appendix b – hydrodynamic and dispersion modeling for the azeri

appendix b – hydrodynamic and dispersion modeling for the azeri appendix b – hydrodynamic and dispersion modeling for the azeri


AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTASA DRAFT FINAL REPORTTITLEApplied Science Associates, Inc.70 Dean Knauss DriveNarragansett, Rhode Isl<strong>and</strong>02882-1143 USATelephone: 401-789-6224Fax: 401-789-1932Applied Science Associates, Ltd.54 South StreetSt. Andrews, KY16 9JTScotl<strong>and</strong>Tel: 01334 478 354Fax: 01334 472 893Hydrodynamic <strong>and</strong> Dispersion Modeling <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>Azeri, Chirag, Gunashli Field Offshore Baku,Azerbaijan: Phase 2AUTHORSMat<strong>the</strong>w C. Ward, Jiganesh Patel <strong>and</strong> RoderickThomasCLIENTPROJECT NUMBERASA 01-210RSK Environment, Ltd. April 2002i

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTExecutive SummaryRSK Environment Ltd. (RSK), contracted with Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA) ofNarragansett, RI USA to provide environmental <strong>modeling</strong> support <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Phase II EnvironmentalImpact Statement (EIS) to be developed <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Azeri, Chirag, Gunashli Field offshore Baku,Azerbaijan. The primary purpose of <strong>the</strong> environmental <strong>modeling</strong> was to simulate cooling waterdischarge <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> deposition of mud <strong>and</strong> cuttings from drilling operations conducted by <strong>the</strong> East<strong>and</strong> West PDUQ Plat<strong>for</strong>ms. In support of <strong>the</strong> above objectives <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> simulations weredeveloped <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> entire Caspian Sea with high resolution in <strong>the</strong> area offshore Baku using ASA'sHYDROMAP; <strong>the</strong>rmal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulations were conducted to characterize cooling waterdischarges using <strong>the</strong> United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Visual Plumes near field<strong>dispersion</strong> <strong>modeling</strong> system; <strong>and</strong> mud <strong>and</strong> drill cutting simulations were conducted using ASA'sMUDMAP.Hydrodynamic simulations were conducted <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Caspian Sea using HYDROMAP. Thesimulations were conducted during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong> winter seasons of <strong>the</strong> year 2000, June throughAugust <strong>and</strong> December through January, respectively. The computational grid covered <strong>the</strong> entireCaspian Sea with coarse resolution in <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian on <strong>the</strong> order of 20 km <strong>and</strong> finerresolution in <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian with resolutions on <strong>the</strong> order of 5 <strong>and</strong> 2.5 km in <strong>the</strong> Bakuregion. The environmental <strong>for</strong>cing <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model consisted of wind data obtainedfrom <strong>the</strong> numerical atmospheric model: NCEP reanalysis, provided by NOAA-CIRES ClimateDiagnostics Center, Boulder Colorado. The <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model was validated using currentmeter data collected by <strong>the</strong> Azerbaijan International Operating Company along a pipeline routebetween Chirag <strong>and</strong> Sangachal Bay within <strong>the</strong> Caspian Sea during <strong>the</strong> winter season from 01February to 01 April 2000. The validation consisted of both qualitative <strong>and</strong> quantitativemeasures. The validation showed <strong>the</strong> model to reproduce <strong>the</strong> major current trends within <strong>the</strong>region very well with <strong>the</strong> model being more energetic than <strong>the</strong> data at offshore data collectionstations <strong>and</strong> slightly less energetic at near shore data collection stations. The difference between<strong>the</strong> energetic state of <strong>the</strong> model <strong>and</strong> data was within commonly accepted <strong>modeling</strong> guidelinesexcept <strong>for</strong> one station offshore Kala that can be attributed to local bathymetric or shorelinecharacteristics not resolved by <strong>the</strong> computational grid.Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulations were conducted <strong>for</strong> cooling water discharges at four locationswithin <strong>the</strong> Azeri, Chirag, Gunashli Field using <strong>the</strong> United States Environmental ProtectionAgency’s Visual Plumes <strong>modeling</strong> system. The simulations were conducted under stagnantconditions during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong> winter seasons. These conditions were chosen in order todetermine <strong>the</strong> worst-case <strong>dispersion</strong> of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal effluent relative to <strong>the</strong> water quality criteria <strong>for</strong>cooling water effluent specified by <strong>the</strong> International Finance Corporation Environmental Health<strong>and</strong> Safety Guidelines. Under <strong>the</strong> cooling water release conditions specified <strong>the</strong> simulationsshowed no violation of <strong>the</strong> above stated water quality criteria.A series of mud <strong>and</strong> drill cutting simulations were conducted <strong>for</strong> 48 wells, each at <strong>the</strong> East <strong>and</strong>West PDUQ’s, during average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong> winterseasons. In general <strong>the</strong> heavier cuttings settled very near <strong>the</strong> drill site with lighter particle beingcarried downstream by <strong>the</strong> current be<strong>for</strong>e settling. The maximum deposition thickness during <strong>the</strong>winter season under average current conditions was 208 cm at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ <strong>and</strong> 203 cm at <strong>the</strong>West PDUQ. The maximum deposition thickness during <strong>the</strong> winter season under maximumcurrent conditions was 89 cm at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ <strong>and</strong> 144 cm at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ. The maximumdeposition thickness during <strong>the</strong> summer season under average current conditions was 211 cm at<strong>the</strong> East PDUQ <strong>and</strong> 210 cm at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ. The maximum deposition thickness during <strong>the</strong>summer season under maximum current conditions was 208 cm at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ <strong>and</strong> 177 cm at<strong>the</strong> West PDUQ.ii

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTTable of ContentsExecutive Summary ..............................................................................................iiTable of Contents.................................................................................................iiiList of Figures.......................................................................................................ivList of Tables.........................................................................................................v1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 11.1 Study Area ......................................................................................................................................22. Model Systems Description.............................................................................. 52.1 HYDROMAP..................................................................................................................................62.2 Visual Plumes .................................................................................................................................62.3 MUDMAP ......................................................................................................................................63. Hydrodynamic Simulations............................................................................... 73.1 Grid Generation <strong>and</strong> Bathymetry .....................................................................................................73.2 Model Environmental Forcing Data .................................................................................................93.2 Model Validation...........................................................................................................................123.3 Model Application.........................................................................................................................164. Thermal Dispersion Simulations..................................................................... 174.1 Scenario Specification ...................................................................................................................174.2 Water Quality St<strong>and</strong>ard .................................................................................................................184.3 Simulation Results.........................................................................................................................185. Drill Cuttings <strong>and</strong> Mud Release Simulations .................................................. 215.1 Scenario Specification ...................................................................................................................215.2 Simulation Results.........................................................................................................................245.3 Settling Distribution Overlap Potential...........................................................................................326. Summary........................................................................................................ 327. References..................................................................................................... 34iii

List of FiguresAZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTFigure 1. Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian Sea offshore Baku, Azerbaijan.Figure 2. Caspian Sea.Figure 3. Surface currents developed from <strong>the</strong> influence of northwesterly (I) <strong>and</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>asterly (IV) winds(Klevtsova, 1966). Long arrows represent wind direction, short arrows represent currents <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong> numbers indicate stability values in %.Figure 4. Characteristic surface water temperatures <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> month of February (Kosarev, 1994).Figure 5. Characteristic surface water temperatures <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> month of August (Kosarev, 1994).Figure 6. Caspian Sea <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> simulation computational grid.Figure 7. Computational grid offshore Baku.Figure 8. Wind rose generated from 10 years of NCEP model output at 41.68° N 50.77° E <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> years1991 through 2000.Figure 9. Wind rose generated from NCEP model output at 41.68° N 50.77° E <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> year 2000.Figure 10. Current measurement data collection sites.Figure 11. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP174.Figure 12. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP145.Figure 13. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP115.Figure 14. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP65.Figure 15. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP45.Figure 16. Characteristic <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model output <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> winter season.Figure 17. Characteristic <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model output <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> summer season.Figure 18. Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> results at <strong>the</strong> CWP location during <strong>the</strong> winter.Figure 19. Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> results at <strong>the</strong> CWP location during <strong>the</strong> summer.Figure 20. Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> results at <strong>the</strong> Azeri location during <strong>the</strong> winter.Figure 21. Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> results at <strong>the</strong> Azeri location during <strong>the</strong> summer.Figure 22. Simulated average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions present at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ during <strong>the</strong> winterseason.Figure 23. Simulated average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions present at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ during <strong>the</strong> winterseason.Figure 24. Simulated average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions present at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ during <strong>the</strong>summer season.Figure 25. Simulated average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions present at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ during <strong>the</strong>summer season.Figure 26. Mass deposition rates during <strong>the</strong> winter <strong>and</strong> summer seasons under average <strong>and</strong> maximumcurrent conditions at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ.Figure 27. Mass deposition rates during <strong>the</strong> winter <strong>and</strong> summer seasons under average <strong>and</strong> maximumcurrent conditions at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ.Figure 28. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ under average current conditions during <strong>the</strong> summerseason.Figure 29. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ under maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong> summerseason.Figure 30. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ under average current conditions during <strong>the</strong> winterseason.Figure 31. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ under maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong> winterseason.Figure 32. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ under average current conditions during <strong>the</strong> summerseason.Figure 33. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ under maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong> summerseason.Figure 34. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ under average current conditions during <strong>the</strong> winterseason.Figure 35. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ under maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong> winterseason.Figure 36. Deposition pattern outlines from all simulations conducted at <strong>the</strong> East <strong>and</strong> West PDUQ’s.iv

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTList of TablesTable 1. Quantitative model to data comparison statisticsTable 2. Thermal Effluent Release ParametersTable 3. Seasonal vertical structure of temperatureTable 4. Maximum Plume DiameterTable 5. 26 inch Drill Hole SpecificationsTable 6. Grain Size Distribution <strong>and</strong> Associated Fall VelocityTable 7. Maximum Deposition at East PDUQ Due to Seasonal Current Variationsv

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT1. IntroductionRSK Environment Ltd. (RSK), contracted with Applied Science Associates, Inc. (ASA) ofNarragansett, RI USA to provide environmental <strong>modeling</strong> support <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Phase II EnvironmentalImpact Statement (EIS) to be developed <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Azeri, Chirag, Gunashli Field offshore Baku,Azerbaijan. The primary purpose of <strong>the</strong> environmental <strong>modeling</strong> was to simulate cooling waterdischarge <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> deposition of mud <strong>and</strong> cuttings from drilling operations conducted by <strong>the</strong> East<strong>and</strong> West PDUQ Plat<strong>for</strong>ms. In support of <strong>the</strong> above objectives <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> simulations weredeveloped <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> entire Caspian Sea with high resolution in <strong>the</strong> area offshore Baku using ASA'sHYDROMAP; <strong>the</strong>rmal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulations were conducted to characterize cooling waterdischarges using <strong>the</strong> United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Visual Plumes near field<strong>dispersion</strong> <strong>modeling</strong> system; <strong>and</strong> mud <strong>and</strong> drill cutting simulations were conducted using ASA'sMUDMAP.Figure 1. Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian Sea offshore Baku, Azerbaijan.This reports documents <strong>the</strong> development of <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> simulations <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> objectiveenvironmental <strong>modeling</strong>. Section 1 discusses <strong>the</strong> purpose of <strong>the</strong> study <strong>and</strong> provides a descriptionof <strong>the</strong> study area.Section 2 describes <strong>the</strong> models used <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> environmental simulations. Section 3 presents <strong>the</strong>development, confirmation <strong>and</strong> application of <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model to <strong>the</strong> study area. Section4 presents <strong>the</strong> simulation of <strong>the</strong> cooling water discharges. Section 5 documents <strong>the</strong> simulateddeposition of drill cuttings <strong>and</strong> mud from <strong>the</strong> East <strong>and</strong> West PDUQ plat<strong>for</strong>ms. Section 6 presents<strong>the</strong> major conclusions of <strong>the</strong> study <strong>and</strong> Section 7 list references.1

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENT1.1 Study AreaThe Azeri, Chirag, Gunashli Field is located within <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian Sea approximately75km offshore Baku, Azerbaijan (Figure 1). The Caspian Sea (Figure 2) is <strong>the</strong> largest inl<strong>and</strong>water body on <strong>the</strong> planet <strong>and</strong> has no connections to <strong>the</strong> world oceans. It is elongated lattitudinallywith a north to south length of 1030 km, a maximum width of 435 km <strong>and</strong> an average depth of208 m. The sea is divided into three parts, <strong>the</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn, Middle <strong>and</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian with totalsea areas of approximately 25%, 37.5% <strong>and</strong> 37.5% respectively. However, <strong>the</strong> ratio of total watervolumes are dramatically different <strong>for</strong> each region with <strong>the</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian containingapproximately 0.5%, The Middle Caspian containing approximately 34% <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rnCaspian containing approximately 66% of <strong>the</strong> total water volume.Figure 2. Caspian Sea.Since <strong>the</strong> sea is not connected to <strong>the</strong> ocean <strong>the</strong> main cause of currents is wind action, especially in<strong>the</strong> surface layer, <strong>and</strong> variations in density. The currents in <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian Sea have been2

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTcharacterized as having no general quasi-steady pattern (Kosarev, 1994) but ra<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> currentscorrespond to <strong>the</strong> main wind fields <strong>and</strong> in calm wea<strong>the</strong>r only weak currents exist due to densitydifference. Thus <strong>the</strong> strongest <strong>and</strong> most stable of currents are set in motion by regional winds thatcover broad areas while in <strong>the</strong> coastal areas <strong>the</strong> currents are influenced by local winds <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>geometry of <strong>the</strong> region. Figure 3 presents typical current patterns <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Mid to Sou<strong>the</strong>rnCaspian <strong>for</strong> northwesterly <strong>and</strong> southwesterly winds as presented in Klevstova (1966). Thecurrents moving along <strong>the</strong> western coast of <strong>the</strong> Sou<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian typically follow <strong>the</strong> windhowever near <strong>the</strong> Baku archipelago <strong>the</strong> currents are usually opposing <strong>the</strong> wind. Current velocitiesalong this shore typically reach 10-20 cm/s with light winds, 30 cm/s due to moderate winds <strong>and</strong>40-50 cm/s under <strong>the</strong> influence of strong winds.Figure 3. Surface currents developed from <strong>the</strong> influence of northwesterly (I) <strong>and</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>asterly (IV)winds (Klevtsova, 1966). Long arrows represent wind direction, short arrows representcurrents <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> numbers indicate stability values in %.Due to <strong>the</strong> large latitudinal variations of <strong>the</strong> Caspian Sea <strong>the</strong> distribution of temperature during<strong>the</strong> winter in <strong>the</strong> surface layers are not homogeneous <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal gradients are small due to <strong>the</strong>intensive development of convectional mixing (Kosarev, 1994). During <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>the</strong> climaticconditions influencing <strong>the</strong> Caspian region are fairly uni<strong>for</strong>m thus causing very little latitudinal<strong>the</strong>rmal variation in <strong>the</strong> surface layers. However, during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>the</strong>rmoclines appear at 20-30 m with a characteristically strong <strong>the</strong>rmal gradient (Kosarev, 1994). Figures 4 <strong>and</strong> 5 presentcharacteristic water surface temperatures over <strong>the</strong> Caspian Sea, as presented in Kosarev (1994),<strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> months of February <strong>and</strong> August, respectively.3

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTFigure 4. Characteristic surface water temperatures <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> month of February (Kosarev, 1994).4

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 5. Characteristic surface water temperatures <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> month of August (Kosarev, 1994).2. Model Systems DescriptionIn support of project objectives, stated in section 1, <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> simulations were developed <strong>for</strong><strong>the</strong> entire Caspian Sea with high resolution in <strong>the</strong> area offshore Baku using ASA's HYDROMAP;<strong>the</strong>rmal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulations were conducted to characterize cooling water discharges using <strong>the</strong>5

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTUSEPA Visual Plumes near field <strong>dispersion</strong> <strong>modeling</strong> system; <strong>and</strong> mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttingsimulations were conducted using ASA's MUDMAP. The following sections provide adescription of each <strong>modeling</strong> systems functionality <strong>and</strong> purpose.2.1 HYDROMAPHYDROMAP, developed by ASA, is a globally re-locatable <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model capable ofsimulating complex circulation patterns due to tidal <strong>for</strong>cing <strong>and</strong> wind stress quickly <strong>and</strong>efficiently anywhere on <strong>the</strong> globe. HYDROMAP employs a novel step-wise-continuous-variablerectangulargridding strategy with up to six levels of resolution. The term step-wise continuousimplies that <strong>the</strong> boundaries between successively smaller <strong>and</strong> larger grids are managed in aconsistent integer step.The <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model solves <strong>the</strong> three-dimensional conservation equations in sphericalcoordinates <strong>for</strong> water mass, density, <strong>and</strong> momentum with <strong>the</strong> Boussinesq <strong>and</strong> hydrostaticassumptions applied. These equations are solved subject to <strong>the</strong> following boundary conditions, 1)At l<strong>and</strong> boundaries <strong>the</strong> normal component of velocity is set to zero. 2) At <strong>the</strong> open boundaries <strong>the</strong>sea surface elevation is specified as a series of temporal sine or cosine waves each with its ownamplitude <strong>and</strong> phase appropriate gradients of <strong>the</strong> local surface elevation. 3) At <strong>the</strong> sea surface <strong>the</strong>applied stress due to <strong>the</strong> wind is matched to <strong>the</strong> local stress in <strong>the</strong> water column <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> kinematicboundary condition is satisfied, 4) At <strong>the</strong> sea floor a quadratic stress law, based on <strong>the</strong> localbottom velocity, is used to represent frictional dissipation <strong>and</strong> a friction coefficient parameterizes<strong>the</strong> loss rate. The numerical solution methodology follows that of Davies (1977a, b) <strong>and</strong> Owen(1980). The vertical variations in horizontal velocity are described by an expansion of Legendrepolynomials. The resulting equations are <strong>the</strong>n solved by a Galerkin weighted residual method in<strong>the</strong> vertical <strong>and</strong> by an explicit finite difference algorithm in <strong>the</strong> horizontal. A space staggeredgridscheme in <strong>the</strong> horizontal plane is used to define <strong>the</strong> study area. Sea surface elevation <strong>and</strong>vertical velocity are specified in <strong>the</strong> center of each cell while <strong>the</strong> horizontal velocities are given on<strong>the</strong> cell face. To increase computational efficiency, a "split-mode" or "two mode" <strong>for</strong>mulation isused (Owen, 1980; Gordon, 1982). In <strong>the</strong> split-mode, <strong>the</strong> free-surface elevation is treatedseparately from <strong>the</strong> internal, three-dimensional flow variables. The free-surface elevation <strong>and</strong>vertically integrated equations of motion (external mode), <strong>for</strong> which <strong>the</strong> Courant-Friedrichs-Lewis(CFL) limit must be met, is solved first. The vertical structure of <strong>the</strong> horizontal components of<strong>the</strong> current <strong>the</strong>n may be calculated such that <strong>the</strong> effects of surface gravity waves are separatedfrom <strong>the</strong> three-dimensional equations of motion (internal mode). Surface gravity waves,<strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e, no longer limit <strong>the</strong> internal mode calculations <strong>and</strong> much longer time steps are possible.A more detailed presentation of <strong>the</strong> model can be found in Isaji <strong>and</strong> Spaulding (1984) <strong>and</strong> Owen(1980).2.2 Visual PlumesVisual Plumes is a mixing zone <strong>modeling</strong> application developed by <strong>the</strong> United StatesEnvironmental Protection Agency’s, National Exposure Research Laboratory, EcosystemsResearch Division. The Visual Plumes system incorporates initial dilution models that simulatesingle <strong>and</strong> submerged plumes in arbitrarily stratified flow. Predictions from this system includedilution, rise, diameter as well as o<strong>the</strong>r important plume variables. A detailed description of <strong>the</strong>Visual Plumes system is available in Frick et al., 2001.2.3 MUDMAP6

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTMUDMAP is a personal computer-based model developed by ASA to predict <strong>the</strong> near <strong>and</strong> farfield transport, <strong>dispersion</strong>, <strong>and</strong> bottom deposition of drill muds <strong>and</strong> cuttings <strong>and</strong> produced water(Spaulding et al; 1994; Spaulding, 1994). In MUDMAP, <strong>the</strong> equations governing conservation ofmass, momentum, buoyancy, <strong>and</strong> solid particle flux are <strong>for</strong>mulated using integral plume <strong>the</strong>ory<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong>n solved using a Runge Kutta numerical integration technique. The model includes threestages: convective descent/ascent, dynamic collapse <strong>and</strong> far field <strong>dispersion</strong>. It allows <strong>the</strong>transport <strong>and</strong> fate of <strong>the</strong> release to be modeled through all stages of its movement. The initialdilution <strong>and</strong> spreading of <strong>the</strong> plume release is predicted in <strong>the</strong> convective descent/ascent stage.The plume descends if <strong>the</strong> discharged material is denser than <strong>the</strong> local water at <strong>the</strong> point of release<strong>and</strong> ascends if <strong>the</strong> density is lower than that of <strong>the</strong> receiving water. In <strong>the</strong> dynamic collapse stage,<strong>the</strong> dilution <strong>and</strong> <strong>dispersion</strong> of <strong>the</strong> discharge is predicted when <strong>the</strong> release impacts <strong>the</strong> surface,bottom, or becomes trapped by vertical density gradients in <strong>the</strong> water column. The far field stagepredicts <strong>the</strong> transport <strong>and</strong> fate of <strong>the</strong> discharge caused by <strong>the</strong> ambient current <strong>and</strong> turbulencefields.MUDMAP is based on <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>oretical approach initially developed by Koh <strong>and</strong> Chang (1973) <strong>and</strong>refined <strong>and</strong> extended by Br<strong>and</strong>sma <strong>and</strong> Sauer (1983) <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> convective descent/ascent <strong>and</strong>dynamic collapse stages. The far field, passive diffusion stage is based on a particle basedr<strong>and</strong>om walk model. This is <strong>the</strong> same r<strong>and</strong>om walk model used in ASA’s OILMAP spill<strong>modeling</strong> system (ASA, 1999).MUDMAP uses a color graphics-based user interface <strong>and</strong> provides an embedded geographicin<strong>for</strong>mation system, environmental data management tools, <strong>and</strong> procedures to input data <strong>and</strong> toanimate model output. The system can be readily applied to any location in <strong>the</strong> world.Application of MUDMAP to predict <strong>the</strong> transport <strong>and</strong> deposition of heavy <strong>and</strong> light drill fluids offPt Conception, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> near field plume dynamics of a laboratory experiment <strong>for</strong> amulti-component mud discharged into a uni<strong>for</strong>m flowing, stratified water column are presented inSpaulding et al. (1994). King <strong>and</strong> McAllister (1996, 1998) present <strong>the</strong> application <strong>and</strong> extensiveverification of <strong>the</strong> model <strong>for</strong> a produced water discharge on Australia’s northwest shelf. GEMS(1998) present <strong>the</strong> application of <strong>the</strong> model to assess <strong>the</strong> <strong>dispersion</strong> <strong>and</strong> deposition of drillingcuttings released off <strong>the</strong> northwest coast of Australia.3. Hydrodynamic Simulations3.1 Grid Generation <strong>and</strong> BathymetryThe computational domain of <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> simulation consisted of <strong>the</strong> entire Caspian Sea inorder to minimize <strong>the</strong> complexity of environmental <strong>for</strong>cing data. The computational griddeveloped <strong>for</strong> this area was h<strong>and</strong>led through <strong>the</strong> application of HYDROMAP's step-wisecontinuous-rectangulargridding strategy (Isaji 2001). In <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian Sea coarse gridresolution, on <strong>the</strong> order of 20 km, is sufficient in order to capture <strong>the</strong> large-scale dynamics <strong>and</strong>appropriate volumetric transport of water. The grid resolution was increased in <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rnCaspian, 41.5°N southward, to approximately 5 km while a very fine scale grid of 2.5 km wasapplied within <strong>the</strong> Baku region of study. Figures 6 <strong>and</strong> 7 show <strong>the</strong> entire computational grid <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong> fine resolution grid within <strong>the</strong> Baku region, respectively.7

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTFigure 6. Caspian Sea <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> simulation computational grid.8

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 7. Computational grid offshore Baku.Each cell within <strong>the</strong> computational grid requires a discrete depth value. These data weredeveloped from <strong>the</strong> navigational charts published by <strong>the</strong> Navigation <strong>and</strong> OceanographyDepartment of <strong>the</strong> Defense Ministry of <strong>the</strong> USSR <strong>and</strong> bathymetric isolines provided by <strong>the</strong>Caspian Environment Program ( Figure 1 presents a sample of <strong>the</strong>bathymetric isoline offshore Baku.3.2 Model Environmental Forcing DataEnvironmental <strong>for</strong>cing data is used by <strong>the</strong> model to drive <strong>the</strong> circulation throughout <strong>the</strong>computational domain. These time varying data can be river flow input, atmospheric effects suchas wind, air temperature, <strong>and</strong> solar radiation, tides <strong>and</strong> density gradients. Since <strong>the</strong> Caspian Sea isan enclosed sea with no attachment to <strong>the</strong> world ocean <strong>the</strong> primary <strong>for</strong>cing is wind stress. The9

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTwind data used in this study are output from a numerical atmospheric model: NCEP modelreanalysis, provided by <strong>the</strong> NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, Colorado, from<strong>the</strong>ir Web site at Data from 18 model grid locations, covering <strong>the</strong>entire Caspian Sea, were downloaded from <strong>the</strong> NOAA/CDC ftp site <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> 10m elevation <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>years 1991 through 2000 (ten years). Wind roses <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>se data were generated in order todetermine <strong>the</strong> seasonal time periods <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> simulations. Figure 8 presents monthlywind roses <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>se 10 years of data from a model grid location at 41.68° N 50.77° E.2001/8/222510.wneLon(Deg) Lat(deg) Start Date End Date days Sample Time50.77 41.68 1991/1/1 2000/12/30 3651 6hrsLEGENDspeed(wind from)North0.1knots0.340 20 Period Percentage50 30 10 % Calm 0.50.715 0.920 10Sample CountMax.Speed(knots)Ave.Speed(knots)Yearly% Calm0.3414606379.73January% Calm0February% Calm0.27March% Calm0.7312403110.8911323211.081240359.11April% Calm0.75May% Calm0.81June% Calm0.331200277.651240237.471200308.57July% Calm0.32August% Calm0.08September% Calm0.081240279.4812402210.0512003010.62October% Calm0November% Calm0.25December% Calm0.491240309.9912003711.39Figure 8. Wind rose generated from 10 years of NCEP model output at 41.68° N 50.77° E <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>years 1991 through 2000.Through inspection of <strong>the</strong> NCEP model output, <strong>the</strong> winter season was chosen to be fromDecember through January, while <strong>the</strong> summer season was chosen as June through August.Within each season two characteristic two-week periods were established based upon <strong>the</strong> windclimatology during which <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong>, <strong>the</strong>rmal <strong>dispersion</strong>, anti-foulant <strong>dispersion</strong>, <strong>and</strong> mud<strong>and</strong> drill cutting simulations were conducted. The first of <strong>the</strong> two-week periods <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> winter isfrom 01 January to 15 January. This period is characterized by strong winds primarily from <strong>the</strong>12342910.5810

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTnor<strong>the</strong>ast. The second of <strong>the</strong> two-week periods <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> winter season is from 15 January to 31January. This period is characterized by strong winds highly varying from <strong>the</strong> north <strong>and</strong> south.The first of <strong>the</strong> two-week periods <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> summer is from 13 July to 28 July. This period ischaracterized by light variable winds predominantly from <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn <strong>and</strong> eastern quadrants. Thesecond of <strong>the</strong> two-week periods established <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> summer was from 02 August to 17 August.This period is characterized by strong winds predominantly from <strong>the</strong> north. Once <strong>the</strong>se periodswere established <strong>the</strong> year 2000 was determined to be a typical year due to its havingcharacteristics similar to those present in <strong>the</strong> 10 year wind rose plot (Figure 8). All simulationswere conducted during this year using NCEP model output as <strong>the</strong> environmental <strong>for</strong>cing. Figure9 presents monthly wind roses <strong>for</strong> NCEP model output data <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> year 2000 from a model gridlocation at 41.68° N 50.77° E.2001/8/222510-2000.WNELon(Deg) Lat(deg) Start Date End Date days Sample Time50.63 39.05 1999/1/4 2000/12/30 726 6hrsLEGENDspeed(wind from)North0.1knots0.340 20 Period Percentage50 30 10 % Calm 0.50.715 0.92010Sample CountMax.Speed(knots)Ave.Speed(knots)Yearly% Calm0.441826319.9January% Calm0February% Calm0March% Calm0.811243111.651162910.18124248.61April% Calm3.33May% Calm0June% Calm0120195.94124238.52120219.14July% Calm0August% Calm0September% Calm0124167.461242110.351202612.14October% Calm0November% Calm0December% Calm1.242483011.322402911.61Figure 9. Wind rose generated from NCEP model output at 41.68° N 50.77° E <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> year 2000.242259.3311

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENT3.2 Model ValidationThe <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model was validated through a comparison to current measurements collectedby <strong>the</strong> Azerbaijan International Operating Company along a proposed pipeline route betweenChirag <strong>and</strong> Sangachal in <strong>the</strong> Caspian Sea <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> winter season from 01 February 2000 to 01 April2000. Figure 10 shows <strong>the</strong> location of <strong>the</strong> data collection points designated KP174, KP145,KP115, KP85, KP65, <strong>and</strong> KP45. Note no data was available <strong>for</strong> site KP85 during this period.Figure 10. Current measurement data collection sites.The observational data was prepared <strong>for</strong> comparison to <strong>the</strong> model predictions by first applying ab<strong>and</strong>pass filter with a frequency range of 12 <strong>and</strong> 0.25 cycles/day. This removed spurious nonwea<strong>the</strong>rrelated events from <strong>the</strong> data sets, which is appropriate since <strong>the</strong> models onlyenvironmental <strong>for</strong>cing was wind stress. Once <strong>the</strong> filtering was complete <strong>the</strong> data was subsampledto match <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model output time step of 1 hour. The processed data was<strong>the</strong>n compared to <strong>the</strong> model output using both qualitative <strong>and</strong> quantitative methods.The qualitative comparison consisted of plotting <strong>the</strong> model output <strong>and</strong> current data toge<strong>the</strong>r. Thiscomparison provides in<strong>for</strong>mation on <strong>the</strong> model's ability to predict <strong>the</strong> range of variability evidentin <strong>the</strong> current data. Figures 11 through 15 present <strong>the</strong> qualitative model to data comparisons <strong>for</strong><strong>the</strong> north-south (V) velocity component, <strong>the</strong> east-west velocity component (U), <strong>the</strong> current speed<strong>and</strong> direction as a function of time. At site KP174 (Figure 11) <strong>the</strong> model predicts <strong>the</strong> amplitude<strong>and</strong> variability of <strong>the</strong> V-component with reasonable accuracy, however <strong>the</strong> model under predicts<strong>the</strong> U-component. At site KP145 (Figure 12) <strong>the</strong> model over predicts <strong>the</strong> V-component at timesbut captures <strong>the</strong> local events <strong>and</strong> features of <strong>the</strong> current. At site KP115 (Figure 13) <strong>the</strong> model isout of phase at times with <strong>the</strong> observed current <strong>and</strong> over predicts certain events. At site KP65(Figure 14) <strong>the</strong> model reproduces major trends extremely well, however <strong>the</strong> model is lessenergetic than <strong>the</strong> data <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> U-component. At site KP45 (Figure 15) <strong>the</strong> model againreproduces <strong>the</strong> structure of <strong>the</strong> currents extremely well with slightly higher speeds during certainevents.12

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 11. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP174.Figure 12. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP145.13

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTFigure 13. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP115.Figure 14. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP65.14

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 15. Qualitative model to data comparison at site KP45.Qualitative comparisons are statistical measures that can be applied to model predictions <strong>and</strong> fielddata sets that provide a numerical assessment of <strong>the</strong> comparison. These statistical measures canbe grouped into two major components: those measures that describe an individual set of data <strong>and</strong>those that relate <strong>the</strong> degree of difference between two data sets. The individual statistics (Table 1)used in this study are <strong>the</strong> mean speed, maximum speed <strong>and</strong> minimum speed of <strong>the</strong> modelpredictions <strong>and</strong> field data sets. The error statistic (Table 1) used in this study was <strong>the</strong> relativemean error which measures <strong>the</strong> difference between calculated <strong>and</strong> observed mean values <strong>and</strong>provides a useful indicator of model per<strong>for</strong>mance. The individual statistics show <strong>the</strong> model to beslightly less energetic than <strong>the</strong> data at site KP174 <strong>and</strong> KP65 <strong>and</strong> more energetic at sights KP145,KP115 <strong>and</strong> KP45. The relative mean error estimates are within <strong>the</strong> commonly accepted level of30% as described by McCutcheon, et al. (1990), except at site KP145. The overly energetic stateof <strong>the</strong> model at this location is most likely due to some local bathymetric or shorelinecharacteristic not resolved by <strong>the</strong> computational grid.Table 1. Quantitative model to data comparison statistics.Location Mean(cm/s)Maximum(cm/s)Minimum(cm/s)Relative Mean Error(%)Data Model Data Model Data ModelKP174 4.95 3.48 30.52 18.00 0.03 0.00 30KP145 4.69 8.70 14.95 34.01 0.04 0.00 86KP115 7.52 8.52 23.00 29.73 0.17 0.00 13KP65 13.07 12.06 54.98 45.69 0.81 0.00 8KP45 9.08 11.56 29.48 43.32 0.23 0.00 2715

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENT3.3 Model ApplicationThe <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model was applied to <strong>the</strong> winter <strong>and</strong> summer seasons <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> year 2000, asdescribed in <strong>the</strong> previous section. For each season <strong>the</strong> characteristic seasonal current patternspresented in Figures 3 are reproduced. Figures 16 <strong>and</strong> 17 present representative current patternspredicted by <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> winter <strong>and</strong> summer seasons, respectively.Figure 16. Characteristic <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model output <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> winter season.16

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 17. Characteristic <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model output <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> summer season.4. Thermal Dispersion Simulations4.1 Scenario SpecificationThermal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulations were conducted <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> release of cooling water at <strong>the</strong> East Azeri,West Azeri, CWP <strong>and</strong> PDQ locations under stagnant conditions during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong> winterseasons. These conditions were chosen in order to determine <strong>the</strong> worst-case <strong>dispersion</strong> of <strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong>rmal effluent relative to <strong>the</strong> water quality criteria <strong>for</strong> cooling water effluent specified by <strong>the</strong>International Finance Corporation Environmental Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Guidelines. Table 2 lists <strong>the</strong><strong>the</strong>rmal effluent release parameters. Due to <strong>the</strong> depth of <strong>the</strong> water column, in excess of 150 m,<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> stagnant flow condition to be used in <strong>the</strong> simulations it was possible to combine <strong>the</strong> EastAzeri, West Azeri <strong>and</strong> PDQ simulations into one, hereafter referred to as Azeri.Table 2. Thermal Effluent Release ParametersEast Azeri West Azeri CWP PDQLongitude 51° 27’ 6” 51° 18’ 32” 51° 21’ 40” 51° 21’ 40”Latitude 40° 01’ 11” 40° 03’ 20” 40° 01’ 53” 40° 01’ 53”Intake Depth (m) 101 101 101 74Discharge Depth (m) 67 67 40 67Caisson Diameter (mm) 800 800 1500 800Discharge Rate (m 3 /hr) 1700 1700 10161 1700Discharge Temperature (°C) 25 25 25 25The vertical structure of temperature <strong>for</strong> each season was developed from data provided by URSDames <strong>and</strong> Moore, during <strong>the</strong> Phase I EIA <strong>for</strong> this region, <strong>and</strong> characteristic temperature profilesof <strong>the</strong> entire sou<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian Sea as presented in Kosarev (1994). The summer season is17

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTcharacterized as having two dominant <strong>the</strong>rmal layers with surface <strong>and</strong> bottom temperatures ofapproximately 25 <strong>and</strong> 7°C, respectively, with <strong>the</strong> major <strong>the</strong>rmocline at approximately 40m depth.The winter season is characterized as being <strong>the</strong>rmally well mixed with surface to bottom gradientsno greater than 1°C. Table 3 presents <strong>the</strong> vertical structure of temperature used <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> coolingwater <strong>the</strong>rmal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulations.Table 3. Seasonal vertical structure of temperatureDepth (m) Summer Temperature (°C) Winter Temperature (°C)Surface 25.0 710 24.1 720 24.0 730 24.0 750 9.3 775 7.9 7100 7.3 7150 6.5 7200 6.8 74.2 Water Quality St<strong>and</strong>ardThe water quality criteria <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> cooling water effluent, as listed in <strong>the</strong> International FinanceCorporation Environmental, Health <strong>and</strong> Safety Guidelines, states that “<strong>the</strong> resulting temperatureincreases should be no more than 3°C at <strong>the</strong> edge of <strong>the</strong> zone where initial mixing <strong>and</strong> dilutiontake place. Where <strong>the</strong> zone is not defined, use 100 meters from <strong>the</strong> point of discharge”. Since nomixing zone is specified <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> study region 100 meters will be used as <strong>the</strong> distance threshold.4.3 Simulation ResultsThe results of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal discharge simulations are presented below in Figures 18-21 <strong>and</strong> Table4. At no time was <strong>the</strong> water quality st<strong>and</strong>ard violated. The temperatures presented in <strong>the</strong> figuresare at <strong>the</strong> center of <strong>the</strong> plume. Temperatures away from <strong>the</strong> center of <strong>the</strong> plume will be muchcooler. An important feature to note in <strong>the</strong> results below is <strong>the</strong> downward travel of <strong>the</strong> plume, thisis due to <strong>the</strong> discharge being directed straight down. This configuration will cause <strong>the</strong> plume passthrough two primary phases balancing <strong>the</strong> momentum of <strong>the</strong> jet against <strong>the</strong> buoyancy of <strong>the</strong>plume. The first phase will be downward travel due to <strong>the</strong> momentum effects of <strong>the</strong> discharge jetbeing greater than <strong>the</strong> buoyant <strong>for</strong>ces. Once <strong>the</strong> energy from <strong>the</strong> jet has diminished <strong>the</strong> effects ofbuoyancy will dominate causing <strong>the</strong> plume to travel upwards.Figure 18 presents <strong>the</strong> results of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulation at <strong>the</strong> CWP location during <strong>the</strong>winter season. The <strong>the</strong>rmal effluent is released at a depth of 40 m <strong>and</strong> travels downward, due to<strong>the</strong> momentum of <strong>the</strong> discharge, to a depth of 60 m. At this depth <strong>the</strong> plume has cooled to within3°C of <strong>the</strong> ambient temperature <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> buoyancy of <strong>the</strong> plume becomes <strong>the</strong> dominant <strong>for</strong>cecausing <strong>the</strong> plume to ascend to <strong>the</strong> surface. As <strong>the</strong> plume approaches <strong>the</strong> surface it fur<strong>the</strong>r coolsto within 1°C of <strong>the</strong> ambient temperature. This entire process takes slightly more than sevenminutes to complete with <strong>the</strong> plume cooling to within 3°C of ambient within two minutes at adepth of 60 m.18

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 18. Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> results at <strong>the</strong> CWP location during <strong>the</strong> winter.Figure 19 presents <strong>the</strong> results of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulation at <strong>the</strong> CWP location during <strong>the</strong>summer season. The <strong>the</strong>rmal effluent is released at a depth of 40 m <strong>and</strong> travels downward, due to<strong>the</strong> momentum of <strong>the</strong> discharge, to a depth of 50 m. At this depth <strong>the</strong> plume has cooled to within6°C of <strong>the</strong> ambient temperature <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> buoyancy of <strong>the</strong> plume becomes <strong>the</strong> dominant <strong>for</strong>cecausing <strong>the</strong> plume to ascend towards <strong>the</strong> surface. However, <strong>the</strong> presence of <strong>the</strong> summerpycnocline causes <strong>the</strong> plume to become trapped, where ambient conditions are reached, at a depthof approximately 42 m. This entire process takes slightly more than 1.6 minutes to complete with<strong>the</strong> plume cooling to with 3°C of ambient within 1.4 minutes at a depth of 48 m.Figure 20 presents <strong>the</strong> results of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulation at <strong>the</strong> Azeri location during <strong>the</strong>winter season. The <strong>the</strong>rmal effluent is released at a depth of 67 m <strong>and</strong> travels downward, due to<strong>the</strong> momentum of <strong>the</strong> discharge, to a depth of 75 m. At this depth <strong>the</strong> plume has cooled to within4°C of <strong>the</strong> ambient temperature <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> buoyancy of <strong>the</strong> plume becomes <strong>the</strong> dominant <strong>for</strong>cecausing <strong>the</strong> plume to ascend to <strong>the</strong> surface. As <strong>the</strong> plume approaches <strong>the</strong> surface it fur<strong>the</strong>r coolsto less than 1°C of <strong>the</strong> ambient temperature. This entire process takes approximately 10 minutesto complete with <strong>the</strong> plume cooling to with 3°C of ambient within two minutes at a depth of 65 m.19

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTFigure 19. Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> results at <strong>the</strong> CWP location during <strong>the</strong> summer.Figure 20. Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> results at <strong>the</strong> Azeri location during <strong>the</strong> winter.Figure 21 presents <strong>the</strong> results of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulation at <strong>the</strong> Azeri location during <strong>the</strong>summer season. The <strong>the</strong>rmal effluent is released at a depth of 67 m <strong>and</strong> travels downward, due to<strong>the</strong> momentum of <strong>the</strong> discharge, to a depth of 73 m. At this depth <strong>the</strong> plume has cooled to within4°C of <strong>the</strong> ambient temperature <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> buoyancy of <strong>the</strong> plume becomes <strong>the</strong> dominant <strong>for</strong>cecausing <strong>the</strong> plume to ascend towards <strong>the</strong> surface. However, <strong>the</strong> presence of <strong>the</strong> summer20

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTpycnocline causes <strong>the</strong> plume to become trapped, where ambient conditions are reached, at a depthof approximately 50 m. This entire process takes four minutes to complete with <strong>the</strong> plumecooling to with 3°C of ambient within 1.5 minutes at a depth of 70 m.Figure 21. Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> results at <strong>the</strong> Azeri location during <strong>the</strong> summer.Table 4 presents <strong>the</strong> maximum diameter at <strong>the</strong> CWP <strong>and</strong> Azeri locations during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong>winter seasons. During <strong>the</strong> winter <strong>the</strong> maximum plume diameter is 23 m at <strong>the</strong> CWP location <strong>and</strong>20 m at <strong>the</strong> Azeri location. During <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>the</strong> maximum plume diameter is 17 m at <strong>the</strong> CWPlocation <strong>and</strong> 11 m at <strong>the</strong> Azeri location.Table 4. Maximum Plume DiameterScenario Plume Diameter(m)CWP Winter 23CWP Summer 17Azeri Winter 20Azeri Summer 115. Drill Cuttings <strong>and</strong> Mud Release Simulations5.1 Scenario SpecificationForty-eight wells are to be drilled at <strong>the</strong> East <strong>and</strong> West PDUQ locations, respectively, <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> drillcuttings produced from <strong>the</strong> 26-inch hole section will be discharged. The discharge is to take place97 m below <strong>the</strong> sea surface resulting in a total discharge volume of 17,885 m 3 , at each location,21

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTwith <strong>the</strong> drill operations estimated to last 8 hours. Table 5 summarizes <strong>the</strong> release scenariospecifications.Table 5. 26 inch Drill Hole SpecificationsRelease coordinates East PDUQ: 51° 27' 6.8068 E , 40° 1' 11.0458" NRelease coordinates West PDUQ: 51° 18' 33.1424" E , 40° 3' 20.6350" NRelease depth:97 mTotal volume of 26” cuttings: 17,885 m 3Total drilling time per well:8 hrsSpecific gravity of cuttings: 2.2Table 6 presents <strong>the</strong> mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings grain size distribution used <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> simulationsdiscussed below. Only <strong>the</strong> average specific gravity of <strong>the</strong> mixture to be released was available.There<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>the</strong> distribution presented in Table 6 is a “typical distribution” based upon ASA’sexperience. If fur<strong>the</strong>r work is to be conducted within <strong>the</strong> region it is recommended that sedimentcores <strong>and</strong> samples of <strong>the</strong> drilling mud are collected <strong>and</strong> analyzed <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> actual grain sizedistribution.Table 6. Grain Size Distribution <strong>and</strong> Associated Fall VelocityNominal GrainSize(microns)Specific Gravity Percentage of TotalMassFall Velocity(m/hr)12500 2.2 85 2234.169625 2.2 1.25 1960.476750 2.2 1.25 1641.773875 2.2 1.25 1243.931000 2.2 1.25 631.9274 2.2 10 6.81In order to bound <strong>the</strong> trajectory <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> eventual bottom thickness contours of <strong>the</strong> mud <strong>and</strong> drillcutting releases, simulations were conducted during average <strong>and</strong> maximum flow events during <strong>the</strong>summer <strong>and</strong> winter periods. Figures 22-25 present time series, from <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model, of<strong>the</strong> average <strong>and</strong> maximum current events at <strong>the</strong> East <strong>and</strong> West PDUQ’s during both seasons. Thecurrents present during <strong>the</strong> winter are on average twice as energetic as those present during <strong>the</strong>summer. This is attributed to <strong>the</strong> presence of stronger coherent winds fields during <strong>the</strong> winterseason. The currents at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ are generally more energetic than those present at <strong>the</strong>East PDUQ during both <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong> winter seasons due to <strong>the</strong> greater depth of <strong>the</strong> easternlocation. The start time of each simulation conducted during <strong>the</strong> winter season was 21 January at1600 hrs <strong>and</strong> 09 January at 1200 hrs <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> maximum <strong>and</strong> average current conditions,respectively. While, <strong>the</strong> start time of each simulation conducted during <strong>the</strong> summer season was05 August at 1600 hrs <strong>and</strong> 22 July at 0000 hrs <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> maximum <strong>and</strong> average current conditionsrespectively.22

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTStart MaximumCurrent SimulationStart AverageCurrent SimulationFigure 22. Simulated average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions present at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ during<strong>the</strong> winter season.Start MaximumCurrent SimulationStart AverageCurrent SimulationFigure 23. Simulated average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions present at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ during <strong>the</strong>winter season.23

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTStart AverageCurrent SimulationStart MaximumCurrent SimulationFigure 24. Simulated average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions present at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ during<strong>the</strong> summer season.Start AverageCurrent SimulationStart MaximumCurrent SimulationFigure 25. Simulated average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions present at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ during <strong>the</strong>summer season.5.2 Simulation Results24

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 26 presents <strong>the</strong> percentage of <strong>the</strong> total mass deposited on <strong>the</strong> bottom versus time <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> 48wells at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ <strong>for</strong> average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong>winter seasons. After eight hours 90% of <strong>the</strong> cuttings, corresponding to <strong>the</strong> larger particles, havedeposited on <strong>the</strong> bottom under all current conditions while <strong>the</strong> rate at which <strong>the</strong> remaining 10%,corresponding to <strong>the</strong> finer particles, deposit varies <strong>for</strong> each current condition. During <strong>the</strong> averagewinter current conditions <strong>the</strong> finer particles begin to reach <strong>the</strong> bottom after 15 hours with 100%deposited after 24 hours. During <strong>the</strong> maximum winter current conditions <strong>the</strong> finer particles beginto reach <strong>the</strong> bottom after 19 hours with 100% deposited after 35 hours. During <strong>the</strong> averagesummer current conditions <strong>the</strong> finer particles begin to reach <strong>the</strong> bottom after 14 hours with 100%deposited after 25 hours. During <strong>the</strong> maximum summer current conditions <strong>the</strong> finer particlesbegin to reach <strong>the</strong> bottom after 15 hours with 100% deposited after 28 hours.Mass Deposition Rate at East PDUQ100999897Deposition (% total mass)969594939291908 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36Time (hours)Summer Mean Current Winter Mean Current Summer Maximum Current East Maximum CurrentFigure 26. Mass deposition rates during <strong>the</strong> winter <strong>and</strong> summer seasons under average <strong>and</strong>maximum current conditions at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ.Figure 27 presents <strong>the</strong> percentage of <strong>the</strong> total mass deposited on <strong>the</strong> bottom versus time <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> 48wells at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ <strong>for</strong> average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong>winter seasons. After eight hours 90% of <strong>the</strong> cuttings, corresponding to <strong>the</strong> larger particles, havedeposited on <strong>the</strong> bottom under all current conditions while <strong>the</strong> rate at which <strong>the</strong> remaining 10%,corresponding to <strong>the</strong> finer particles, deposit varies <strong>for</strong> each current condition. During <strong>the</strong> averagewinter current conditions <strong>the</strong> finer particles begin to reach <strong>the</strong> bottom after 15 hours with 100%deposited after 28 hours. During <strong>the</strong> maximum winter current conditions <strong>the</strong> finer particles beginto reach <strong>the</strong> bottom after 15 hours with 100% deposited after 39 hours. During <strong>the</strong> averagesummer current conditions <strong>the</strong> finer particles begin to reach <strong>the</strong> bottom after 19 hours with 100%deposited after 29 hours. During <strong>the</strong> maximum summer current conditions <strong>the</strong> finer particlesbegin to reach <strong>the</strong> bottom after 21 hours with 100% deposited after 31 hours.25

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTMass Deposition Rate at West PDUQ100999897Deposition (% total mass)969594939291908 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41Time (hours)Summer Mean Current Winter Mean Current Summer Maximum Current Winter Maximum CurrentFigure 27. Mass deposition rates during <strong>the</strong> winter <strong>and</strong> summer seasons under average <strong>and</strong>maximum current conditions at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ.The maximum deposition of <strong>the</strong> 48 wells at each location occurred within 50 m of <strong>the</strong> releaselocation. During <strong>the</strong> winter under average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ <strong>the</strong>maximum deposition was 208 <strong>and</strong> 89 cm, respectively. During <strong>the</strong> summer under average <strong>and</strong>maximum current conditions <strong>the</strong> maximum deposition at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ was 211 <strong>and</strong> 208 cm,respectively. During <strong>the</strong> winter under average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions at <strong>the</strong> WestPDUQ <strong>the</strong> maximum deposition was 203 <strong>and</strong> 144 cm, respectively. During <strong>the</strong> summer underaverage <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions <strong>the</strong> maximum deposition at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ was 210<strong>and</strong> 177 cm, respectively. Table 7 summarizes <strong>the</strong>se results.Table 7. Maximum Deposition at East PDUQ Due to Seasonal Current VariationsSeasonal Current ConditionEast PDUQMaximum Deposition (cm)West PDUQMaximum Deposition (cm)Winter Average 208 203Winter Maximum 89 144Summer Average 211 210Summer Maximum 208 177Figure 28 presents <strong>the</strong> deposition pattern <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> discharge mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings at <strong>the</strong> EastPDUQ location during <strong>the</strong> summer under average current conditions. The deposition pattern isoffset to <strong>the</strong> south in which <strong>the</strong> region of highest deposition is apparent surrounding <strong>the</strong> releasesite. The deposition thickness in <strong>the</strong> region surrounding <strong>the</strong> release site extends radially <strong>for</strong>approximately 198 m with deposition thickness ranging from 211 to 4 cm.26

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 28. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ under average current conditions during <strong>the</strong>summer season.Figure 29 presents <strong>the</strong> deposition pattern <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> discharge mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings at <strong>the</strong> EastPDUQ location during <strong>the</strong> summer under maximum current conditions. The deposition pattern isoffset to <strong>the</strong> south-sou<strong>the</strong>ast in which <strong>the</strong> region of highest deposition is apparent surrounding <strong>the</strong>release site. The deposition thickness in <strong>the</strong> region surrounding <strong>the</strong> release site extends radially<strong>for</strong> approximately 213 m with deposition thickness ranging from 208 to 8 cm.Figure 30 presents <strong>the</strong> deposition pattern <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> discharge mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings at <strong>the</strong> EastPDUQ location during <strong>the</strong> winter under average current conditions. The deposition pattern isroughly centered on <strong>the</strong> release site in which <strong>the</strong> region of highest deposition is apparentsurrounding <strong>the</strong> release site. The deposition thickness in <strong>the</strong> region surrounding <strong>the</strong> release siteextends radially <strong>for</strong> approximately 170 m with deposition thickness ranging from 208 to 3.5 cm.Figure 31 presents <strong>the</strong> deposition pattern <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> discharge mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings at <strong>the</strong> EastPDUQ location during <strong>the</strong> winter under maximum current conditions. The deposition pattern isbimodal with an offset to <strong>the</strong> southwest in which <strong>the</strong> region of highest deposition is apparentsurrounding <strong>the</strong> release site. The deposition thickness in <strong>the</strong> region surrounding <strong>the</strong> release siteextends radially <strong>for</strong> approximately 190 m with deposition thickness ranging from 89 to 15 cm.27

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTFigure 29. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ under maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong>summer season.Figure 30. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ under average current conditions during <strong>the</strong>winter season.28

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 31. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ under maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong>winter season.Figure 32 presents <strong>the</strong> deposition pattern <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> discharge mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings at <strong>the</strong> WestPDUQ location during <strong>the</strong> summer under average current conditions. The deposition pattern isroughly centered on <strong>the</strong> release site in which <strong>the</strong> region of highest deposition is apparentsurrounding <strong>the</strong> release site. The deposition thickness in <strong>the</strong> region surrounding <strong>the</strong> release siteextends radially <strong>for</strong> approximately 208 m with deposition thickness ranging from 210 to 1 cm.Figure 33 presents <strong>the</strong> deposition pattern <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> discharge mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings at <strong>the</strong> WestPDUQ location during <strong>the</strong> summer under maximum current conditions. The deposition pattern isbimodal with an offset to <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>ast in which <strong>the</strong> region of highest deposition is apparentsurrounding <strong>the</strong> release site. The deposition thickness in <strong>the</strong> region surrounding <strong>the</strong> release siteextends radially <strong>for</strong> approximately 211 m with deposition thickness ranging from 177 to 5 cm.Figure 34 presents <strong>the</strong> deposition pattern <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> discharge mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings at <strong>the</strong> WestPDUQ location during <strong>the</strong> winter under average current conditions. The deposition pattern isoffset to <strong>the</strong> west in which <strong>the</strong> region of highest deposition is apparent surrounding <strong>the</strong> releasesite. The deposition thickness in <strong>the</strong> region surrounding <strong>the</strong> release site extends radially <strong>for</strong>approximately 180 m with deposition thickness ranging from 203 to 5.5 cm.Figure 35 presents <strong>the</strong> deposition pattern <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> discharge mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings at <strong>the</strong> WestPDUQ location during <strong>the</strong> winter under maximum current conditions. The deposition pattern hasthree primary deposition regions with an offset to <strong>the</strong> east in which <strong>the</strong> region of highestdeposition is apparent surrounding <strong>the</strong> release site. The deposition thickness in <strong>the</strong> regionsurrounding <strong>the</strong> release site extends radially <strong>for</strong> approximately 260 m with deposition thicknessranging from 144 to 5 cm.29

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENTFigure 32. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ under average current conditions during <strong>the</strong>summer season.Figure 33. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ under maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong>summer season.30

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENTFigure 34. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ under average current conditions during <strong>the</strong>winter season.Figure 35. Depositional pattern at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ under maximum current conditions during <strong>the</strong>winter season.31

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSEMENT5.3 Settling Distribution Overlap PotentialThe operation of multiple well sites in <strong>the</strong> region presents <strong>the</strong> potential <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> deposition of <strong>the</strong>mud <strong>and</strong> drill cuttings to overlap. Figure 36 presents <strong>the</strong> deposition pattern outlines from allsimulations conducted at <strong>the</strong> East <strong>and</strong> West PDUQ’s during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong> winter seasons underaverage <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions. The deposition patterns <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> two locations do notoverlap <strong>and</strong> are separated by a minimum distance of 10 km.West PDUQ:Combined Bottom DepositionEast PDUQ:Combined Bottom DepositionFigure 36. Deposition pattern outlines from all simulations conducted at <strong>the</strong> East <strong>and</strong> West PDUQ’s.6. SummaryHydrodynamic simulations were conducted <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Caspian Sea using HYDROMAP. Thesimulations were conducted during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong> winter seasons of <strong>the</strong> year 2000, June throughAugust <strong>and</strong> December through January, respectively. The computational grid covered <strong>the</strong> entireCaspian Sea with coarse resolution in <strong>the</strong> nor<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian on <strong>the</strong> order of 20 km <strong>and</strong> finerresolution in <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn Caspian with resolutions on <strong>the</strong> order of 5 <strong>and</strong> 2.5 km in <strong>the</strong> Bakuregion. The environmental <strong>for</strong>cing <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model consisted of wind data obtainedfrom <strong>the</strong> numerical atmospheric model: NCEP reanalysis, provided by NOAA-CIRES ClimateDiagnostics Center, Boulder Colorado. The <strong>hydrodynamic</strong> model was validated using currentmeter data collected by <strong>the</strong> Azerbaijan International Operating Company along a pipeline routebetween Chirag <strong>and</strong> Sangachal Bay within <strong>the</strong> Caspian Sea (Figure 10) during <strong>the</strong> winter seasonfrom 01 February to 01 April 2000. The validation consisted of both qualitative <strong>and</strong> quantitativemeasures. The validation showed <strong>the</strong> model to reproduce <strong>the</strong> major current trends within <strong>the</strong>region very well (Figures 11-15) with <strong>the</strong> model being more energetic than <strong>the</strong> data at offshoredata collection stations <strong>and</strong> slightly less energetic at near shore data collection stations. Thedifference between <strong>the</strong> energetic state of <strong>the</strong> model <strong>and</strong> data was within commonly accepted32

AZERI, CHIRAG & GUNASHLI FULL FIELD DEVELOPMENT PHASE 2ENVIRONMENTAL & SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT<strong>modeling</strong> guidelines except <strong>for</strong> one station offshore Kala that can be attributed to localbathymetric or shoreline characteristics not resolved by <strong>the</strong> computational grid.Thermal <strong>dispersion</strong> simulations were conducted <strong>for</strong> cooling water discharges at four locationswithin <strong>the</strong> Azeri, Chirag, Gunashli Field using <strong>the</strong> United States Environmental ProtectionAgency’s Visual Plumes <strong>modeling</strong> system. The simulations were conducted under stagnantconditions during <strong>the</strong> summer <strong>and</strong> winter seasons. These conditions were chosen in order todetermine <strong>the</strong> worst-case <strong>dispersion</strong> of <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>rmal effluent relative to <strong>the</strong> water quality criteria <strong>for</strong>cooling water effluent specified by <strong>the</strong> International Finance Corporation Environmental Health<strong>and</strong> Safety Guidelines. Under <strong>the</strong> cooling water release conditions specified <strong>the</strong> simulationsshowed no violation of <strong>the</strong> above stated water quality criteria.A series of mud <strong>and</strong> drill cutting simulations were conducted <strong>for</strong> 48 wells at <strong>the</strong> East <strong>and</strong> WestPDUQ locations, respectively, during average <strong>and</strong> maximum current conditions <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> summer<strong>and</strong> winter seasons. In general <strong>the</strong> heavier cuttings settled near <strong>the</strong> drill site with lighter particlesbeing carried downstream by <strong>the</strong> current be<strong>for</strong>e settling. The predicted deposition pattern during<strong>the</strong> average winter conditions is centered on <strong>the</strong> release site at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ <strong>and</strong> offset to <strong>the</strong>west at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ with maximum deposition thicknesses of 208 <strong>and</strong> 203 cm, respectively.The predicted deposition pattern during <strong>the</strong> maximum winter conditions at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ isoffset to <strong>the</strong> southwest <strong>and</strong> offset to <strong>the</strong> east at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ with maximum depositionthicknesses of 89 <strong>and</strong> 144 cm, respectively. The predicted deposition pattern during <strong>the</strong> averagesummer conditions is slightly offset to <strong>the</strong> south at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ <strong>and</strong> centered around <strong>the</strong>release site at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ, with maximum deposition thicknesses of 211 <strong>and</strong> 210 cm,respectively. The predicted deposition pattern during <strong>the</strong> maximum summer conditions is offsetto <strong>the</strong> south-sou<strong>the</strong>ast at <strong>the</strong> East PDUQ <strong>and</strong> offset to <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>ast at <strong>the</strong> West PDUQ, withmaximum deposition thicknesses of 208 <strong>and</strong> 177 cm, respectively.33

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