Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...

Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ... Financial Stability Report No1 20 December 2010 - Banka Qendrore ...


Number 1Financial Stability Report100 |

Financial Stability ReportNumber 1Table 1. Main Macroeconomic IndicatorsDescription 2006 2007 2008 2009Real SectorNominal GDP (in millions of euro) 1/ 3,182 3,411 3,849 3,868Real GDP 1/ 4.0% 4.0% 5.4% 4.0%GDP per capita (in euro) 1/ 1,515 1,605 1,784 1,766Nominal GDP (in millions of euro) 2/ 3,120 3,394 3,851 3,912Prices (annual average) 2/ 0.6% 4.4% 9.4% -2.4%Prices (annual change) 2/ 1.1% 10.5% 0.5% 0.1%Financial Sector (in millions of euro)Financial corporations assets 2,159.0 2,941.9 3,370.3 4,005.0of w hich: Other dep. corporations 1,161.2 1,435.0 1,808.2 2,204.1Other depository corporations loans 636.6 892.1 1,183.4 1,289.0Other depository corporations deposits 924.3 1,143.1 1,444.1 1,744.9External Sector (in millions of euro)Current account -226.1 -354.1 -628.7 -673.5of w hich: goods import -1,295.6 -1,545.2 -1,885.7 -1,850.6of w hich: remittances (received) 467.1 515.6 535.4 505.6Capital and financial account -14.9 91.3 462.8 535.7of w hich: foreign direct investments(received)289.2 431.0 341.5 273.61/ IMF (2008, 2010);2/ SOK (2010);3/ MEF.| 101

Number 1<strong>Financial</strong> <strong>Stability</strong> <strong>Report</strong>100 |

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