Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...

Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ... Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...


Number 1Financial Stability ReportTable 5.1. ODC balance sheet – assets(Cumulative data, end of period, in millions of euro)Total assetsDescriptionCash andbalanceswith CBKBalances wit h commercial banks SecuritiesIn eurocurrencyIn noneurocurrenciesGrossloans andleasef inancingof which:in EuroOt herf inancialcorporationsof which in euro:Publicnonf inancialcorporationsOt her nonf inancialcorporationsHouseholdsGrossloans innon eurocurrencyFixedasset sOtherassets2000 December 103.1 25.4 71.4 71.4 . __ 3.3 __ __ 3.3 __ __ 0.4 2.62001 December 519.8 265.1 212.8 212.8 . 7.5 25.9 __ __ 25.9 __ __ 4.5 3.92002 December 473.7 81.3 292.7 292.7 . … 86.5 __ __ 80.8 5.7 __ 9.5 3.72003 December 589.2 106.2 106.2 106.2 . 119.6 232.8 __ 0.2 193.5 39.0 __ 12.3 12.22004 December 816.5 116.5 186.0 169.2 16.8 112.3 373.7 __ … 289.9 83.7 __ 15.9 12.22005 December 984.4 131.7 221.9 201.0 21.0 82.9 513.9 __ … 387.9 126.0 __ 16.9 17.02006 December 1,161.2 141.1 243.3 218.8 24.5 99.4 636.6 __ … 490.5 146.1 __ 23.0 17.92007 December 1,435.0 189.0 208.1 173.4 34.7 78.9 892.1 __ 0.2 691.3 200.6 __ 27.2 39.7May 1,559.3 170.8 214.9 168.5 46.4 43.4 1,052.8 __ 0.2 823.6 229.0 __ 32.1 45.2June 1,599.6 184.5 200.4 150.3 50.1 43.4 1,089.7 __ 0.2 850.9 238.6 __ 33.4 48.2July 1,657.0 195.9 232.4 180.9 51.5 34.8 1,114.0 __ 0.2 863.0 250.8 __ 33.8 46.1August 1,718.9 192.8 283.3 229.5 53.9 39.9 1,124.2 __ 0.2 868.0 256.0 __ 34.2 44.5September 1,749.4 195.2 299.9 244.3 55.5 41.5 1,130.2 0.6 0.2 867.1 262.4 __ 35.0 47.7October 1,761.1 211.2 267.7 205.8 61.8 42.3 1,160.8 0.6 0.2 890.3 269.8 __ 35.6 43.5November 1,748.9 196.5 247.7 187.6 60.2 41.8 1,187.9 0.6 0.2 911.0 276.1 __ 35.8 39.32008 December 1,808.2 218.2 283.9 236.3 47.6 40.5 1,183.4 0.6 0.1 901.7 281.0 __ 39.0 43.1January 1,793.6 205.1 280.6 224.4 56.2 40.7 1,188.6 1.1 0.1 905.5 281.8 __ 38.8 39.7February 1,825.4 218.9 277.9 225.1 52.8 40.9 1,211.2 1.1 0.1 926.0 284.0 __ 39.0 37.5March 1,863.1 236.6 274.7 219.0 55.6 38.5 1,229.8 1.0 0.1 939.3 289.4 __ 39.3 44.3April 1,858.8 237.8 263.0 206.2 56.8 36.2 1,238.9 1.0 0.1 943.1 294.7 __ 38.9 44.0May 1,909.9 249.3 269.1 209.2 59.9 38.1 1,267.9 1.7 0.1 964.7 301.4 __ 39.4 45.9June 1,927.1 241.9 286.7 213.9 72.7 34.1 1,280.9 1.0 0.1 968.5 311.2 __ 40.1 43.5July 1,959.5 242.3 318.4 243.1 75.3 36.9 1,274.1 1.0 0.1 956.3 316.7 __ 40.5 47.4August 2,024.1 282.3 349.5 278.2 71.3 40.8 1,264.6 1.5 0.1 939.4 323.6 __ 40.3 46.6September 2,066.3 297.6 350.0 276.0 73.9 40.4 1,279.0 2.2 2.2 946.8 329.7 __ 40.5 58.9October 2,066.9 273.0 341.5 275.1 66.5 73.8 1,291.5 2.4 2.4 955.0 333.8 __ 42.5 44.5November 2,087.0 246.4 370.2 305.8 64.5 84.1 1,298.6 2.3 2.3 962.6 333.4 __ 41.7 46.02009 December 2,204.1 322.7 405.6 326.7 78.8 97.0 1,289.0 2.3 2.3 942.9 343.5 __ 43.1 46.7January 2,206.1 305.8 435.1 358.7 76.4 99.3 1,292.7 2.2 0.3 946.9 343.4 1.5 42.9 30.4February 2,228.3 309.8 430.3 358.8 71.4 118.3 1,297.5 1.9 7.5 912.7 373.9 1.5 42.6 29.8March 2,240.1 289.1 410.5 338.0 72.5 128.7 1,336.2 2.4 6.8 942.5 382.8 1.6 42.4 33.2April 2,203.7 259.0 381.9 312.6 69.3 123.9 1,359.9 4.2 6.9 955.9 390.9 2.0 42.6 36.4May 2,208.1 258.3 372.8 306.8 66.1 122.5 1,380.8 4.1 6.3 969.8 397.7 2.8 42.5 31.22010 June 2,218.8 268.1 351.6 282.6 69.0 114.0 1,404.6 4.0 6.3 982.2 409.1 3.1 42.6 37.8108 |

Financial Stability ReportNumber 1Table 5.2. ODC balance sheet – liabilities(Cumulative data, end of period, in millions of euro)Total liabilitiesDescriptionBalancesfromotherbanksDeposits Write -downs,Ot herdeposits:SavingdepositsprovisionsTransf erabledepositsOt her nonfinancialcorp.HouseholdsQeveria Public Other non Householqendrore nonf inancial corp.financialcorp.dsOtherborrowings (incl.non neg.CD)Ot her Subordin Own of which:liabilities at ed debt resourcesSharecapital2000 December 103.1 . 93.0 93.0 93.0 … . . … … … … 2.9 … 1.1 __ 6.2 4.62001 December 519.8 . 492.3 365.4 133.9 219.2 126.8 __ … 31.3 93.9 … 5.0 … 2.0 … 20.4 18.42002 December 473.7 . 427.2 295.9 159.7 121.7 131.3 __ … 23.9 104.4 … 5.4 … 6.6 1.3 33.2 30.82003 December 589.2 1.8 514.0 290.5 139.0 134.4 223.5 __ … 87.1 133.5 … 8.9 … 17.5 2.0 45.0 44.12004 December 816.5 14.3 694.5 281.0 81.3 145.5 413.5 __ 149.3 24.4 222.5 … 1.4 … 27.9 9.3 69.1 57.72005 December 984.4 23.0 836.7 296.6 76.8 155.5 540.1 0.0 181.3 33.7 298.9 … 6.4 … 37.3 7.0 74.0 62.42006 December 1,161.2 30.3 924.3 308.9 96.4 156.2 615.4 1.0 193.3 27.6 359.5 … 4.2 … 92.1 7.0 103.3 78.42007 December 1,435.0 25.8 1,143.1 380.7 133.5 187.5 762.4 2.4 188.4 43.8 489.3 … 2.7 … 103.7 7.0 152.7 114.9May 1,559.3 27.1 1,235.9 363.6 128.1 184.0 872.2 12.4 220.6 39.7 562.5 … … … 109.8 7.0 179.5 129.9June 1,599.6 32.6 1,264.4 395.7 127.3 189.9 868.7 … 198.3 44.5 576.1 … … … 112.4 7.0 183.2 129.9July 1,657.0 33.6 1,316.6 405.9 149.0 193.8 910.7 … 214.0 49.9 594.9 … … … 114.9 7.0 185.0 129.9August 1,718.9 31.4 1,372.3 406.2 142.9 194.4 966.1 … 223.9 59.5 634.2 … … … 119.1 7.0 189.0 129.9September 1,749.4 32.2 1,404.1 483.7 148.6 195.7 920.4 … 148.6 53.3 655.8 … … … 120.4 7.0 185.7 131.9October 1,761.1 31.2 1,414.6 412.5 141.9 200.3 1,002.1 … 233.1 48.5 657.3 … … … 121.7 7.0 186.6 131.9November 1,748.9 31.5 1,386.9 372.8 137.8 174.5 1,014.1 … 255.7 48.0 653.4 … … … 133.3 7.0 190.2 131.92008 December 1,808.2 34.9 1,444.1 429.8 176.0 186.2 1,014.2 … 250.1 51.4 656.7 … … … 129.8 7.0 192.5 145.9January 1,793.6 38.9 1,421.7 390.0 144.9 180.8 1,031.8 … 244.0 51.4 681.6 … … … 134.9 7.0 191.0 145.9February 1,825.4 42.0 1,444.4 390.3 128.2 195.4 1,054.1 … 244.1 69.0 685.1 … … … 140.0 7.0 192.0 145.9M arch 1,863.1 52.2 1,468.5 414.7 134.3 215.3 1,053.7 … 249.6 69.4 678.9 … … … 141.7 7.0 193.8 145.9April 1,858.8 46.2 1,465.7 398.1 125.0 204.0 1,067.5 … 231.8 78.7 681.2 … … … 140.4 7.0 199.5 148.4May 1,909.9 51.8 1,500.8 472.0 132.2 210.0 1,028.9 … 195.8 78.7 683.2 … … … 147.8 7.0 202.4 149.4June 1,927.1 41.8 1,513.0 417.4 136.4 211.2 1,095.5 … 245.3 72.2 690.7 … … … 152.1 16.9 203.3 149.4July 1,959.5 41.1 1,552.9 443.6 144.9 225.2 1,109.3 … 247.9 66.3 703.7 … … … 147.7 16.9 201.0 149.4August 2,024.1 40.8 1,616.9 477.5 158.7 230.0 1,139.4 … 250.5 72.9 731.8 … … … 154.8 16.9 194.5 159.4September 2,066.3 50.5 1,646.2 485.8 157.6 225.7 1,160.4 … 256.8 75.7 742.3 … … … 148.9 24.4 196.3 159.4October 2,066.9 45.0 1,640.1 521.8 162.6 222.9 1,118.3 180.1 16.5 80.1 755.3 … … … 161.9 24.4 195.4 159.4November 2,087.0 44.3 1,648.3 514.8 156.7 221.9 1,133.5 175.0 21.8 80.7 770.9 … … … 166.8 24.4 203.1 159.42009 December 2,204.1 58.5 1,744.9 517.8 184.0 237.7 1,229.5 163.9 73.9 82.9 801.9 … … … 171.7 24.4 204.6 159.4January 2,206.1 59.1 1,754.1 482.7 156.9 224.7 1,271.4 151.7 151.7 84.5 832.9 … … … 159.0 24.4 209.4 160.4February 2,228.3 55.9 1,775.6 513.6 150.0 244.9 992.4 151.7 151.7 70.4 590.5 269.5 … 1.1 159.5 24.4 211.8 160.4March 2,240.1 55.3 1,777.2 512.0 145.2 251.6 992.3 151.7 151.7 65.7 592.3 272.9 … 1.1 166.4 24.4 215.6 162.4April 2,203.7 52.9 1,746.4 496.1 137.5 258.1 967.6 112.9 98.3 71.6 594.1 282.8 … 1.1 163.6 24.4 215.3 162.4May 2,208.1 51.2 1,749.5 536.4 149.4 264.2 914.9 136.5 29.0 68.7 591.0 298.2 … 1.1 163.9 24.4 218.0 163.42010 June 2,218.8 48.6 1,751.7 525.9 153.8 270.2 923.0 137.5 31.0 67.4 594.3 302.0 … 1.1 168.7 24.4 224.3 164.4| 109

<strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Stability</strong> <strong>Report</strong>Number 1Table 5.2. ODC balance sheet – liabilities(Cumulative data, end of period, in millions of euro)Total liabilitiesDescriptionBalancesfromotherbanksDeposits Write -downs,Ot herdeposits:SavingdepositsprovisionsTransf erabledepositsOt her nonfinancialcorp.HouseholdsQeveria Public Other non Householqendrore nonf inancial corp.financialcorp.dsOtherborrowings (incl.non neg.CD)Ot her Subordin Own of which:liabilities at ed debt resourcesSharecapital<strong>20</strong>00 <strong>December</strong> 103.1 . 93.0 93.0 93.0 … . . … … … … 2.9 … 1.1 __ 6.2 4.6<strong>20</strong>01 <strong>December</strong> 519.8 . 492.3 365.4 133.9 219.2 126.8 __ … 31.3 93.9 … 5.0 … 2.0 … <strong>20</strong>.4 18.4<strong>20</strong>02 <strong>December</strong> 473.7 . 427.2 295.9 159.7 121.7 131.3 __ … 23.9 104.4 … 5.4 … 6.6 1.3 33.2 30.8<strong>20</strong>03 <strong>December</strong> 589.2 1.8 514.0 290.5 139.0 134.4 223.5 __ … 87.1 133.5 … 8.9 … 17.5 2.0 45.0 44.1<strong>20</strong>04 <strong>December</strong> 816.5 14.3 694.5 281.0 81.3 145.5 413.5 __ 149.3 24.4 222.5 … 1.4 … 27.9 9.3 69.1 57.7<strong>20</strong>05 <strong>December</strong> 984.4 23.0 836.7 296.6 76.8 155.5 540.1 0.0 181.3 33.7 298.9 … 6.4 … 37.3 7.0 74.0 62.4<strong>20</strong>06 <strong>December</strong> 1,161.2 30.3 924.3 308.9 96.4 156.2 615.4 1.0 193.3 27.6 359.5 … 4.2 … 92.1 7.0 103.3 78.4<strong>20</strong>07 <strong>December</strong> 1,435.0 25.8 1,143.1 380.7 133.5 187.5 762.4 2.4 188.4 43.8 489.3 … 2.7 … 103.7 7.0 152.7 114.9May 1,559.3 27.1 1,235.9 363.6 128.1 184.0 872.2 12.4 2<strong>20</strong>.6 39.7 562.5 … … … 109.8 7.0 179.5 129.9June 1,599.6 32.6 1,264.4 395.7 127.3 189.9 868.7 … 198.3 44.5 576.1 … … … 112.4 7.0 183.2 129.9July 1,657.0 33.6 1,316.6 405.9 149.0 193.8 910.7 … 214.0 49.9 594.9 … … … 114.9 7.0 185.0 129.9August 1,718.9 31.4 1,372.3 406.2 142.9 194.4 966.1 … 223.9 59.5 634.2 … … … 119.1 7.0 189.0 129.9September 1,749.4 32.2 1,404.1 483.7 148.6 195.7 9<strong>20</strong>.4 … 148.6 53.3 655.8 … … … 1<strong>20</strong>.4 7.0 185.7 131.9October 1,761.1 31.2 1,414.6 412.5 141.9 <strong>20</strong>0.3 1,002.1 … 233.1 48.5 657.3 … … … 121.7 7.0 186.6 131.9November 1,748.9 31.5 1,386.9 372.8 137.8 174.5 1,014.1 … 255.7 48.0 653.4 … … … 133.3 7.0 190.2 131.9<strong>20</strong>08 <strong>December</strong> 1,808.2 34.9 1,444.1 429.8 176.0 186.2 1,014.2 … 250.1 51.4 656.7 … … … 129.8 7.0 192.5 145.9January 1,793.6 38.9 1,421.7 390.0 144.9 180.8 1,031.8 … 244.0 51.4 681.6 … … … 134.9 7.0 191.0 145.9February 1,825.4 42.0 1,444.4 390.3 128.2 195.4 1,054.1 … 244.1 69.0 685.1 … … … 140.0 7.0 192.0 145.9M arch 1,863.1 52.2 1,468.5 414.7 134.3 215.3 1,053.7 … 249.6 69.4 678.9 … … … 141.7 7.0 193.8 145.9April 1,858.8 46.2 1,465.7 398.1 125.0 <strong>20</strong>4.0 1,067.5 … 231.8 78.7 681.2 … … … 140.4 7.0 199.5 148.4May 1,909.9 51.8 1,500.8 472.0 132.2 210.0 1,028.9 … 195.8 78.7 683.2 … … … 147.8 7.0 <strong>20</strong>2.4 149.4June 1,927.1 41.8 1,513.0 417.4 136.4 211.2 1,095.5 … 245.3 72.2 690.7 … … … 152.1 16.9 <strong>20</strong>3.3 149.4July 1,959.5 41.1 1,552.9 443.6 144.9 225.2 1,109.3 … 247.9 66.3 703.7 … … … 147.7 16.9 <strong>20</strong>1.0 149.4August 2,024.1 40.8 1,616.9 477.5 158.7 230.0 1,139.4 … 250.5 72.9 731.8 … … … 154.8 16.9 194.5 159.4September 2,066.3 50.5 1,646.2 485.8 157.6 225.7 1,160.4 … 256.8 75.7 742.3 … … … 148.9 24.4 196.3 159.4October 2,066.9 45.0 1,640.1 521.8 162.6 222.9 1,118.3 180.1 16.5 80.1 755.3 … … … 161.9 24.4 195.4 159.4November 2,087.0 44.3 1,648.3 514.8 156.7 221.9 1,133.5 175.0 21.8 80.7 770.9 … … … 166.8 24.4 <strong>20</strong>3.1 159.4<strong>20</strong>09 <strong>December</strong> 2,<strong>20</strong>4.1 58.5 1,744.9 517.8 184.0 237.7 1,229.5 163.9 73.9 82.9 801.9 … … … 171.7 24.4 <strong>20</strong>4.6 159.4January 2,<strong>20</strong>6.1 59.1 1,754.1 482.7 156.9 224.7 1,271.4 151.7 151.7 84.5 832.9 … … … 159.0 24.4 <strong>20</strong>9.4 160.4February 2,228.3 55.9 1,775.6 513.6 150.0 244.9 992.4 151.7 151.7 70.4 590.5 269.5 … 1.1 159.5 24.4 211.8 160.4March 2,240.1 55.3 1,777.2 512.0 145.2 251.6 992.3 151.7 151.7 65.7 592.3 272.9 … 1.1 166.4 24.4 215.6 162.4April 2,<strong>20</strong>3.7 52.9 1,746.4 496.1 137.5 258.1 967.6 112.9 98.3 71.6 594.1 282.8 … 1.1 163.6 24.4 215.3 162.4May 2,<strong>20</strong>8.1 51.2 1,749.5 536.4 149.4 264.2 914.9 136.5 29.0 68.7 591.0 298.2 … 1.1 163.9 24.4 218.0 163.4<strong>20</strong>10 June 2,218.8 48.6 1,751.7 525.9 153.8 270.2 923.0 137.5 31.0 67.4 594.3 302.0 … 1.1 168.7 24.4 224.3 164.4| 109

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