JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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In short, by following the above given process, the pure Divine name, dwells inthe human heart, and fills it with a sense of the presence of Divine Reality; both withinand without (in the whole creation).In this true mint (the company of saints and God-conscious persons) one realizesthe Divine within. The above given method is adopted by only those who acquire thegrace of God by following the teachings of the Satguru in complete humility and selfabnegation(I am nothing). O Lord, all my qualities and powers flow from Thee.Without them I cannot raise even my little finger.Note: - In a steady mood of forbearance and toleration one has to keep self-control over all his desires andbe a staunch devotee of truthfulness. With these fundamental qualities as the basis, one has tolisten to, study and act upon the teachings of the Satguru. Then with the fear of God in the mindand a sustained and steady mood, one has to meditate on the Divine name. In this way all thedross of selfishness is removed and the Divine within shines in its full effulgence. Then oneobtains the grace of the Guru (God conscious persons) and attains everlasting bliss. This path isfollowed by those who come under the gracious shade of Sat Sang, the congregation of Godconscious persons.This solok gives the gist of the Japji <strong>Sahib</strong>. It tells man that he whole naturesurrounding him, is the source of his birth, feeding and Gur-Updesh.Keeping these things in mind, keep thy actions pure and truthful. Good and evilhave their own effects. Good actions take you near the God-head (The realization of theDivine within) and evil actions take you farther away. Therefore, do good and remain intouch with Thy source the One-in-All and the All-in-One. But right actions only do notlead to complete freedom (At-one-ment). Therefore, along with righteous actions in theworldly dealings, meditate on the Divine Name (at least three hours before day break),with such devotion, that God’s name ever dwells in thy heart. Thus your face will shine

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