Knjiga - Aksioma

Knjiga - Aksioma

Knjiga - Aksioma


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Janez Janša,Janez Janša,Janez JanšaPodpis dogodekkontekst, Berlin, 2008PerformansZ dovoljenjem:<strong>Aksioma</strong>The former case refers to a “political critical and/or subversiveattitude” stated by means of a work or action of theartist in a spontaneous manner or according to a plan. Apolitical critical and/or subversive attitude of the artist ispronounced as an individual articulated or inarticulateattitude of the artist, an attitude of an artistic or interestgroup (micro-world, micro-ecology) or an attitude of apolitical micro- or macro-platform, including inarticu-40 actions focused on depriving of sense/reason, legitimacy, 41importance or effect in certain social practices, primarilydidactic and repressive; namely, practices of daily existencewithin the manifestations of social power as the basis forinforming life. Artistic subversions of power emerge as anexit – it may be claimed: transcendence – of the artisticJanez Janša,Janez Janša,into the realm of the political conceived as informing ofJanez Janša“human condition”. These and such artistic practices thusSignature EventContext, Berlin, 2008pursue immanence in a political sense, and this impliesPerformanceCourtesy: <strong>Aksioma</strong>work with the social.Artistic practices intuitively or programmaticallyfocused on subversions of “power” are conceived in criticalskimi primeri dade v nemški umetnosti na prehodu desetihmedia representations or live-action performances inlet v dvajseta leta 20. stoletja. Derealizacija označuje boljspecific micro- or macro-contexts. Representations andzapletene sklope umetniških in kulturnih dejavnosti, ki soperformances are directed against the advocacies, effectsusmerjeni k odštevanju smisla/razlogov, legitimnosti aliand phenomenalities of the real, actualised or the symbolically/fictionallypomembnosti efekta v določenih družbenih praksah, predvsemmediated “power”. Artistic practicev praksah didaktike in praksah represije, oziroma vmay be termed as critical and subversive in the conceptual,praksah izvajanja vsakdanjega življenja, s poudarjanjemdiscursive, and political sense in two cases:družbene moči kot temelja za oblikovanje življenja. Umetniškea) when it expresses or demonstrates a critical or sub-subverzije moči se kažejo kot izhod – lahko rečemo:versive attitude in relation to social power, corre-transcendenca – samega umetniškega v polje političnega,sponding identifying hegemonies and its advocatesrazumljenega kot oblikovanje „človeškega pogoja“. Zato tein a context of relative autonomies of art, andin tovrstne prakse težijo k imanenci v političnem smislu,b) when, in a sufficiently transparent manner, it discloseskar pomeni, da težijo k delu z družbenostjo.itself as a signifying practice engaged in a“problematic relation” in a web of social signifyingpractices, exposing them through work, productionand action.Umetniška praksa, ki je intuitivno in programskousmerjena k subverzijam „moči“, se izvaja s posrednimkritičnim medijskim prikazovanjem ali neposrednim –živim akcijskim izvajanjem v specifičnih mikro- in makrokontekstih.Prikazovanje in izvajanje sta usmerjeni zoperzastopnike, efekte in pojavnosti resnične, aktualne ali simbolično-fiktivnoposredovane „moči“. Umetniško praksoimenujemo za kritično in subverzivno v konceptualnem,diskurzivnem in političnem smislu v dveh primerih:a) kadar kaže ali opozarja na kritično ali subverzivnostališče do družbene moči, ustreznih identifikacij-

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