LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...

LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...

LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...


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The faculty are active in the IEEE and involve students in the society activities as much aspossible. The Beaumont Section allows the student section chair to sit as a non-votingmember of the executive committee. The program also has an active chapter of Eta KappaNu (Delta Beta) that the faculty participate in. These interactions serve to enhance theprofessional awareness of the students and to enforce team-bonds outside of normalclassroom and school day activities. This sort of bonding carries over into the professionallives of our students after graduation and many alumni maintain contact with us regularly forthis reason. This also establishes contact with industry for our faculty and is an importantelement of our program assessment in terms of our employer survey process.Two of our six faculty members are registered professional engineers: one in Texas and onein Texas and Florida. This establishes a diversity of background in that each state hasdifferent procedures and statutes for the maintenance of registration.Collectively, the EE faculty have over 100 years of experience teaching engineering withforty-five years of government or industry practice to enhance it. The research backgroundsare sufficiently diverse to allow a good distribution of specialties without overtaxing anyindividual. The nature of our graduate program is such that we can allow for a significantoverlap into upper division electives so that the undergraduate program is enhanced whileavoiding teaching overload in the areas served by dual-listed courses (graduate courses at themaster's level that may be taken by senior undergraduates). The level of scholarship by thefaculty is exceptional given our size. The table below shows scholarly/funding productivitysince the last ABET visit.2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 <strong>2012</strong>Refereed journal papers 3 6 8 5 5 7Conference papers 11 2 4 4 7 3Books 0 0 0 0 1 1Patents 0 0 0 0 1 †† 0Research funding $235K $15K $5K $59K $5K $5KCorporate/private donations $5M † $8.5K $1.5K $2K $2K 0B. Faculty WorkloadReference Table 6-2 (below), Faculty Workload Summary. Workload expectations of thefaculty are as described earlier, 12 load units per semester. The calculations of these units isdependent on course type (lecture, lab, seminar, etc.), number of students, credit hours earnedand level (ugrad, MS or doctoral). A faculty member teaching two courses in a semesterwhile supervising three master's candidates and one doctoral can easily equal the same loadunits as a faculty member teaching four lectures. Faculty workloads are distributed to accountfor curriculum requirements, faculty research and rank.†† Patent application filed (USPTO 12/958,197)† Naming of department by Philip M. Drayer, estate gift, $250K endowed in 2007.34

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