Knjiga - Aksioma

Knjiga - Aksioma

Knjiga - Aksioma


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14 čim dlje. Seznam imen in razlogi za spremembe so številniusually, however, they strive to sound as harmonious as 15in segajo od George Sand, Eltona Johna, Marka Twaina,possible, so that the user can memorise them as soon asNicholasa Cagea, Andyja Warhola, Armana, Marilynpossible and they stay in the audiences’ minds for as longMonroe, Davida Bowieja, Balthusa, do Alva Nota.as possible. The list of such names is endless (and the reasonsOdkar se je v renesansi umetnikovo ime izvilo iz anonimnosti,for the changes are numerous); it ranges from Georgeje postajalo vse bolj pomembno. Ko so strokovnjakiSand, Elton John, Mark Twain to Nicholas Cage, Andyza atribucije, zbrani v okviru Rembrandt ResearchWarhol, Arman, Marilyn Monroe, David Bowie, Balthus,Project, okrog leta 1995 pripisali znano Rembrandtovoto Alva Noto.sliko Poljski jezdec zgolj Rembrandtovi delavnici, ne paThe name of the artist has been gaining in prominencesamemu mojstru 2 , je slika sicer ostala isti predmet, ki sosince the times of the Renaissance, when it wrenchedga še vedno sestavljali isto platno in isti pigmenti, a njenaitself from anonymity. When the experts on attribution,kulturna in tržna vrednost pa tudi prostor na muzejskigathered on the Rembrandt Research Project around 1995,steni so se popolnoma spremenili:attributed the famous Rembrandt painting The PolishRider only to the master’s workshop and not to the masterRembrandt ima čast, da je umeščen v najuglednejšehimself, 2 the painting of course remained the same; it stillzbirke, in zahteva natančno estetsko pozornostconsisted of the same canvas and the same pigments, yet,umetnostnih romarjev. Veličastni Rembrandt,its cultural and market value, and even its placement inkakršen je Nočna straža, upravičuje svoje oltarnothe museum, changed drastically.mesto v muzeju, ki je, kakor Rijksmuseumv Amsterdamu, konstruiran kot katedrala narodneTo be a Rembrandt is to claim pride of placeidentitete. Če pa je slika zgolj delo mojstrovein the greatest collections and to command thedelavnice in takšna je zdaj slika Poljski jezdec,close aesthetic attention of art pilgrims. To bepa zahteva le pozornost strokovnjakov za manjpomembne nizozemske umetnike sedemnajstegastoletja in prostor v eni od manj pomembnihgalerij, ki so posvečene Rembrandtovi šoli. Sevedaje tu še ena posledica prevrednotenja v najboljrobatem smislu izraza: če bi se Poljski jezdecpojavil na trgu kot pristni Rembrandt, bi pravlahko presegel mejo sto milijonov dolarjev,na katero čaka svet umetnosti. 3Sliki torej ime avtorja, o katerem najvidneje jamči njegovlastnoročni podpis v enem od robov, linija, ki tvoriobliko črk njegovega imena, doda posebno vrednost,nekakšno avro avtentičnosti, ki ni povezana z drugimilastnostmi in kvaliteto slike.2 Glej Saša Glavan[Nabergoj], „VprašanjeRembrandtovega avtorstvaslike ‚Mož z brado‘“,Zbornik za umetnostnozgodovino, l. 34, Slovenskoumetnostnozgodovinskodruštvo, Ljubljana1998.3 Arthur C. Danto,„The Art World Revisited:Comedies of Similarity“,Beyond the BrilloBox. The Visual Arts inPost-Historical Perspective,University of CaliforniaPress, Berkeley,Los Angeles in London1992, str. 33.2 See Saša Glavan[Nabergoj], “VprašanjeRembrandtovega avtorstvaslike ‘Mož z brado’”,Zbornik za umetnostnozgodovino, Vol. 34, Slovenskoumetnostnozgodovinskodruštvo,Ljubljana 1998.3 Arthur C. Danto,“The Art World Revisited:Comedies of Similarity”,Beyond the BrilloBox. The Visual Arts inPost-Historical Perspective,University of CaliforniaPress, Berkeley,Los Angeles and London1992, p. 33.a great Rembrandt, like The Night Watch, islegitimately to enjoy the prerequisites ofan altarpiece in a museum construed, like theRijksmuseum in Amsterdam, as a cathedral tonational identity. Whereas to be merely by theMaster’s Workshop, as now The Polish Rider is,gives the work claim only to experts on the minorartists of the seventeenth century in Hollandand a place in the lesser galleries devoted tothe School of Rembrandt. There is the furtherconsequence of re-evaluation in the crassestmeaning of the term: were The Polish Rider tocome onto the market as genuinely by Rembrandt,it might just break the hundred-million-dollarmark the art world has been waiting for. 3

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