LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...

LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...

LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...


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the college and university. The process is vitally important for tenure-track faculty. Theperformance evaluation constitutes one consideration in the determination of salary increasesshould they be authorized, but other factors such as alleviating salary compression andrelative inequity and departmental effectiveness, may also contribute to the determination ofmerit increases.Figure 6-1. EE Faculty topic/course coverage diagram.The program has between forty to fifty students in the upper division at any time and this iswhere EE faculty begin primary interaction with them. In the lower division, faculty have aninitial encounter in the engineering introductory course (ELEN1100) and in ELEN2411Circuits I. This interaction is minimal since this is only three courses across four semesters.In both introductory courses, however, students are encouraged to attend and join the studentsection of the IEEE and participate in other department activities. Each faculty membermakes themselves available to students as needed. At the end of each semester, the universityconducts student evaluations for every course using a 3rd-party online system. Theevaluations play a major role in determining salary increases and promotions.After students get to the upper division, they begin to interact with the faculty morefrequently and for the rest of their time at the university. It is during this stage that thestudents establish very strong rapport with the faculty. Formal advising is done by the entirefaculty and is easily accommodated due to the small number of students.33

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