JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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Law. He submits to the Divine will under all circumstances and gets freedom from egoism. Thesense of mine and thine, which forms the dark curtain of ignorance and is a bar to self-realization,is eradicated and a spiritual link established with all mankind and the created universe.Jap Ji <strong>Sahib</strong> is the essence of the teachings of Guru Granth <strong>Sahib</strong>, the holy scriptures of the Sikhs.It deals with the main ideals which should guide a Gursikh, “A searcher after Truth”; under thedirections of the Satguru.How can we realize the truth?This Pauri at first deals with the methods and practices generally in vogue but which do not leadto realization and peace. In the end Satguru Nanak gives his own method. Be at-one-with theDivine Law, innate in the human mind.Under the Divine law the whole universe is manifested, but this law is beyond thereach of words. It is inexpressible. Under that Law all the living creatures come intoexistence. Under that Law persons gain greatness. Under that Law some are born highand some low.Under that Law people get pleasure and pain according to their Karmas. Underthat Law some are blessed with the Divine grace, and get freedom from all desire, and thegift of self-realization. Under that Law some go on passing through endless cycles ofbirth and rebirth.The whole Universe with its unlimited and boundless creation is controlled by thisDivine Law. Sayeth Nanak, he who realizes this Divine Law and becomes at-one-with it,gets in tuned with the Universal Divine and loses all sense of egoism, mine and thine. Healways submits himself to the divine will, and feels that the whole Creation is infusedwith the Divine spirit and all persons are brothers and sisters in spirit without anydistinction of caste, creed, race or colour. Thus the veil of selfishness is removed and theEternal Truth, the Divine within and without, is realized. Then one becomes Godconscious.

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