JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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with the Guru, by ever keeping his teachings in their minds. They ever keep their mindsfixed on the Divine Master and meditate on His name. No worldly desire can swervethem from the path of unselfish service, and seeing Him in the whole created Universe.So far in the Japji <strong>Sahib</strong>, Guru Nanak has dealt with the qualities and functions ofthe One-in-All and the All-in-One. His Divine law and the annihilation of egoism (thesource of all selfishness) by complete submission to His Will (Divine Law).For this purpose we have to rise three hours before sunrise, take a cold bath andmeditate on the Divine name (Waheguru) and sing hymns in His praise in completerapture. It is essential to listen to the teachings of the Satguru (a God-conscious person)with rapt attention, weigh and fix them in our minds and scrupulously act upon them. Bythis daily mediation, prayer and submission to the Guru’s will, we come to the stage ofself-realization and attain the status of a Panch (a saint who has risen above alltemptations and feels the presence of the Divine both within and without).Now we come to His creation and nature through which He manifests and revealsHimself. The created Universe is so infinite that no one by mere intellect can gauge anddescribe it. This creation is sustained and carried on persistently by the Divine Lawworking calmly and smoothly in its course without the least divergence. The balance ofthe whole creation is maintained by Dharma (righteousness in thought, word and deed),which is born of mercy (an all embracing love, charity, forgiving and overlooking eachother’s faults); combined with the spirit of contentment (satisfaction with whatever Godgives us, without any thought of encroaching on the rights of others).After giving his own idea, Satguru Nanak takes into consideration the commonbelief that the earth is supported by a bull and explodes it. To persons pinning their faithon this theory Guru Nanak asks how much burden can a bull carry? (Or no bull has thepower to lift the earth). This earth is vast, and there are innumerable worlds beyond, nophysical being can sustain their burden. However, if we take it for granted that this earthis supported by a bull, he must have some solid ground to fix his hooves on. Thus therewould be an innumerable chain of earths after earths, as in the vast expanse of theUniverse the bull cannot fix his feet. Therefore, this theory is irrelevant. The world issustained by the spirit of Dharma (righteousness in thought, word and deed) born of anall embracing spirit of love and forgiveness, coupled with contentment, satisfaction withwhatever God gives us, without the least desire of encroaching on the rights of others.Besides this, the created beings on the earth are innumerable. They are ofdifferent varieties, variegated colours and with all kinds of names. They cannot becounted by anyone. No pen can know their number, except the ever-running pen of theDivine Law. Who has go the power to give their names in writing, i.e. no one can writeit. Even if one tries to do so, his estimate falls far short of the real number.No one can express in words His all-embracing power, and the enchanting beautyof His nature (Creation). No one can estimate the gifts, He bestows upon His creation.

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