JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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court (the congregation of His saints) is also ever true. Those who have realized theDivine within, and attained at-one-ment with the Divine without, adorn it.The grace of God blesses them, and their faces radiate the peace and glory, whichfills their hearts. In that assemblage of God-conscious persons, the unripe (low) and theripe (high) stage of human beings are judged. Sayeth Nanak, this can only be realizedwhen one reaches that stage.The stage described above is the stage of Dharma (performing righteous deedsand reaping their fruit); now let us depict the stage of knowledge (deep insight into God’screation)Herein we realize that there are innumerable worlds, with countless atmospheres(airy regions surrounding them), innumerable oceans, fairy regions, many Kahans (LordKrishnas) and numerous Shivas. (Each earth having its own lord Krishna and Shiva).There are countless Brahmas engaged in creating beings of various forms andcolours. There are innumerable earths on which persons reap the fruit of their karma andcountless high mountains on which Yogis and Rishis dwell. There are numberless DhruBhagats and numberless Narads who show the path of meditating on the Divine Name tothem. There are innumerable Indras (the kings of Devtas), countless Moons and Suns;and countless worldly regions. There are countless Sidhs (who have attained occultpowers), Budhas (persons who have reached the region of true reason), countless Naths(masters among Sidhs), and countless Devies (Damsels of high and immaculate

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