LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...

LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...

LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...


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1. ELEN 4486 Microcomputers I2. Credits: 4 (3 Lecture and 1 Lab)3. Instructor: Ruhai WangAppendix A -- Syllabi4. Textbook: Microcontroller Theory and Applications-HC12 & S12 by Daniel J. Pack andSteven F. Barrett, 2 nd edition, Prentice Hall 2007, ISBN 0-13-615205-7/85. Specific Course Informationa. Catalog Description: This is an introductory course in microcomputers. This courseprimarily discusses the basics of microcomputers, microcomputer architectures, assemblylanguage programming, and operating systems. The lab part concentrates on how toprogram Motorola’s 68HC12 microcontroller using the assembly language.b. Prerequisites: ELEN 2411 Circuit I, ELEN 3431 Digital Logical Design and ELEN3421 Electronics I with a grade of “C” or betterc. Required6. Specific Goals for the Course:Objectives (with corresponding ABET Criteria/outcomes):Ensure students:• Understand the basics of computers, elementary computer operations, and thebasics of Motorola's 68HC12 microprocessor. (Criterion 3(a))• Understand the hardware configuration and subsystems ofthe 68HC12microprocessor, including register block, port system, clock and timer modules, memorysytem, analog-to-digital (ATD) converter, and communication systems. (Criterion 3(a))• Understand the reset and exception systems aboard the 68HC12 and know theiroperation. (Criterion 3(a))• Ability to use in simple assembly language programs the instruction set,addressing modes, branch instructions, and directives developed for and allowed by the68HC12 microprocessor. (Criterion 3(b))• Ability to verify the content of registers and memory locations after executing aset of instructions. (Criterion 3(b))• Ability to use the stack memory for temporary data saving, parametr passing andprocedure calling, and the D-Bug utility subroutines of the 68HC12 microprocessor.(Criterion 3(b))• Ability to use the internal register set of the 68HC12 microprocessors in realmode. (Criterion 3(c))• Ability to use the arithmetic and logic instructions for some basic operations.(Criterion 3(c))• Ability to write and analyze simple routines for file management. (Criterion 3(c))80

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