Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...

Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...

Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...


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Frye, B., “Health Care Decision Making Among Cambodian Refugee Women,” in BarbaraBair and Susan E. Cayleff (eds.), Wings <strong>of</strong> Gauze: Women <strong>of</strong> Color and theExperience <strong>of</strong> Health and Illness, Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 1993.Gany, Francesca, and Heike Thiel de Bocanegra, “Overcoming Barriers to Improving theHealth <strong>of</strong> Immigrant Women,” Journal <strong>of</strong> the American Medical Women’sAssociation, August/October 1996, 51(4).Geissler, E.M., “Nursing Diagnoses <strong>of</strong> <strong>Culturally</strong> Diverse Patients,” International NursingReview, September-October 1991, 38(5).Graham, E.A., and Jip Chitnarong, “Ethnographic Study Among Seattle Cambodians:Wind Illness,” Harborview Medical Center, November 1997.Harrell, J.A., and E.L. Baker, “The Essential Services <strong>of</strong> Public Health in America,”Leadership in Public Health, 1994, 3(3):27-31.The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, “Immigrants’ Health Care Coverage and Access,”August 2003.The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, “Perceptions <strong>of</strong> How Race and Ethnic BackgroundAffect Medical Care: Highlights from Focus Groups,” October 1999.Health Resources and Services Administration, DHHS, Eliminating Health Disparities inthe United States, November 2000.Heckler, M.M., “Report <strong>of</strong> the Secretary’s Task Force on Black and <strong>Minority</strong> Health,” U.S.Department <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, Washington DC, 1985.Institute <strong>of</strong> Medicine, The Future <strong>of</strong> Public Health, National Academy Press, Washington,DC, 1988.Institute <strong>of</strong> Medicine, “Healthy Communities: New Partnerships for the Future <strong>of</strong> PublicHealth,” Washington, D.C., National Academy <strong>of</strong> Sciences, 1996.Interpreter Standards Advisory Committee, “Bridging the Language Gap: How to Meet theNeed for Interpreters in Minnesota,” 1998.Jacobs, Elizabeth A., Diane S. Lauderdale, David Meltzer, Jeanette M. Shorey, WendyLevinson, Ronald A. Thisted, “Impact <strong>of</strong> Interpreter Services on Delivery <strong>of</strong> HealthCare to Limited-English-Pr<strong>of</strong>icient Patients,” Journal <strong>of</strong> General Internal Medicine,2001, 16(7): 468-474.COSMOS Corporation, December 2003 R-4

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