JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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He is self-existent and Eternal. He has not been established or created by anyone(unlike worldly gods or goddesses whom people set up in their temples or other places ofworship). He is One-in-All and All-in-One. He reveals Himself in His creation andrevels in its glory but is unattached to everything.He who meditates on His name as the Eternal Reality gets the gifts of selfrealizationor God consciousness, and attains eternal greatness both Here and Hereafter.Sayeth Nanak: Sing the praises of Him who is the treasure house of all virtues and noblequalities.By this singing and listening to His praises with rapt attention and filling our mindwith His love and devotion we get freedom from attachment – the source of all worry andtrouble – and attain self-realization, the haven of eternal peace and bliss.In the second part of this verse, Satguru Nanak Dev Ji declares that the path ofPrema bhagti (losing oneself in the Eternal Divine by meditation on His name), one neednot depend on outward props, which the followers of Yog Marag or Pranayam do. Forthe follower of this path absolute and complete faith in the Guru is essential.So Guru Nanak says: - The spoken words of the Satguru who has realized theTruth is the rhythmical sound on which I have to fix my mind. The Guru’s word is thesource of True knowledge for me. It makes me realize the Divine, everywhere and ineverything.The Satguru is my Isher (Shiv destroyer). The Guru is my Vishnu (the protectorand feeder). The Guru is my Brahma (the creator) and the Guru is my Parbati (the

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