Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...

Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...

Developing a Self-Assessment Toolfor Culturally - Office of Minority ...


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COSMOS Corporation, “<strong>Assessment</strong> <strong>of</strong> State <strong>Minority</strong> Health Infrastructure and Capacityto Address Issues <strong>of</strong> Health Disparity,” submitted to the <strong>Office</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Minority</strong> Health,September 2000.Cross, T.L,. B.J. Bazron, K.W. Dennis, and M.R. Isaacs, “Towards a <strong>Culturally</strong> CompetentSystem <strong>of</strong> Care: A Monograph on Effective Services for <strong>Minority</strong> Children Who areSeverely Emotionally Disturbed,” Volume 1, Washington, DC: CASSP TechnicalAssistance Center, Georgetown University Child Development Center, June 1989.Cultural and Linguistic Standards Task Force, “Cultural Competency Workgroup PolicyRecommendations,” California Department <strong>of</strong> Health Services, Medi-Cal ManagedCare Division, October 1997.Department <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, Healthy People 2000: National HealthPromotion and Disease Prevention Objectives, U.S. Government Printing <strong>Office</strong>,Washington, DC, 1991.Department <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services, “HHS Fact Sheet on Asian American andPacific Islander Issues,” 1999.Dillard M., L. Andonian, O. Flores, L. Lai, A. Macrae, and M. Shakir, “<strong>Culturally</strong>Competent Occupational-Therapy in a Diversely Populated Mental-Health Setting,”American Journal <strong>of</strong> Occupational Therapy, August 1992, 46(8).Dilworthanderson P., L. M. Burton, and W.L. Turner, “The Importance <strong>of</strong> Values in theStudy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Culturally</strong> Diverse Families,” Family Relations, July 1993, 42(3).Eliason, M.J., “<strong>Culturally</strong> Diversity in Nursing Care: The Lesbian, Gay, or BisexualClient,” Journal <strong>of</strong> Transcultural Nursing, Summer 1993, 5(1).Federal Register, “Assuring Cultural Competence in Health Care: Recommendations forNational Standards and an Outcomes-Focused Research Agenda,” Volume 65, No.247, December 22, 2000.Felt-Lisk, Suzanne, Megan McHugh, and Embry Howell, Study <strong>of</strong> Safety Net ProviderCapacity to Care for Low-Income Uninsured Patients, Mathematica Policy Research,Inc., September 28, 2001.Fernandez-Santiago, M., “Cultural Diversity in an Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum:An Overview,” Journal <strong>of</strong> Cultural Diversity, Winter 1994, 1(1).COSMOS Corporation, December 2003 R-3

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