Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...

Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ... Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...


Number 1Financial Stability ReportFisher, S., Sahay, R., and Vegh, A. (1996), Economies in Transition: The Beginnings of theGrowth, The American Economic Review, 86: 229-233.Hanson, J. A. and R. Rocha 1986, High Interest Rates, Spreads, and the Cost OfIntermediation, Industry and Finance Series 18, Washington: The World Bank.Hashi, I. and V. Toçi (2010), Financing Constraints, Credit Rationing and Financing Obstacles:Evidence from Firm-Level Data in South-Eastern Europe, in Matousek, R., ed.: Money, Bankingand Financial Markets in Central and Eastern Europe: 20 Years of Transition, PalgraveMacmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions, London: Palgrave.Hay, J., A. Shleifer and R. Vishny (1996), Toward a Theory of Legal Reform, EuropeanEconomic Review, 40: 559-567.Hendley, K. (2001), Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Business Disputes in Russia, in Murrell, P.,ed.: Assessing the Value of Law in Transition Economies, Ann Arbor: The University ofMichigan Press.Hendley, K., P. Murrell and R. Ryterman (2001), Law Works in Russia: The Role of Law inInterenterprise Transactions, in Murrell, P., ed.: Assessing the Value of Law in TransitionEconomies, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.International Monetary Fund (2010), Global Financial Report, Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (2010a), World Economic Outlook, Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (2010b), IMF Country Report Kosovo, Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (2010c), IMF Country Report Montenegro, Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (2010d), Financial Access Survey, Retrieved from 2010), Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (2009e), CESE Bank Loss Projections and Stress-Test Exercise,unpublished note.Kolodko, G. (1999), Ten Years of Post-Socialist Transition Lessons for Policy Reform, TheWorld Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. 2095.Kosovo Pension Saving Fund (2010), Trustorja, Prishtina: KPSTMinistry of Economy and Finance (2010), Semi-annual Macroeconomic Bulletin Jan-May 2010,Prishtina: MEF.Morina and Toçi (2007). Cost of Intermediation in the Kosovo Banking Sector, CBAK BulletinNo. 5, Central Banking Authority of Kosovo, Prishtina: CBAK.National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia (2009), Financial Stability Report for the Republicof Macedonia in 2009, Skopje: NBRM.National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, Quarterly Report, various issues from 2008 to2010, Skopje: NBRM.National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, Semi-annual Report, various issues from 2008 to2010, Skopje: NBRM.National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Statistical Bulletin, Various Issues from 2008 to 2010,Belgrade: NBRS.Statistical Office of Kosovo (2010), Consumer Price Index, Prishtina: SOK.Statistical Office of Kosovo (2010a), Gross Domestic Product 2004-2009, Prishtina: SOK.120 |

Financial Stability ReportNumber 1Statistical Office of Kosovo (2010b), Labor Market Survey 2009, Prishtina: SOK.Valverde, S. C., del Paso, R. L. and Fernandez, F. R. (2004) Banks, financial innovations andregional growth, European Integration, Financial Systems and Corporate Performance (EIFC).World Bank (2004), Kosova Economic Memorandum, Country Report, No. 28023-KOS.World Bank (2010), Enterprise Survey, Retrieved from (November2010), Washington DC: World Bank.World Bank (2010), Doing Business 2010, Washington DC: The World Bank.Wyplosz, C. (1999), Ten Years of Transformation: Macroeconomic Lessons, Paper presented atthe World Bank Annual Bank Conference on Development, Washington DC.Zahler, R. (2004), Financial Sector’s Role in Economic Development in Kosova, Zahler&Co.,Santiago, Chile, mimeo.| 121

Number 1<strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Stability</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Fisher, S., Sahay, R., and Vegh, A. (1996), Economies in Transition: The Beginnings of theGrowth, The American Economic Review, 86: 229-233.Hanson, J. A. and R. Rocha 1986, High Interest Rates, Spreads, and the Cost OfIntermediation, Industry and Finance Series 18, Washington: The World Bank.Hashi, I. and V. Toçi (<strong>20</strong>10), Financing Constraints, Credit Rationing and Financing Obstacles:Evidence from Firm-Level Data in South-Eastern Europe, in Matousek, R., ed.: Money, Bankingand <strong>Financial</strong> Markets in Central and Eastern Europe: <strong>20</strong> Years of Transition, PalgraveMacmillan Studies in Banking and <strong>Financial</strong> Institutions, London: Palgrave.Hay, J., A. Shleifer and R. Vishny (1996), Toward a Theory of Legal Reform, EuropeanEconomic Review, 40: 559-567.Hendley, K. (<strong>20</strong>01), Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Business Disputes in Russia, in Murrell, P.,ed.: Assessing the Value of Law in Transition Economies, Ann Arbor: The University ofMichigan Press.Hendley, K., P. Murrell and R. Ryterman (<strong>20</strong>01), Law Works in Russia: The Role of Law inInterenterprise Transactions, in Murrell, P., ed.: Assessing the Value of Law in TransitionEconomies, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.International Monetary Fund (<strong>20</strong>10), Global <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Report</strong>, Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (<strong>20</strong>10a), World Economic Outlook, Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (<strong>20</strong>10b), IMF Country <strong>Report</strong> Kosovo, Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (<strong>20</strong>10c), IMF Country <strong>Report</strong> Montenegro, Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (<strong>20</strong>10d), <strong>Financial</strong> Access Survey, Retrieved from <strong>20</strong>10), Washington DC: IMF.International Monetary Fund (<strong>20</strong>09e), CESE Bank Loss Projections and Stress-Test Exercise,unpublished note.Kolodko, G. (1999), Ten Years of Post-Socialist Transition Lessons for Policy Reform, TheWorld Bank Policy Research Working Paper, No. <strong>20</strong>95.Kosovo Pension Saving Fund (<strong>20</strong>10), Trustorja, Prishtina: KPSTMinistry of Economy and Finance (<strong>20</strong>10), Semi-annual Macroeconomic Bulletin Jan-May <strong>20</strong>10,Prishtina: MEF.Morina and Toçi (<strong>20</strong>07). Cost of Intermediation in the Kosovo Banking Sector, CBAK BulletinNo. 5, Central Banking Authority of Kosovo, Prishtina: CBAK.National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia (<strong>20</strong>09), <strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Stability</strong> <strong>Report</strong> for the Republicof Macedonia in <strong>20</strong>09, Skopje: NBRM.National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, Quarterly <strong>Report</strong>, various issues from <strong>20</strong>08 to<strong>20</strong>10, Skopje: NBRM.National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, Semi-annual <strong>Report</strong>, various issues from <strong>20</strong>08 to<strong>20</strong>10, Skopje: NBRM.National Bank of the Republic of Serbia, Statistical Bulletin, Various Issues from <strong>20</strong>08 to <strong>20</strong>10,Belgrade: NBRS.Statistical Office of Kosovo (<strong>20</strong>10), Consumer Price Index, Prishtina: SOK.Statistical Office of Kosovo (<strong>20</strong>10a), Gross Domestic Product <strong>20</strong>04-<strong>20</strong>09, Prishtina: SOK.1<strong>20</strong> |

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