JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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conscious persons) and evil Karmas lead him astray. By following the path of meditationon the Divine name one can eradicate the effect of all evil Karmas (see note Pauri 20 th ).Weighing and fixing in one’s mind the priceless jewels and precious stones ofvairag – non-attachment to the worldly pleasures, jawahar – the power of selfrealization,manak – listening to the Guru’s teachings with rapt attention, and thenscrupulously acting upon them are all latent in the human mind. They are revealed whenone attentively listens to the Satguru’s teachings and implicitly obeys them.Through the grace of the Satguru, I have realized that He alone is the Bestower ofall gifts to the whole creation. Every moment I feel His presence within me and I live,move, and have my being in Him.By following the Yog marag (Pranayam) one may prolong his life to the extent ofthe four cycles of this world (Four Yugas-Satyug, Traita, Duapar, and Kalyug) and eventen times that period. He may gain a worldwide reputation, and everyone may feelhonoured by walking in his train. The praise of his virtuous deed may be on every humantongue.But if he has not attained His grace, then a time will come when no one wouldcare even to recognize him. His misdeeds shall be reckoned with, and he shall be foundguiltiest of the guilty, and a worm among worms, the lowliest of the low, in the assemblyof the saints in the life hereafter. But sayeth Nanak the Divine Master is so bountiful,that he showers His blessings on all. If a guilty person repents, He grants him goodqualities, and makes the virtuous more virtuous. There is none else in the world Who canuplift such a degraded person, and there is no other who can be a bestower of goodqualities. He alone is the source of all good. He is dependent on none else.

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