Knjiga - Aksioma

Knjiga - Aksioma

Knjiga - Aksioma


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26 ključnih, saj se izkaže, da imajo trije avtorji več kot triimena, po katerih jih prepoznavamo. Potrebnih je vsehdevet triptihov, da ponudijo možnost za podpis vseh imenavtorjev. Tri slike prvega razstavljenega triptiha na razstaviPodpis, ki je skupinski projekt Janeza Janše, JanezaJanše in Janeza Janše, podpiše umetnik Janez Janša. Drugegapodpiše drugi umetnik trojice, torej se podpis, kije formalno videti drugačen, bere Janez Janša. Tretjegapodpiše umetnik, ki uporablja psevdonim Janez Janša.Četrti triptih je avtorsko delo vseh treh umetnikov in slikeso podpisane z enako zvenečimi, a formalno in vsebinskorazličnimi podpisi Janez Janša.Trije umetniki z imeni Janez Janša so problematični.Eden izmed Janš umetnikov se je novembra 2008 v Ljubljanipreimenoval v Žigo Kariža. Drugi, ki je rojen v Italiji,se mora po tamkaj veljavnih zakonih imenovati DavideGrassi. Podobno je s tretjim Janezom Janšo, ki se naHrvaškem imenuje Emil Hrvatin. Zato se cikel triptihovz variacijami njihovih podpisov s četrtim triptihom šene zaključi. Peti triptih na razstavi podpiše Emil Hrvatin,šestega Davide Grassi, sedmega pa Žiga Kariž. Kompozicijoosmega triptiha umetniki podpišejo s svojimi rojstnimiimeni Emil Hrvatin, Davide Grassi in Žiga Kariž,pod katerimi so ustvarjali do preimenovanja v JanezeJanše v letu 2007. Bo torej fundacija del Janeza Janše čezdesetletja razglasila ta triptih za tržni in kulturnovrednostniponaredek, ker so ga umetniki podpisali tako, dase oddalji od njihove standardne odločitve, da v okviruprojekta Janez Janša uporabljajo imena in sinonim JanezJanša? Zadnji triptih je nekakšen „slovenski uradni“ triptih;njegovo verodostojnost bi prepoznal matični urad vRepubliki Sloveniji. Nanj se podpišejo Janez Janša, JanezJanša in Žiga Kariž.Na sedemindvajsetih slikah se srečujemo s štirimirazličnimi besednimi zvezami, s štirimi različicami imenin priimkov: Davide Grassi, Emil Hrvatin, Janez Janšadifferences between the signatures have occurred becauseof the painter’s flaws and they actually resemble the minimaldifferences that occur when someone repeatedly writesdown their name on a piece of paper. The signature is stillsufficiently the same to be confirmed as identical by thegraphologist; yet, there are minimal differences betweenone’s signature today and one’s signature tomorrow.The triptychs differ in yet another respect, concerning aproperty that occupies the boundary between the painting’sextrinsic and intrinsic qualities. It concerns the author’ssignature. Only now I am not talking about the signaturesof Janez Janša, Janez Janša and Janez Janša that were transferredonto the canvas by Bernik, but rather about the verysignatures of the authors of the project. These signaturesdiffer from one another, however, not only in minimal formalfeatures, but also in key properties for, as it turns out,these three authors have more than three names by whichthey are recognised. All nine triptychs are necessary toproduce the possibility for signing all names of the authors.The three paintings in the first exhibited triptych at theshow Signature, which is a joint project by Janez Janša,Janez Janša and Janez Janša, are signed by the artist JanezJanša. The second triptych is signed by the second artistin the group, so that the signature, which looks differentin form, reads Janez Janša. The third triptych is signed bythe artist who uses the pseudonym Janez Janša. The fourthtriptych is the authorial work of all three artists and thepaintings are signed with signatures Janez Janša, whichsound the same, yet, they are different in form and content.The three artists called Janez Janša are problematic.One of the Janša artists changed his name to Žiga Karižin Ljubljana in November 2008. The second Janša, who wasborn in Italy, is forced to use the name Davide Grassi toobserve the legislation in Italy. Similarly, the third JanezJanša is called Emil Hrvatin in Croatia. This is why thecycle of triptychs with variations on their signatures does27

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