Why are these plumbers hanging drywall? - Plumbing & HVAC

Why are these plumbers hanging drywall? - Plumbing & HVAC

Why are these plumbers hanging drywall? - Plumbing & HVAC


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Atlantic FocusCircle Number 139 for More InformationP.E.I. oil tankinspection programnears halfway markFive draw prizes for $500 worth ofhome heating oil have dramaticallyincreased the aw<strong>are</strong>ness andenthusiasm for Prince Edward Island’smandatory oil tank inspection and taggingcampaign among Island residents.The Island Chapter of the CanadianOil Heat Association launched theprogram in February in conjunctionwith the P.E.I. Department of theEnvironment. Monthly draws <strong>are</strong> takingplace from April through August.About 20,000 of the 45,000 fuel oilstorage tanks in the province had beentagged as of late April, reported RalphMoore, Department of Environmentcoordinator for the home heat tankprogram.The P.E.I. Petroleum Storage TanksRegulations were amended in June2001 to require all tanks or combinationof tanks with a total capacity of2200 litres or less attached to an oilburning apparatus that produces heat(furnace, stove, etc.) to be installed inaccordance with the installationrequirements of the CSA B-139 oilcode and other applicable codes.All tanks in the province must beinspected and tagged by September2006 with a P.E.I. AbovegroundIdentification tag. The tag indicates <strong>are</strong>placement date for the tank based onthe year of manufacture, metal thicknessand outlet style, Moore explained.“The government also requires alloutside oil tanks to have weather anddamage protection for both valves andthe fuel oil line,” he added. Thatbecame mandatory in February.The next regulation to go intoeffect, on July 3, is to replace all combustibleoil tank stands. Fuel oil distributorswill not be allowed to deliveroil to premises with woodenstands, with one exception.“The Fire Marshall’s office also permitstank stands made of 4x4-inchpressure treated wood properly boltedtogether and rated for a minimumtwo-hour fire burn,” reported Moore.Oilheat in HalifaxCanadian Oilheat Association(COHA) members will focus on‘The Future of Oilheat’ at theirannual conference. The Canadian OilHeat Association Symposium will takeplace at the Casino Nova Scotia Hotelin Halifax May 25 to 28.Key topics of discussion will be newtechnology, customer relationships, the‘Today’s Oilheat’ marketing program,biofuels and other emerging issues.Dr. Tom Butcher of BrookhavenNational Laboratory will outline newtechnologies for oilheat on Friday. PeterLuckett will describe ‘CultivatingIncredible Consumer Experiences’, alsoon Friday morning. The oilheat – onlytrade show will also take place on Friday.On Saturday morning FernandoPreto and Ed Hogan of NRCan/CanMet will offer an ‘Introduction toCanada’s Biofuel Program’.Supplying PRE-INSULATED PIPEto the <strong>HVAC</strong>, municipal & industrialsectors for over 30 years.• TSSA Update Workshop• ODP RenewalU.I.P. Factory InsulatedPiping SystemsThermocableHeat-Trace Cable &Related AccessoriesPortafoam PaksEngineering &Computer DesignAssistanceDistrict Heating &Cooling SystemsLOGSTORPre-Insulated FlexiblePipe (in coils)ISO 9001:2000Registered Companythe School of Applied Technology at Humber College/St-Laz<strong>are</strong>, Quebec(450) 455-0961Calmar, Alberta(780) 985-3636www.urecon.comCircle Number 137 for More InformationCircle Number 140 for More InfoCircle Number 138 for More Information34 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2005 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

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