JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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One who fixes one’s mind on Satguru’s teachings, goes on treading the path ofDivine realization without facing any obstacle. He gains very high respect in this worldand everyone bows down to his spiritual greatness.One who fixes one’s mind on Satguru’s teachings does not tread the narrow lanesand devious paths of priestly castes and creeds. He goes on following the path of selfrealization,without any distinction of caste, creed, race or colour.One who fixes one’s mind on Satguru’s teachings naturally acquires the power offollowing the right path without the least wavering. Such a person rises above allattachment, and virtue flows spontaneously out of him (his mind). He is pure andvirtuous in thought, word and action.The glory of the Divine Word (gurmantar – WAHEGURU), which is immaculateand free from all dross of attachment, is so great that only he who meditates on it withfull faith and love, and makes it dwell in his mind, can realize it.He who fixes his mind on Satguru’s teachings, gets freedom from birth andrebirth. He is free here and hereafter. Here he is at-one with the Divine, and when hefinishes the span of his mortal existence he blends himself in Him.Such a person acquires freedom for himself, and shows the path of getting free, toal those (His family, his relatives, his friends, the members of his community, his wholenation, and the whole family of mankind) who come in contact with him.One who fixes one’s mind on Satguru’s teachings becomes God-conscious, andacquires the power of showing the path of self-realization to others. Such a person makesothers his disciples, who by following his instructions rise above all attachment. Thusboth the teacher (the Guru) and the taught (the disciple) reach the Realm of selfrealizationand at-one-ment with the Divine (the Infinite source of all creation).

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