GHEF penang.welcoming speech.14dec09.a4

GHEF penang.welcoming speech.14dec09.a4

GHEF penang.welcoming speech.14dec09.a4


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GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION FORUMWelcoming SpeechThank you (Mr/Miss) ChairpersonThe Honourable Minister of Higher Education MalaysiaYang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Mohamad Khaled Nordin,The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Higher EducationYang Berbahagia Datuk Zulkefli A. HassanMembers of the Forum Organising CommitteeLocal and International Dignitaries,Forum ParticipantsLadies and Gentlemen,1. It is with great honour that I welcome everyone present to this GlobalHigher Education Forum 2009. We are very fortunate indeed to receive adistinguished body of academics, researchers, policy makers, managersand stakeholders of higher education from various parts of the world. Weare all gathered here to reflect, analyse, discuss and debate on a widevariety of issues pertaining to global higher education in various contexts.2. Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen. It is fairly obvious that a lot ofefforts have been put in by everyone concerned to ensure the successfulorganization of this forum. Our appreciation to the organizing committeemembers who have worked tirelessly over the last couple of months. Thesynergistic collaboration among the Ministry of Higher Education, UniversitiSains Malaysia, the National Higher Education Research Institute as well

as the Centre for Higher Education Research and Study has been verycommendable. The Ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia alsodeserves special mention in its part as a co-sponsor of this forum. At thesame time, the support and participation of both the Association of AfricanUniversities and the Consortium of North American Higher Education willgive this forum the much needed global inputs and perspectives. Ladiesand gentlemen, in honour of the organizers, the sponsors and theparticipants, please join me to give a round of applause to everyoneconcerned.3. Ladies and Gentlemen. Today, around the globe, there exist variousactive higher education groupings that deliberate on the implementationand execution of education policies. Most, if not all of these policies areregional-centric. As we spearhead towards internationalization, especiallyin this globally financially turbulent times, we need to take intoconsideration the international norms and values. This forum gives us theplatform to converse, to dialogue and to debate on diverse substantiveissues towards establishing a cooperative stand within the harmony ofregional groupings. We will need to understand, to adapt and to adoptelements that can elevate us to higher levels. Ultimately, we will want toprogress, but consciously not at the expense of our traditional beliefs andvalues.4. Ladies and Gentlemen. This Global Higher Education Forum allows usthe opportunity to interact over the next two-and-a-half days. There will beso many things to discuss, from broad issues on access, equity,

participation and quality, to the more focused aspects on curriculardevelopment, scholarship and mobility programmes, lifelong learning aswell as on research and development. There is certainly a number more ofimportant issues that can be discussed other than those mentioned earlier.What is for certain, every aspect cannot be discussed extensively andconclusively within this two-and-a-half day forum. However, the beauty ofsuch a gathering is that it presents us the opportunity to establish networksthrough which we can continuously engage towards improving the currentstate of affairs. Let this forum be the beginning of a rewarding collaborativeinitiative.5. So, ladies and gentlemen, on that note of positive hope, we shouldlook forward to hear positive outcomes from this gathering. Finally,especially to members from the temperate climate, taking advantage ofescaping the cold and windy weather back home, please find time toincorporate leisure into your business schedule. You might want to startyour Christmas and New Year shopping here where the rates are veryfavourable. On the weather front, I wished I could do more to re-direct theheavy downpours in this year-end monsoon season.6. In concluding, I share everyone’s aspiration that through this forum,we will build and sustain partnerships on a common commitment to make apositive difference in our higher education pursuits.Thank you.

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