Knjiga - Aksioma

Knjiga - Aksioma

Knjiga - Aksioma


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52 Danes delovanje teh treh umetnikov ni več zgolj simptomkulture, temveč način, kako vnašati nemir v človeškivsakdanji in travmatični obstoj.Ime in osebno ime v vseh ali nekaterih možnihsvetovihname and a description is not simple; to the contrary, thedescription is important for understanding the “sense ofthe name”. 4 The pronounced or written personal namedoes not provide a description of the being or the objectapplied to. It may be said for a mineral: “This is stone!”,or for a woman/man: “This is Mary/Peter”. Thus one doesnot provide a description or characterisation of that stone(for instance, the stone is a black mineral) or the humanbeing in question (Mary is a sexy widow, Peter is a diligentworker). Nevertheless, the “name” itself is not merely aname (an empty signifier), but a complex ambiguity andpotentiality of reference and communication. Only in referentialrelations Mary and Peter become “the very Mary”or “the very Peter”; indeed, the one particular Mary of allMaries (she is his mother), or the one particular Peter ofall Peters (he is the first apostle, a factory foreman), etc.Anyway, how is the name’s reference given? Is it simplydemonstrative? According to Ludwig Wittgenstein, inmany cases of using the word “meaning” (although notexclusively), it can be explained in the following terms:the meaning of a word is its use in language. However,the meaning of a name is at times explained by indicatingthe bearer. 553Začnemo lahko z intuitivno podano domnevo, da konceptimena na prvi pogled ne vključuje „opisa“ imenovanegain da odnos imena in opisa imenovanega ni trivialen,ampak ravno nasprotno, da je pomemben za razumevanje„smisla imena“. 4 Izgovorjeno ali zapisano ime ne ponujaopisa bitja ali objekta, zaradi katerega se uporablja. Zadoločeni mineral lahko rečemo: „To je kamen!“ ali zaneko žensko/moškega: „To je Marija/Peter.“ S tem nepodajamo opisa ali karakterizacije tega kamna (na primerkamen je črni mineral) ali človeškega bitja (Marija jeseksi vdova, Peter je pridni delavec). Vendar, samo „ime“ni zgolj ime (prazni označevalec), temveč zapletenost večpomenskostiin potencialnosti referiranja in komunikacije.Marija in Peter s temi referenčnimi odnosi postaneta„ravno tista Marija“ ali „ravno tisti Peter“ – ona je pravtista Marija od vseh Marij (ona je njegova mati), kot jetudi Peter prav tisti od vseh Petrov (on je prvi oče Cerkve,preddelavec v tovarni itd.). Vendar nas zanima, kako jepodana referenca imena. Je enostavno kazalna? Kot trdiLudwig Wittgenstein:Za velik razred primerov, v katerih se uporabljabeseda ‚pomen‘ – čeprav ne v vseh primerihnjene uporabe – lahko to besedo razložimo tako:pomen ene besede je njena uporaba v jeziku.Pomen določenega imena pa se včasih razlagatako, da se pokaže njegov nosilec. 54 Saul A. Kripke, “Imenovanjei nužnost“, Dometibr. 4, Reka 1984, str.44–64.5 Ludwig Wittgen stein,Filozofska istraži va nja,Nolit, Beograd 1980,str. 56.4 Saul A. Kripke, “Imenovanjei nužnost”, Dometino. 4, Rijeka 1984,pp. 44–64.5 Ludwig Wittgen stein,Filozofska istraži vanja,Nolit, Belgrade, 1980,p. 56.This is where we encounter a complex location of“causal” or “quite coincidental” chains and webs of communication,which condition the relations between namesand referents. A personal name may be written on personaldocuments (ID card, passport, credit card), on businessand private letters, as a signature of an artistic or scientificwork, etc. Personal names may appear on street graffiti, ina wide range of situations: for instance, on political graffiticontaining names of politicians and political leaders(the inscription of the name “TITO” in white paint andcapital letters on the walls of village or town buildingsmarked the omnipresence of Josip Broz Tito in the socialist

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