Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...

Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ... Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...


Number 1Financial Stability Reportfluctuations for deposits in the Kosovo’s banking sector are minimal, given that 94.4percent of deposits in this sector are held in euro.In terms of the maturity, the structure of deposits has remained similar compared to theprevious periods. Time deposits compose 52.7 percent of total deposits, followed bytransferable deposits representing 30 percent of total deposits. The remainder belongs tosaving deposits, which in June 2010represented 17.3 percent of total Figure 17. Structure of time depositsdeposits.Regarding time deposits, 39.5percent are deposits with maturity ofup to one year, 7.6 percent withmaturity of over two years, and theremaining are deposits with maturityof one to two years (Figure 17).The continuous increase of depositswith longer maturities willcontribute to a sounder and longertermlending, considering thatbanking sector assets in Kosovo aremainly financed by deposits.100%80%60%40%20%0%June 2007 June 2008 June 2009 June 2010Over two years One up to two years Up to one yearSource: CBK (2010)6.3. Banking sector performanceAfter a period of declining profits, inJune 2010, Kosovo’s banking sectorattained a net profit of euro 19.4million, which represents an annualgrowth of 56.8 percent (Figure 18).The increase of the profit mainlyresulted from the reduction ofexpenditures, which reflects themeasures taken by commercial banksto safeguard their efficiency,considering the slowdown in thefinancial intermediation activity.Whereas, revenues continued to growat lower rate compared to previousperiods.After two years of declining trend inprofitability, the annual increase ofnet profit in June 2010 led to anincrease of the profitabilityindicators, such as the Return onAverage Asset (ROAA) and theFigure 18. Balance of income and operationalexpenditures, in millions of euro150.0100.050.00.0-50.0-100.030.0%25.0%20.0%15.0%10.0%5.0%0.0%June 2007 June 2008 June 2009 June 2010Income Expenditures Profit (right axis)Source: CBK (2010)Figure 19. Profitability Indicators, in percent26.2%2.6%20.2%2.2%1.3%12.8%1.5%15.9%2007 2008 2009 201020. |ROAESourcei: CBK (2010)ROAA (right axis)

Financial Stability ReportNumber 1Return on Average Equity (ROAE) (Figure 15). The increase in ROAA and ROAE wasmainly a result of the increase in the profits of the three largest banks in the economy.Box 1. Decomposition of factors contributing to the change of ROAEReturn on Average Equity (ROAE) represents an important indicator that measures the profitabilityof the banking sector. After three years of continuous decline, in June 2010 it was noticed an increaseof this indicator compared to previous year. The factors that have affected the change in ROAE canmainly be decomposed through the following formula, which presents ROAE as a product of fourdifferent factors.Profit Margin Risk Adjusted Profit Risk level LeverageThe increase of the ROAE is driven by higher profit margin before tax implying that the bankingsector income is increasing fasterFigure 20. Factors contributing to the change ofthan expenditures. Therefore, theROAEincrease of profit due to the higherprofit margin is considered to have4.0%20.0%positive implications for the2.0%resilience of the banking sector. The0.0%15.0%-2.0%banking sector resilience is affected10.0%positively also when the increase ofROAE results from the higher level ofrisk adjusted profit, which implies-4.0%-6.0%-8.0%5.0%-10.0%0.0%that banking profit is increasing at aJune 2007 June 2008 June 2009 June 2010higher rate compared to the increaseProfit margin before taxRisk-weighted profitRisk levelLeverage rateof risk-werighted assets. On the otherROE (right axis)hand, the increase of ROAE as aresult of a higher risk level has Source: CBK (2010)negative implications for the banking sector sustainability, indicating that the composition of bankingsector assets is changing in favour of assets that bear higher risk levels. Banking sector resiliencemay be negatively affected also if its profitability increases as a result of higher leverage rate, whichimplies that banking sector assets are increasing at a higher rate compared to the increase of capital,meaning that less capital in proportion to total assets will be available as a cushion against potentiallosses.Figure 20 presents the main contributors to the change of ROAE for the Kosovo’s banking sector. Theincrease of ROAE in June 2010 appears to have resulted mainly from the increase of profit margin,thus reflecting the decrease of banking expenditures during this period. Profit margin was the mostimportant determinant for the profitability of Kosovo’s banking sector also in year 2009, when ROAErecorded a decline. Another factor that contributed to the increase of ROAE in June 2010 was theincrease of leverage, indicating that assets have increased faster than the capital. On the other hand,the risk factor had a negative impact on the profitability of the banking sector. This reflects the lowergrowth rate of risk-weighted assets due to the lower growth rate of loans that represent the maincomponent of risk-weighted assets. The lower rate of credit growth has had a negative impact on theprofitability of the sector, but is considered to have decreased the level of risk taken by banks.| 35

<strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Stability</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Number 1Return on Average Equity (ROAE) (Figure 15). The increase in ROAA and ROAE wasmainly a result of the increase in the profits of the three largest banks in the economy.Box 1. Decomposition of factors contributing to the change of ROAEReturn on Average Equity (ROAE) represents an important indicator that measures the profitabilityof the banking sector. After three years of continuous decline, in June <strong>20</strong>10 it was noticed an increaseof this indicator compared to previous year. The factors that have affected the change in ROAE canmainly be decomposed through the following formula, which presents ROAE as a product of fourdifferent factors.Profit Margin Risk Adjusted Profit Risk level LeverageThe increase of the ROAE is driven by higher profit margin before tax implying that the bankingsector income is increasing fasterFigure <strong>20</strong>. Factors contributing to the change ofthan expenditures. Therefore, theROAEincrease of profit due to the higherprofit margin is considered to have4.0%<strong>20</strong>.0%positive implications for the2.0%resilience of the banking sector. The0.0%15.0%-2.0%banking sector resilience is affected10.0%positively also when the increase ofROAE results from the higher level ofrisk adjusted profit, which implies-4.0%-6.0%-8.0%5.0%-10.0%0.0%that banking profit is increasing at aJune <strong>20</strong>07 June <strong>20</strong>08 June <strong>20</strong>09 June <strong>20</strong>10higher rate compared to the increaseProfit margin before taxRisk-weighted profitRisk levelLeverage rateof risk-werighted assets. On the otherROE (right axis)hand, the increase of ROAE as aresult of a higher risk level has Source: CBK (<strong>20</strong>10)negative implications for the banking sector sustainability, indicating that the composition of bankingsector assets is changing in favour of assets that bear higher risk levels. Banking sector resiliencemay be negatively affected also if its profitability increases as a result of higher leverage rate, whichimplies that banking sector assets are increasing at a higher rate compared to the increase of capital,meaning that less capital in proportion to total assets will be available as a cushion against potentiallosses.Figure <strong>20</strong> presents the main contributors to the change of ROAE for the Kosovo’s banking sector. Theincrease of ROAE in June <strong>20</strong>10 appears to have resulted mainly from the increase of profit margin,thus reflecting the decrease of banking expenditures during this period. Profit margin was the mostimportant determinant for the profitability of Kosovo’s banking sector also in year <strong>20</strong>09, when ROAErecorded a decline. Another factor that contributed to the increase of ROAE in June <strong>20</strong>10 was theincrease of leverage, indicating that assets have increased faster than the capital. On the other hand,the risk factor had a negative impact on the profitability of the banking sector. This reflects the lowergrowth rate of risk-weighted assets due to the lower growth rate of loans that represent the maincomponent of risk-weighted assets. The lower rate of credit growth has had a negative impact on theprofitability of the sector, but is considered to have decreased the level of risk taken by banks.| 35

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