JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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By listening to the teachings of the Satguru with rapt attention one attains therealization of Truth, the stage of permanent contentment (remaining resigned to His willunder all circumstances), and the knowledge of the Divine within and without (arealization that the whole created universe lives, moves and has its being in the One-in-All and the All-in-One and is controlled by Him).By listening to the teachings of the Satguru with rapt attention, one acquires thefruit of bathing the sixty-eight places of pilgrimage in Bharat Varsha (Hindustan).By listening to the teachings of the Satguru with rapt attention, one acquires thesame amount of respect that a person acquires by years of painful study. By listening tothe Divine teachings of the Satguru, (without any worldly desire) one acquires freedomfrom all attachment; and his mind remains permanently fixed on the Divine within andwithout, the all-pervading Eternal Reality. He is in tuned with the Infinite in though,word and deed and rises above all temptation. Sayeth Nanak His devotees who meditateon His name are filled with ecstasy. Their faces beam with Divine joy. No pain or sincan touch them. They rise above all pain and sin.Note: - There are very few people who listen attentively to spiritual truths. Being slaves of mammon andhunters after pleasures of flesh, their minds always wander away. The body is present but themind is absent. Hardly one in millions imbibes the spiritual teachings of God conscious personsof scriptures.By listening to and drinking in deep the Divine name, one realizes the truthcontained in the fathomless oceans of knowledge; (the Vedas, the Shastras and theGurbani); one attains the rank of Sheikh – the head of a clan, Pir – religious leader, or aking. The ignorant (the blind hunters after pleasures of flesh) find the Path of truerealization. The Infinite fathomless Divine is realized. One becomes God-conscious, andfeels His presence in the whole created Universe. Or one can easily cross the

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