JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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sense of humility and his own littleness fills his heart, and he goes into a stage of ecstasyand adoration. In this state of mind the speech becomes sweet and beautiful.It finds expression in various forms of poetic out bursts, and the heart is filledwith immaculate and perennial sweetness. This stage cannot be expressed in words.Anyone who tries to do so, falls so short of it, that he himself feels ashamed of his vainattempt.At this stage, the power of fixing one’s attention, judging right from the wrong,keeping one’s mind straight on the path of truth, and the sense of realizing the Divinewithin becomes pure, and free from all dross of selfishness. The cloud of selfishness isremoved and one reaches the fine and pure sage of Devtas and Sidhs. All his thoughtsand actions become more pure and forceful.Note: - After passing through the true stages of Dharma and righteous actions in all walks of life, andGyan, (a broad and clear vision of the Infinite Universe), the searcher after truth feels his ownsignificance. He is filled with awe and humility, at the sight of the overwhelming immensity ofnature (God’s creation). He bows down his head in great devotion and meekness, and feels that heis an infinitesimal part of the creation. The sense of egoism (I am everything, I now everything) isuprooted and one feels ashamed of the claims one makes as a knower or the doer. In this meekand humble stage; third stage of mind one becomes a true receptacle of Divine grace (karma) andreaches at-one-ment with the One-in-All and the All-in-One.Those who have conquered the ego become true recipients of the Divine grace.They become at-one with the Eternal Divine and their mind is filled with Divine power,which enables them to conquer all the five passions (selfishness, lust, anger, avarice,attachment to the flesh, and overwhelming pride). Whatever they say comes to pass.

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