V-90 (151.76 KB) - Innophos

V-90 (151.76 KB) - Innophos

V-90 (151.76 KB) - Innophos


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EyeIngestionNotes to PhysicianOther Information▪ In case of contact with substance, immediately flush eyes with running water for atleast 20 minutes. Seek immediate medical attention.▪ Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to do so by a physician. If victim isconscious and alert, give 2-3 glasses of water to drink. Seek immediate medicalattention. Do not leave victim unattended. To prevent aspiration of swallowed product,lay victim on side with head lower than waist. Vomiting may occur spontaneously. Ifvomiting occurs and the victim is conscious, give water to further dilute the chemical.▪ All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in thepatient. Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to materialsother than this product may have occurred.▪ Call 911 or emergency medical service. Ensure that medical personnel are aware ofthe material(s) involved and take precautions to protect themselves.Section 5 - Fire Fighting MeasuresExtinguishing MediaUnsuitable ExtinguishingMediaFirefighting ProceduresUnusual Fire and ExplosionHazardsHazardous CombustionProductsProtection of Firefighters▪ Not combustible. Use extinguishing media suitable for surrounding fire.▪ None known.▪ Keep unauthorized personnel away.▪ Non-combustible.▪ None known.▪ Wear positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Structuralfirefighters' protective clothing will only provide limited protection.Section 6 - Accidental Release MeasuresPersonal PrecautionsEmergency ProceduresEnvironmental PrecautionsContainment/Clean-upMeasuresProhibited Materials▪ Do not touch or walk through spilled material.▪ Keep unauthorized personnel away. Wear appropriate protective gear.▪ Spills may be reportable to the National Response Center (800-424-8802) and to stateand/or local agencies.▪ Sweep or vacuum up and place in an appropriate closed container.Avoid generating dust. Clean up residual material by washing area with water anddetergent. Collect washings for disposal. Do not return material to its originalcontainer.▪ None known.Section 7 - Handling and StorageHandling▪ This is a food ingredient intended for human consumption. Keep containers closedwhen not in use. Avoid breathing dust. Avoid direct or prolonged contact with skin andeyes.Storage▪ Store in closed containers. Store in an area that is cool, dry, sanitary, well-ventilated,isolated from all toxic and harmful substances. This product is hygroscopic and tendsto cake on storage. Expected shelf life if stored at recommeneded temperatires: 12months.Special Packaging Materials ▪ None known.Incompatible Materials or ▪ No data availableIgnition SourcesSection 8 - Exposure Controls/Personal ProtectionPersonal Protective EquipmentPage 3 of 11

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