February 23, 2006 - AHRDCC - Workforce Connex

February 23, 2006 - AHRDCC - Workforce Connex

February 23, 2006 - AHRDCC - Workforce Connex


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<strong>February</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2006</strong>Private Sector Engagement Forum (PSEF)– Nova ScotiaService Canada Boardroom99 Wyse RoadDartmouth, Nova ScotiaAd Hoc CommitteeRecord of Decisions/summary of discussionsParticipants:Kari Morgan – Service CanadaRobert Sampson – Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC)Shannon Kelly – Department of Education (DOE)/ (Gov’t of NS)Gerald Toney – Mi’ kmaq Employment and Training Secretariat (METS)Valerie Whynot – Aboriginal Peoples Training and Employment Commission(APTEC)Ron Ryan – Aboriginal Human Resource Development Council of Canada(<strong>AHRDCC</strong>)Craig Hall – <strong>AHRDCC</strong>Kelly Lendsay - <strong>AHRDCC</strong>Agenda itemsIntroductionsRecord of Decisions/summary of discussionsAll participants introduce themselves.A brief background was given on the <strong>AHRDCC</strong> andwhere the private sector engagement forumoriginated.Steering CommitteeMembersDay/Location/Directionof ForumAs well, each of the participants given a briefbackground on their organizations, structure andprogram areas.It was felt that the Ad Hoc Committee should comprisethe Steering Committee. As well, the committee couldbe expanded to include employers’ representativesand Nova Scotia Associations and Sector Councilsand labour organizations.Kari agreed to follow-up with the Federation of Labourand Shannon with the Nova Scotia Association ofSector Councils as a possible member of the SteeringCommitteeThe date of forum is scheduled for June 28 th with areception in the evening from 7-9 p.m. and then1

Agenda itemsSuggested Theme /Objectives / Agenda /Format for ForumRecord of Decisions/summary of discussionsstarting at 9 a.m. on June 29 th , <strong>2006</strong> at the MembertouTrade and Convention Centre, Membertou, NovaScotia.<strong>AHRDCC</strong> has identified the tag line for these forumswill be ‘<strong>Workforce</strong> <strong>Connex</strong>: Building StrongAboriginal/Private Sector Partnerships’.It was mentioned that apprenticeships were on the risein Nova Scotia.Companies such as Dexter, Michelin, and CanadianTire were taking the initiative and are working withNSCC and DOE on various programs and strategieson how to recruit and retain workers.A comment was made that there were a number ofpeople on reserves who had good skills, knowledge,experience but lacked certification.As well, efforts were being made on reserves toemploy as many people as possible form the reserves– especially during the construction period.Employers such as Dexter (road builders), CanadianTire and Sobeys are very keen on training their ownpeople with assistance from NSCC and thesecompanies should be in attendance at the forum.Perhaps they could make a presentation on theirexperience as well as what their projected employmentopportunities will be.The Holland College (PEI) Co-op model is beingconsidered by NSCC as part of a potential partnershipwith the Nova Scotia Automobile Dealers Association.This model seemed to be a workable one – wherestudents go to college, do work terms then go back tocollege to complete the requirements of the particularprogram. This Co-op model includes a commitmentfrom industry to see the student through to tradecertification.It was explained that this forum was being held at agood time as many employers do have good intentionsbut the follow-through is not always there.2

Agenda itemsRecord of Decisions/summary of discussionsOther employers that could benefit from the forumcould be aerospace and manufacturing, as well, as theNova Scotia Boat Builders Association.Different models of how the college and employerswere working a program on how to employ morepeople were explained and this sparked a gooddiscussion on how the forum could be structured.It was expressed that this forum should be called asymposium, as it will bring together people to discussissues, ideas and what comes out of it will besolutions.Discussions were held on some of the issues andchallenges that Aboriginal people were experiencingfor those on reserve and off reserve as it relates toemployment and training. One of the participants madethe following comments:Gaining access to contacts and partnerships forTrades & Apprenticeship and other opportunities withthe Sector Councils, for the off-reserve population isvital. Realizing our targeted clientele face barriers toemployment and employers need to be aware of bothAHRDAs in the province. APTEC supports clients togain skills, knowledge and experience in manyindustries, however more follow through is required onthe part of more employers to assist us in our goal tohave clients working in sustainable jobs.Our efforts are concentrated throughout the provinceof Nova Scotia in all industries, as our services areClient centred.Having information, contacts and wiling partners in theindustries will hopefully open doors and create moreopportunities.Preliminary List ofParticipants• Aerospace• Manufacturing• Atlantic Caterpillar• Magma International• Dexter• Michelin• Scobey’s• Nova Scotia Boat Builders3

Agenda itemsRecord of Decisions/summary of discussions• New Car Dealership Association• Canadian TireThese companies should be in attendance along withdifferent labour unions.It was explained that all the Native EmploymentOfficers (NEOs) both for on reserve and off reserveshould be in attendance and they should be front andcentre and engaged throughout the forum/symposiumas they are the people who know where the peopleare and what skills they do have.It was felt that the symposium should be structured insuch a way that it tapped into participant’s intelligenceand may be a technique used by Bob Chartrand –Open Space Forum could be adopted for thegathering.The target number of participants should be 120people. Suggested breakdown:AHRDAs (METS and APTEC) = 25Gov’t./Colleges = 25Employers/union representatives = 70• It was mentioned that the Chamber ofCommerce had attended the session held byMinister Bradshaw and they should be invitedto participate – especially in Sydney given theproximity to Membertou.• A suggestions was made that there could be akeynote speaker that could talk on engagement• A comment was mentioned that AtlanticCanada’s Director of Apprenticeships should beinvited to the forum/symposium.• Robert agreed to follow-up with the NSAutomobile Dealership Association’s Coordinatorto check on their interest andavailability• Shannon agreed to provide a list of labourorganizations and potential list of employers toinvite. As well, extend an invitation to theProvincial Aboriginal Affairs to join the SteeringCommittee.4

Agenda itemsCriteria on how tomeasure the Forum’ssuccessFollow-up to theForumNext MeetingRecord of Decisions/summary of discussionsA brief discussion was held on this topic – onesuggestion was made – try to have employers committo hire a certain number of people or commit to thehiring of a number of apprentices.This wasn’t discussed.It was agreed the next meeting would be held on April12 th , <strong>2006</strong> at - 10 am – 2 pm in the Service CanadaBoardroom on the 7 th Floor (Room 725) Dartmouth,Nova Scotia.5

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