydraulic components.British Aerospace 748 hydraulics…………………….For Director GeneralDate: ………………13 14NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009 NCAR,Chapter D 1 Issue 2, January, 2009

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