Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...

Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...

Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...


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B. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (MIS)The following questions are about demographic data your agency may collect on your clients.1. Does your agency’s client information database record race and ethnicity?~ Yes, for all client ! go to 2~ Yes, for certain clients ! go to 2~ No ! go to 1a~ Don’t know ! go to 21a. To your knowledge, what are the reasons you do not record race and ethnicity for your clients?MARK ALL THAT APPLY~ Clients’ privacy rights ! go to 4~ Concerns about quality or completeness <strong>of</strong> data ! go to 4~ Concerns about legal liability ! go to 4~ Other, please specify _______________________________________ ! go to 4~ Don’t know ! go to 42. Please report or estimate what percentage <strong>of</strong> your clients falls into the following racial groups.a. Black or African American .......................b. Asianc. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ............d. American Indian or Alaska Native .................Record Percent Actual Estimated% ~ ~% ~ ~% ~ ~% ~ ~e. White .......................................If reporting the actual percentage, what is the source used for your response?~ Don’t know% ~~COSMOS Corporation, December 2003 5

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