LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...

LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...

LUEE 2012 Self-Study Report (PDF) - Lamar University Electrical ...


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Current Students: Students provide the most immediate input for programactivity in the department, but their input must be tempered carefully since it maybe founded on self-motivating interests that are not consistent with the goals ofthe department. Nevertheless, their input is extremely valuable for isolatingproblem areas with short time constants where changes can be effected andevaluated immediately.Our first program objective, and it should be noted that the objectives are not ranked, whichis to prepare our students for successful and productive engineering careers, with emphasison technical competency and with attention to teamwork and effective communication attendsto the needs of alumni in that they leave the program well-prepared for their careers. It is anunderstood principle of engineering that few projects are produced by independent engineersworking in a professional vacuum. Teamwork and communications skills are essential to asuccessful career. This fact is not lost on employers, who have emphasized to us their needfor engineers that have had training and opportunity to exercise these skills. Lastly, the needsof our students are addressed because they are training for productive, successful andfulfilling careers as electrical engineers.Our second objective, to prepare our students for the successful pursuit of graduate studiesand for life-long learning in electrical engineering and related fields attends to the needs ofalumni in that many choose graduate study prior to entering the workforce. Preparation forgraduate study is not exclusive of preparation for work at the BSEE level only, but issupportive of the notion of life-long learning, which is an essential activity of all successfulengineers at any level. Employers need engineers who recognize the importance ofcontinuing education as their businesses are in constant need of being agile in themarketplace in terms of rapidly changing technologies. Our students, as a collective, rarelycome into engineering study understanding this need, but they leave the program fully awareof it's importance and how they can address it.Our third objective, to instill in our students a sense of professionalism with encouragementof professional ethics, professional licensing, and active participation in the affairs of theprofession, is something that our alumni regularly encounter in their careers. Some go on towork in engineering consultancies and thus encounter a need for professional registration.Those not pursuing licensing still must conform to the demands of the profession in terms ofquality of service, ethical behavior and active participation in professional organizations suchas the IEEE. Employers, regardless of company type, have need for engineers not only withtechnical competence as addressed in our other objectives, but with an engineering workethic that supports the company mission to excel in the marketplace while conforming to thelaws that govern our society and our profession. These same needs are met with our studentswho seek to become accepted members into the electrical engineering profession.E. Process for Revision of the Program Educational ObjectivesProgram Educational Objectives are reviewed yearly at meetings of our Advisory Council.The council is comprised of alumni, employers and faculty. Results of changes to the ABETEAC, surveys, student inputs and any opinions developed by members of the council are16

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