Summer - Lee University

Summer - Lee University

Summer - Lee University


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emarkable progress of the new Schoolof Religion located on the south side ofcampus at the corner of Parker and 8thStreets. Under roof for three months,brick facing is now complete on threesides of the two-story structure. Insidethe diversity of the new classroombuilding is clearly visible.Upon entering, the front foyer willfeature a magnificent center split staircasefrom a spacious lobby. The stairslead to a second level reading roomwhich will contain a library of the latestacademic volumes on religion and theologyunder a beautiful natural woodceiling. Five large classrooms—two onthe first level and three on the second—will be capable of holding up to 60 studentseach. Smaller seminar and conferencerooms will be sprinkled throughoutthe building as well. Four facultyclusters will contain office space for 28professors, as well as secretarial and privateconference meeting space. Therewill also be suites for the dean and twodepartment chairs with a total of sixoffices, reception, and secretarial space.A highlight of the School of Religion’sfloor plan will be a 203-seatLecture Hall located on the lower level.Featuring a two story ceiling and thelatest in electronic teaching technology,the new lecture hall will add greatly tothe large class teaching options so badlyneeded on the <strong>Lee</strong> campus.Outside the 12-sides of the lobbyand reading room will be a dramaticarchitectural feature, as will the coppertoppeddome of the main entrance.While maintaining the design continuityof the new buildings of the last twodecades, the new School of Religionwill stand out as one of the more aesthetically-pleasingstructures on the<strong>Lee</strong> campus.“The progress on the School of Religionhas been remarkable over the lastseveral months,” stated Cole Strong,who serves as the project liaison fromthe president’s office. “We are more andmore optimistic that the constructionmay be completed ahead of schedule toallow occupancy of this beautiful newbuilding in the fall.”TOP: The School of Religion will be a dramatic addition at the corner of Parker and 8thStreets; MIDDLE: Masonry workers place the finishing touches on the south side of thenew building; BOTTOM: Project manager Cole Strong stands on the stairs which lead fromthe entrance lobby to the second level reading room.TORCH • <strong>Summer</strong> 200813

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