JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...

JapJi Sahib- A Translation - Prof Teja Singh - Raj Karega Khalsa ...


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away. This process of giving and taking goes on from age to age, cycle to cycle, sayethNanak.The Divine master controls the immutable Divine Law, yet remains unattached,ever joyful and self-contained.In the created universe He is the Eternal Reality, and controls it through His neverchanging Divine Law. His name is also true. Countless persons filled with illimitablelove and reverence call Him with various names, and beg from Him all kinds of gifts. Hebestows them to all.Q. Now what shall we present before Him, that He may reveal Himself to us? Whatsweet words shall we utter, that on hearing them He may bestow the gift of Hislove on us?Ans.All the worldly gifts, we beg from Him and He gives them to us. By returningthese to Him in the way of offerings we cannot gain His love, Who is the giver ofeverything. By so doing we only save ourselves from being ungrateful. The onlything that can gain His love for us and bring us to the realm of self-realization(God consciousness) is to get up at least three hours before sunrise, meditate onHis name and then sing hymns in His Divine praise.Note: - The time fixed by Guru Nanak for meditation on the Divine Name is at least three hours beforesunrise. Some persons ask what is the need of taking this trouble? Can’t we meditate on theDivine name at any time of the day? By all means meditate day and night without losing a singlemoment. By getting up three hours before sunrise has its own significance.Mankind may be divided into two parts: -(a) Those who follow the path of hunting after physical enjoyments and satiate their sensuous andsensual appetite, and

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