Central Valley's Fitness Visionary - HER LIFE Magazine

Central Valley's Fitness Visionary - HER LIFE Magazine

Central Valley's Fitness Visionary - HER LIFE Magazine


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Lodi office so I pulled up roots and returned home.” Full of obviousenthusiasm for what she does, Julie is all smiles as she related,“Finally, after all these years, there is a girl in the family business.”Julie enjoys working alongside her brother and notes that whileshe is more the face of the business (“I love people!”), David is theprincipal owner who handles a lot of the details. “I love to be outamong people and making connections,” she said. “That is one ofthe best parts of the job for me.”And if three generations of DeJongs weren’t enough, Julie’s16-year-old son, Russell, works in the office after school and Davidalso has his eye on his grandson, also named David, to enter intothe family business. “We are here as a family unit. My grandfatherwould have loved it,” she beamed. Many satisfied clients easily seethe essence of Ed in Julie, noting that she reminds them of her lategrandfather. “We both share that same sense of friendliness andease of presence,” she noted.Even the office décor is reminiscent of comfort and security.With its relaxing nautical theme and peppering of lighthouses, JulieThe deJong name still carries alot of impressive weight, too. Infact, one client recently cameacross a life insurance policyfrom a family member that wasdated in 1958 and written by ed.When the client searched theInternet to see if the companywas still in business, he waspleasantly surprised to findthat it was.likens those images to what DeJong stands for. “Lighthouses areguiding lights, a source of security, taking you home,” she explained.“DeJong’s provides that same sense of security for our clients.”One of Julie’s favorite aspects of the job is what happens onSaturday mornings. A far cry from her fast-paced real estate careerin prestigious neighborhoods down south, Julie now meets withfarmers and takes photos of their farms, crops and buildings.The DeJong name still carries a lot of impressive weight, too.In fact, one client recently came across a life insurance policy froma family member that was dated in 1958 and written by Ed. Whenthe client searched the Internet to see if the company was still inbusiness, he was pleasantly surprised to find that it was. “It meansa lot to me to realize that people still value and trust the name,”said Julie.While Julie manages to keep a finger on the pulse of realestate, she also relies upon her phenomenal public relations skills,meeting and talking with clients, and nurturing family businessesnow through her work with DeJong Insurance.“Some of our clients have property that has been in their familyfor 150 years and we are now writing third generation policies asthe land has been passed down and divided,” commented Julie.Julie is the epitome of the “handshake agent.” She loves tocome out and literally shake the hands of her clients. Have a claim?She will come right out and take photos and send them to theagency. “The purpose of our family business is to take care of yourfamily business,” she smiled.When it comes to insuring your family property, turn to family—the DeJong Insurance family. ■For more information on DeJong Insurance, visit them at801 S. Ham, Suite C in Lodi, call 209-368-4133 or go onlineat dejonginsurance.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 43

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