Smirnov, A V; Nikolaev, D V; Kolesnikov, V A

Smirnov, A V; Nikolaev, D V; Kolesnikov, V A

Smirnov, A V; Nikolaev, D V; Kolesnikov, V A


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Figure 2. Impedance plots of body segments: wrist-to-ankle (a), elbow-to-knee (b), knee-to-knee(c), proximal forearm (d)Figure 3. Z C1 and Z C2 impedance plots (a), frequency dependences of modules of Z C3 and Z C4 (b)Figure 4. Resistance (a) and reactance(b) measurement errors dependences on resistance valueTable 1. The results of BIA segmental measurementsBody segment SEE Cole,Cp,pFSEE Cp,R 500 ,X 500 ,ΔR 500 ,ΔX 500 ,ΔR 50 ,ΔX 50 ,Wrist-to-ankle 2,43 60 0,54 297 -27.5 2,2 16.7 0,6 2,2Wrist-to-wrist 1,03 40 0,51 327 -27.8 1,7 13.5 0,5 1,7Elbow-to-knee 1,59 180 0,71 135 -12.8 1,1 10.3 0,5 1,5Knee-to-knee 0,82 320 0,22 76 -7.4 0,7 5.8 0,3 0,8Results in the Table 1 were obtained using E2 electrode type. Here, SEE Cole and SEE with C p arestandard errors of the impedance approximation as Z Cole only and Z Cole with C p capacitance taken in

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