Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...

Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ... Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...


Number 1Financial Stability ReportThe slowdown in the growth trend of Figure 21. The trend of interest income, in percentbanking sector income, which started250.0%since the beginning of 2009, continued200.0%throughout the first half of 2010. Until150.0%June 2010, banking sector revenues100.0%reached at euro 103.2 million,50.0%recording an annual growth of 1.20.0%percent (June 2008: 36.5 percent; June-50.0%2009: 10.0 percent). The lower growth-100.0%rate in income was mainly aJune 2007 June 2008 June 2009 June 2010consequence of the slowdown of creditLoan interestInterest from bank placementsInterest from securitiesgrowth, which caused a slowdown ofinterest income from loans that Source: CBK (2010)represents the main source of income for the banking sector. The slowdown in the growthtrend of total income was also causedby the decline in the income frominterest on bank placements abroad(Figure 21). Despite the increase inthe volume of placements with banksabroad, the decline of interest ratesin the European interbank market,following the reduction of key interestrate by the ECB, led to a decline ofinterest income from theseplacements. Banking sector incomeduring the first half of 2010 wasnegatively affected also by otherincome, which recorded an annualdecline of 80 percent in June 2010(Figure 22). On the other hand, an upward trend was evident in the banking sectorinvestments in securities during 2010, which had a positive impact in the overall level ofincome.The structure of the banking sectorrevenues continues to be dominatedby the interest income from loans,which in June 2010 represented 79.3percent of total banking sectorrevenues (Figure 23). The structure ofbanking sector revenues reflects thestructure of its balance sheet, whereloans represent the majority of assets.However, the high dependence ofbanking sector revenues on a singlesource of income implies that thesector is more sensitive todevelopments in a certain marketFigure 22. The trend of non-interest income, inpercent200.0%150.0%100.0%50.0%0.0%-50.0%-100.0%June 2007 June 2008 June 2009 June 2010Income from commisionsSource: CBK (2010)Other operating incomeFigure 23. Structure of banking sector income, inpercent100%80%60%40%20%0%June 2007 June 2008 June 2009 June 2010Loan interest Bank placements SecuritiesFees and commissions Other operating incomeSource: CBK (2010)segment. This was evident in the previous two years, when the slowdown of lending activityled to a significant slowdown in the growth trend of banking revenues. Other important36 |

Financial Stability ReportNumber 1sources of income for the banking sector also consist of fees and commissions on bankingservices, which in the first half of the year generated 16.8 percent of total banking sectorrevenues.Since the beginning of thefunctioning of Kosovo’s bankingsystem, the first half of 2010represents the first period whenbanking sector expenditures recordeda decline (Figure 24). In June 2010,banking sector expenditures reachedat euro 83.8 million, marking anannual decline of 6.5 percent. Thereduction of banking sectorexpenditures mainly relied on thereduction of operating expenses inorder to maintain the efficiency of thesector. In this context, general andadministrative expenses of thebanking sector in June 2010 recorded an annual decline of 11.6 percent. Among theseexpenditures, a more pronounced reduction was observed in other non-interest expenseswhich decreased by 50 percent, while personnel expenditures rose by just 0.6 per cent (20.4percent in June 2009). Within non-interest expenses, the highest decline was noticed in theprovisions for loan losses, which inJune 2010 recorded an annual declineof 33.2 percent. The reduction of thesecosts has occurred despite the factthat the share of non-performingloans to total loans in June 2010 washigher than in June 2009. This isbecause the growth of non-performingloans has mainly taken place duringthe second half of 2009 and theprovisions for new non-performingloans were allocated during thatperiod. On the other hand, interestexpenditures recorded a higher level,Figure 24. The trend of banking sectorexpenditures, in percent100.050.00.0-50.0June 2007 June 2008 June 2009 June 2010Source: CBK (2010)Interest for depositsInterest for other borrowingProvisionsGeneral and administrative expendituresFigure 25. Structure of banking sectorexpenditures, in percent100%80%60%40%20%0%June 2007 June 2008 June 2009 June 2010Source: CBK (2010)General and Administrative expendituresNon-interest expendituresInterest expenditureswhich is mainly attributed to interest expenditures on deposits that recorded an annualincrease of 13.3 percent. Increased interest expenditures on deposits resulted mainly fromthe increase in the value of deposits during this period, while interest rates on depositsrecorded a slight decline.The structure of banking sector expenditures during the first half of 2010 remained similarto previous periods. General and administrative expenditures continue to represent thelargest category, with a share of 50.3 percent to total expenditures of the banking sector(53.2 percent in June 2009).The second largest category of banking sector expenditures are interest expenses, the shareof which rose to 33.9 percent of total revenues in June 2010 from 27.4 percent in June 2009| 37

<strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Stability</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Number 1sources of income for the banking sector also consist of fees and commissions on bankingservices, which in the first half of the year generated 16.8 percent of total banking sectorrevenues.Since the beginning of thefunctioning of Kosovo’s bankingsystem, the first half of <strong>20</strong>10represents the first period whenbanking sector expenditures recordeda decline (Figure 24). In June <strong>20</strong>10,banking sector expenditures reachedat euro 83.8 million, marking anannual decline of 6.5 percent. Thereduction of banking sectorexpenditures mainly relied on thereduction of operating expenses inorder to maintain the efficiency of thesector. In this context, general andadministrative expenses of thebanking sector in June <strong>20</strong>10 recorded an annual decline of 11.6 percent. Among theseexpenditures, a more pronounced reduction was observed in other non-interest expenseswhich decreased by 50 percent, while personnel expenditures rose by just 0.6 per cent (<strong>20</strong>.4percent in June <strong>20</strong>09). Within non-interest expenses, the highest decline was noticed in theprovisions for loan losses, which inJune <strong>20</strong>10 recorded an annual declineof 33.2 percent. The reduction of thesecosts has occurred despite the factthat the share of non-performingloans to total loans in June <strong>20</strong>10 washigher than in June <strong>20</strong>09. This isbecause the growth of non-performingloans has mainly taken place duringthe second half of <strong>20</strong>09 and theprovisions for new non-performingloans were allocated during thatperiod. On the other hand, interestexpenditures recorded a higher level,Figure 24. The trend of banking sectorexpenditures, in percent100.050.00.0-50.0June <strong>20</strong>07 June <strong>20</strong>08 June <strong>20</strong>09 June <strong>20</strong>10Source: CBK (<strong>20</strong>10)Interest for depositsInterest for other borrowingProvisionsGeneral and administrative expendituresFigure 25. Structure of banking sectorexpenditures, in percent100%80%60%40%<strong>20</strong>%0%June <strong>20</strong>07 June <strong>20</strong>08 June <strong>20</strong>09 June <strong>20</strong>10Source: CBK (<strong>20</strong>10)General and Administrative expendituresNon-interest expendituresInterest expenditureswhich is mainly attributed to interest expenditures on deposits that recorded an annualincrease of 13.3 percent. Increased interest expenditures on deposits resulted mainly fromthe increase in the value of deposits during this period, while interest rates on depositsrecorded a slight decline.The structure of banking sector expenditures during the first half of <strong>20</strong>10 remained similarto previous periods. General and administrative expenditures continue to represent thelargest category, with a share of 50.3 percent to total expenditures of the banking sector(53.2 percent in June <strong>20</strong>09).The second largest category of banking sector expenditures are interest expenses, the shareof which rose to 33.9 percent of total revenues in June <strong>20</strong>10 from 27.4 percent in June <strong>20</strong>09| 37

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