JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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One who fixes one’s mind on Satguru’s teachings becomes free from all desires.He never stoops down to beg anything for himself, worldly or spiritual. He rises abovedeath and becomes a truly ideal man.The glory of the Divine Word (gurmantar – WAHEGURU), which is immaculateand free from all dross of attachment, is so great that only he who meditates on it, withfull faith and love and makes it dwell in his mind, can realize it.In this Pauri Satguru Nanak describes the stage of those persons who have heardthe Divine name from the Sat Guru, have weighed it in their minds and given it apermanent place there, by daily mediating on Him and singing hymns in His glory, withlove and devotion. They have brought their lives in unison with the Divine law. Theirminds are ever filled with rapture, all-embracing love, self-knowledge, self-control, sweetimperturbable temperament, righteousness and mercy. Such saints attain the stage ofGod-consciousness and are accepted by God in their very lifetime. Thus they become atonewith God in their life. In this world they attain spiritual, moral & social leadership.After death, they get a high place in the Divine Realm. Such saints are ornaments in thecourts of kings or they are true kings in the Divine Realm. Such saints acquire at-onementwith the Eternal Divine. They become at-one with Him. They blend themselves

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